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3� �E twi�{p�rws' � e �� �,.. �• �r�� oaMa >vGt,.. • i. . .. , . <br /> � ,c . •..c� � . .:,...�. ;j �, <br /> " V}.��,. t. ;+qfy,ui,t,'i ��,�� ,.i,� .1 . . _�.... <br /> �S�M'-�'�t:.'. � ��t�" ��•a+kJYl�i��. Ai....-n ".�:. �n � a..,_'dat...�'�:'ira►_ <br /> ��t� �1 � ..��__1�Y'° .'Mw�4y���-"--.•--- ... ____ <br /> 4� �-;:- <br /> — • <br /> i .�- <br /> - , ._ <br /> , <br /> •,; � - <br /> . <br /> , - <br /> � , - <br /> ('� .� <br /> _ �u, <br /> ! . ' _:��• <br /> �xl �t�. ._ ' � , :Aii."�`'�y�i��;�i��!t���'r:..��I• -�- . . . , .,--_, <br /> - - - ..� :t0i�L71�9�1ii$il': . I . Nj�---- <br /> . ..�_�.�.�5•...nif.�'YL... . . . . -__-__ <br /> . .. <br /> . �'M•\ ._ _".__._' — " � " <br /> ._ . <br /> � <br /> � 92— so�o�o , <br /> �.::���:,�;,;���;�: ; -- <br /> �=.�=�%=�.,:�t:,':r � <br /> =�•�?!";..:�;-.�;";,,��_� uppl[cnble low may xpecify for rcinstatemenq before nAle of Ihe Property pursuunt to ony power af�ole conwined in this ' <br /> ��� �_- Secu�ity Instrument;or(b) entry af u judgment enforcfng this Security lnsuument. 'il�o�e conditiuns are thut Borrower: (u) - <br /> _� payx Lender ull humK which then would be due under �hix Secu�ity Inslrument und the N�Ne ns if no aceeleratfan had <br /> .�����," .:� s all ex nses incurred In enForcing this Securiry <br /> + n ..-, _ accurred;(b)cures ony defwuU oi any aher cavenanw or Agrcements;(c 1 pay pe <br /> '` " instrument, including. 6ut not limited ta. reaconuble attomeys'feex;und (d) tukes .r•uch uction us Lender may reasonabiy <br /> �k �*�'+��''� "�' require to nssu�c thut the lien af Ihis 3ccur�ry Insuumcnt,Lender!�rights in the Property and Barrowcr!c ubligution to puy the <br /> �''�'�"� �''';Y�� Fums secured by Ihi� 5ecudty Inatrumeot ghall cuntinue unchunged. Upon reinstutement by Borrower, this Secudty ; <br /> -.�� . F .' �. ' . _ <br /> i� --�- � -�- Inswmenl und Q�c obligations securcd hercby shall remuin fully effective ns if no accclero�ion had occurced. Howeve�.t s ,� �� , <br /> ^r`x�i`,,.. ' �' ��;,;,,. right to reinstate shnll na npply in the case of ucceleration under parAgmph 17. � <br /> =�`�-�`��' ` ° 19. SSWe ot Note;Ch�o�e of l.oAn Servker. Thc Notc or A partial inlcreat in thc:Note(together with Ihi4 Secudty <br /> ;„,�,�;�;.�:;a�,L..;;. ,� instrument)may be wld one or more times withaut prior notice to Sortowcr. A sule muy result in a change in the entity � <br />� � (known as the'Loan Servicer')Ihut collects monthly puyments due under the Nale nnd this Security Inauument. There s�lso <br /> • may be one or mnre changes nf the L.oun Scrvicer unrelAted to u sAle of thc Note. If Ihere ic u chunge af the L.awl Servicer. � <br /> `" � '� " � Borrower will be given written nutice of the change in uccorduncc witb puragruph 14 abov�und applicable luw. The notice ; <br /> will state the nume und addmss of thc new Loat�Servicer und Ihe address to which payment.r•rhould be mnde. The notfce will i_ _ <br /> ' •••=���-� � also contain uny other informution reyuircd by uppllcuble luw. � <br />'��;' ° •� 20. Hazardaus Srbstnnces. Borrower shull not cAUSe or permit the prexence,use,diRpowd,�turnge,or rClease of any <br /> u. Hzusudaus Substunccs on or M the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor ullow anyane else to do,anylhing uffecung the ^ <br /> y`� '':":"` .' .' , '' Propeny thAt is in viala�ion of any Environmental Law. The pr�ce�iing�wu,rntences shall nut upply to the presence,use,or = --_�__ <br />�� `" ''� ' slorage on the Properey of smull quantities of Haz�udoua Substunces�hat ure genemlly,recognized to be appropriate to nonn�l — <br /> �•. residentinl uses und to muintcnancc of the Properry. <br /> =��_�. � �� �� � Borrawer shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigution,claim.demand,lawsuit�r c�the�s►ction by uny <br /> ` • � ` � � govemmemal or regulatory agency or privnte pany im�lving the Propcny und wiy.Huzardous Sub�lnoce or P.nv9ranmental _ _-- <br /> - �r • .' • Law of which Botrowcr has uctuul knowledse. If Bonower leums, or is nutiCied by any govemirnnwl or ngulntary - <br /> ' • ' ..,i.,;:,�. � uuthority,thAt any rernovul or ather remediatic,n of nny Huzurdous Substunce afieclin�the PropertY�c actiessa►Y•BarnoWer �-- <br />� .. ;�?�;... . . shull promptly tuke all necessnry remediul uctinns in acrnrdunee wilb Environmentnl l.uN�. <br /> h <br />• �,, , <br /> As used in this purusr�ph 20,"Hnzurdous Substunces"are those su bslances J e f ine d us toxic or h a z u rdous substances b y �'��'�=' <br /> � � � Environmental Law und the following +ubxtunces: gasoline,keroxene,rnher ilummuble or toxic petroleum prcxlucts.toxic <br /> .. pe:�ticides und herbicides, volullle salvcnt+. materiulx con�nining usbes�as ar formuldehy�k;, and rndioactive mu[erials. As �,w::;,;,,; <br /> • ' •� used in this pumgraph 20. "Environmentul Luw"means federul IawS und luwc of thc jurisdiciioo where the PmFerty is lacared �.,,_,—__ <br /> Ihnt rclute to orenvironmentul protection. —_ _ <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BaROwcr und Lender furtlier covcnnnt and agrcc as follo�v::: -- — <br /> • " ^• . 2l. Acceleratlon;Rea�edles. Lender shpll give natice to Borrower prior ta acceleralion fdlowfng Borrower's = __ <br /> breacb of nny covenAat ur agreement in Ihis Securfly Inatrument Ibul not prior to acceleration under paragraph l7 — <br /> �- __ unl!�c ap�lkable law provldesotherwise►. The notice shall specify: (al the default;lbl fhe ection required lo cure the =___ <br /> ` � "''•''' •• defeuU;lc)a date,not less thAn i0 deys from the date the notke is�iven to which ihe dciauii wubt be �� <br /> cured:und Idl thot fpflure to cure the default on ur befbre the date speciiied In Ihe nulice may result in acceleration oi' �:rxs��. <br /> . � ' ' Ihe aums secured by this Securlty Instrument and Sule of the Property. The aulice shaU furlher inform Borrower of — <br /> . the ri�ht to relnstwte aRer acceler�tiun and the riqht tn brinQ a court action to assert the non-exislence oP a dePault ur , <br /> ' any olher dePenRC of�rrower tu acceleratinn and sale. If the default is not rured on or before the date speci�ied in r., - _- <br /> • Ihe notke.Lender st lls opNan may reyuira immediate payment in full oP ull xums secured by this Security Instrument � ` <br /> ' without further dernand and.may� im•nke the power uf sule und uny other remedie4 permilted by applicable law. <br /> .� Lender ti ha l l be en t i t l e d ro c d lea l a l l axpe nse ti i n c u r r e d i n p u r n u i n s t h e re roedies provided in this p�ra�rapfi 21. + <br /> includia�.but not limlted la.rea!�onuble uuurneyti'Peer und custs of ti11e evidence. - -�' <br /> . ' '� If the.pow�rof sale ls imoked.'I�uxter shall recurd u notice uf default in euch county in which any part of the �-- <br /> ' , Property is lucated und shpll mail rnpies oi such nutice in the munner pre�crfbed by applicable law b Borrower and to ,�;;- <br /> � � the uther persnns prescribed by upplicable Inw. APter the time reyuired by upqlicable law.'I�uytee shall sive public �;,,,:-- ' <br /> •'�`�' n o t i ce o f s a l e l u I h e p e r ti o p s u p d i n t h e m u n n e r p r r s c r i b e d by u p p l icu b le luw. '1 1�us tee.w i t h o u t d emand on Borruwer. ���?� <br /> shall sell the Property ut publk auction to the hi�hest bidder ul the timc und placc and under the terms desiRnat e d in ""-T�=-� <br /> '':n.;. , •;ft�"" <br /> " Ihe notice of sule in une or more porrclx and in an�•vrder Trutit��r determinex. 'I�utitee mav pustpone wle uf all ur am� ,,...: _,1�,_ <br /> ps�rcel of the Properly by public unnounee�mnt al the time und pluce uf anv previouxlv srheduled tiule. Lender o�its ,;�:;�;�,;,r <br /> desi�nee may purcl�asc tBe Propertv ut uop sule. . • <br /> Upon receipl oP puymenl of the price bid.'ll�usler shull deli�cr 1u the purchuser 'IYutitee's deed conveyinR Ihe � : <br /> Pruperq�. The recitnls in Ihe'IY�ustee+deed�hull be primu facie e��idrnce��P Ihe truth of the statemen4s made therefn. , �� .. <br /> � � • � 7Y�us1�sh�ll apply tbe praceeds oP the sule in the fi►Uo��•inu ordrr: lu 1 lo ull cuslti and e�peosev of excrcising Ihe power � �: <br /> ; � .. . F�+�l�ij,�'.. <br /> � __- ---- <br /> �, :;,�:��:_� <br /> .' <br /> .:.i--�•:: _. <br /> _ � : <br /> �' � <br /> F <br /> , , Fiirm W12M 4i411 ip��er S u�n��der.� � <br /> i <br /> � . - ' ' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> • � , �.1 <br />