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<br /> --__��sa.:����e periods that Lcndcr rcyuircw. '17�inxuruncc curticr proviJing 1hc in�urunre shall t+c chu,cn by BuROwe►xubjcct to Lenderk
<br /> approval which rhall not be unreawnubly withhcld. If Botrowcr 1'ailc ta maintuin coveragr dc`cribed abovc,Lcnder mry.At
<br /> —_— --.;_� Lender's aption.obtoin coverrge to pmtect Lender's rightw in the Pn�pehy in ncc��rdnnce with p•rrugruph 7.
<br /> �iYg��,-; All insuruncc policics wui n�newolti shuU tx:ucceptuble�o Lendcr wal tih+dl includc u zt;uidard moAgnge cluusc. Lendcr
<br /> "��+�5"t�►...�..zir� ' }. : shull huve the right ta hold ehe pulieicx und renewuis. If Lcnder requircs,Bonawer�hvll pmmptly give to Lendcr ull receiptR
<br /> ���;�'���- oP pai�i premiums and renewal notices. In�he evem of loss,Borrower+holl give prumpt natice to tlu insurw�ce cwrier wid
<br /> : , . ,... ��� Lender. Lender may make praaf of loss if nut mude promptly by Bormwer.
<br /> - • - �- •-
<br /> =, - --,• - ,- Unlr:+s LenJer unJ Burruwrr othcrwi+.�ugrcc in writing,intiuruncc prcx:ccds shull be applied��rcKtorntion or mpa r o
<br /> a''� ¢•'., �he 1'ruperty dumuged, if the restoration or repuir is economicully feasible und l.c:nderti sccurity is ncu lessened. If Ihc �
<br /> � � -..�: matomtion or repuir is nat ewnomically feasible or Lender's secunty woulJ be Iezsened.ihe insurunce proceeds Qhall be
<br /> n `T�^'".� �pplied to the sums xecured by thiti Securily Inslrument, whether or not �hen duc, with uny exces� paiJ to Borcawer. If
<br /> Nrrx�i�"'�s�ek���A�,, �
<br /> •,.- :��^t.-^�•• Bortowe;abandona Ihe Property, or does not answer within 3U dayr a notice from Lender thut Ihe insurance carrler has
<br /> • ;.� �:,F�,. , ,
<br /> ';��^•1.'�ti xn,• offered to setQe a claim,then LenJer may collec�thc intiurance praceeds. l.ender muy use the proceed��o r�epu r or restore
<br /> �'"?'•'�"xs%�`�•• � the Property or ta puy sum�secured by tbis Security Instrument.whether or nat then due. The 30-duy periad will begin when
<br />._ --�— .1S t= :-.r?;:"T
<br /> -�_Iw����r.� (IIC IIOUCC IR SIVCO.
<br />._ �..: Unless Lender und Bortower otherwisc ngree in writing, uny upplicu�inn af prac��eds 10 principal shall not extend or
<br /> _�.+�.��xkr.�;�1�:.� pos�ponc the due dule of the monthly payments rct'crrcd to in parugmph. 1 and 2 or chAnge the+unaunt of�he puyments. If
<br /> -�� I�� ="•�� � under�u�ragraph 21 thc Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to uny insur�mce�wlicies und proceed�c resulting c
<br /> ^'"'"-"'�"''`''°r'� ' " from dnma e ta�he Pro n rior lo the uc uisition shall acs to Lender to the extent of lhe tiums secured by thia Security
<br /> � . �....f , g Pe Y P 9 P
<br /> „ F^'. ;'»�"� �� Instrument fmmediAtely prior to�he acyuisition.
<br /> • -•' 6. Uccupancy. Preservation, Meintenance and Proteclian ot the Property; Borrower's LoAn Applicafion;
<br /> _ , _� �. , �'y!���`_ ; Leaseholds. BoROwer shAll orcupy,estublish.�nd use the Propeny us 8orrower's principtd residence within sixty d�tys nfrer !
<br /> =��• � `• '' � the ex��ution of this Securiry Instmment and shull continue io a:cupy the Propcny •rs Born►wer;principal residence for ut =
<br />-_-- " '--"'y; ,�"' ° least one yeur nfter the dute of occupancy, unletis l.ender othenvize ugrees in writing, which con�ent +hall not 6e �.,..
<br /> unreu�unubly wilhheld,or unless extenuu�ing circums�ances exist which urc t+eyonJ BoROwer's contrc►I. Borrower tihall not i_
<br />-��� � destroy,dnmuge or impuir the Propeny.ulluw the Property to deteriorute,ar commit wustc on the Propcny. Barruwer shull �..
<br />:-_=- . �� „'� .� be in defuult if any forteiwre action ar proceeding, whether civil ar crlminal,ir begun thut in Lender's gaxi fui�h judgment
<br /> —� d,w;._„�,:�,.,;w..• could n�cult in forfeitun of the Piruperly or oiherwisc materiully impuir the lien crcule►1 by thix Security In.trument ur =
<br />_ :}�::: ••p+l Lenderti security interes�. Borrower may�cure xuch u default w�d reinxtute,as provided in purugraph IA,by cuu+ing ttx action
<br /> � ' . • •• or praceeding to be dismissed wilh u ruling thnt,in LenJer's gaai foiih detemm�ution,pmcludes fort'eiwre of the Bonuwer's
<br /> , interest in the Property or olher muteriul impuimicnt of�hr lien creuted by thi�Securiry Imlrumcnt ur Lencler's ,ecurily �.
<br /> " �� . interest. Borrower xhall ulsu be in defuult if Bormwcr, during �hc loun applicution prac'es�, guve mutrriully fulsc or ==
<br /> � inaccurnte informution or xtutemeniti to LenJer lor Fuiled to pmvide Lender with uny mu�eriul infornwlionl in connectian with
<br /> � the lo•rn evidenced by Ihe Note, includinR, bu� not limited ta. Rpreurntutiom conceming BoROwer� �xcupunry oF Ihe
<br /> _ -'�`:. "' `�:^-=- ' Property�.�a principa!residence. If�hi�Sr���riry In�ln�men�i.�m u Ico.cholJ.Borrowcr shall rumplY with ull thc provisiom _—
<br />-��:":
<br />- „. , uf thc leu+c. If Borrawer ucyuirex fer�itic to thc Pn�perty,the Icu+ehc�ld und the fee tiNe�hull not mcrgc unless Lendcr ugrcrti �-
<br /> . , to the mergcr in writing. ---
<br /> � ' 7. Protecdon oP Lender'.4 Rights in the Property. 1( BuRUwer fuil+ lo �xrfonn thc covenuntx und u�rcements --
<br /> � , conlained in thiti Securi�y In+trument, or Ihere is u Irgul prcx:reJing ihut may .igni�cuntly uffect l.enderk rightx in the �_-
<br /> � � Propi:ny Isuch u+u procecdin� in bunkruptcy,probulr,ti�r condemnuiion ur forlciture or to enforcr luw+or regulutiontil,thun
<br /> . � o- Lender muy Jo und puy for whutevcr is necezsury w prot�ci thr vulue oF�hc Prupeny und Lrnder�righls in Ilx� Pn�prrty.
<br /> Lendcrti uctions muy include puying uny+um�+ecureJ by u licn�vhich has prii�riry uvcr thi,Securiry In+trumrm,vp�urinF
<br /> ; ' ' in couri,puying r�uxnnublc auamey:fers und emcring on �hr Proprny�o muke repuin. Al�hough Lender muy luke uctiun _
<br /> { . . under�hix parugmph 7,Lender vacs nut havr la Ju,o. ---
<br /> • ° , Any umounl� disbursrd by Lender undcr ihi, paru�raph 7 shid) Ixcom�i�ddi�ionul JeM uf Botrowcr�ecured by thi.
<br /> . ' '' ° Sccurity Imtrwiunt. Unlc,.Borrowcr und Lrndcr ugrcc�o uthrr tcrn►.uf paymrnt,ihc+c amuunt..hull Inur imcre+t from thc
<br /> . Jute uf Jisbursemrnt ut Ihc Nutr r•rte and�hull br puyt�bk, with intere�t,upon nc��ice from Lrndcr a� Born►wcr reyucxting _
<br />._' . � ' puyment. �_
<br /> � 8. Mortgu�e Insurunce. IF LrnJcr rryuirecl monka�.c inxurunce a�u r�mditian of mul.inE �hc Iwn,erured hy ihis •
<br /> Sccurity In,trumenl. BoROw•cr +hull puy �he premiumti required tu m:iintain �hr m��n�a�� in,urancr in rffect. IF. for un �� �
<br /> o � b-' y �;.v
<br />-• ' • reuson. thc mon�!ugc in.urunrr ruvirugc rcyuimd by LenJrr I�ip,r. or rru�c, tu Ix in rfl'rrt. B��rro�ver ,hall pay the �--
<br />' ° ° , prcmium, rcyuiRd �o �ibtain cuvrragr ,ub+umtiully r��ui�•aknt to thr mongs+gr in,ur.�nrc prr�-iou�ly in cl'I'ect. ut a ru�l �.:
<br />- '' substuntiully eyuivulcnt tu tl�cost to Hurruwcr��I'1hc muilg;igc in,ur.mrr pnviuu�h• in rllr�l. t�um an uUcmutc munEagr
<br /> "r`� insurer u roved n Lendrr, II'�ub+t+mtiall c ui��ulrm muia�u�c in.uranrr ruvrra�c i�not availuhlr.Borm�v�r,h:�ll a to
<br /> :� pP Y Y 4 b F- 6 P'Y �
<br /> LenJer ruch n�anlh a tium ryuul to�mr-iwrlfth uf thr yrarh�murlgagc in.ur;ince pr�mium ix:inE paid hy B�,m�wcr whcn ihr
<br /> _ • .:::;�,;:,� insurunrr covrrugr Iup.cJ urrca+rd lo Ix in rftect. l.endcr«•ill arc�pl.u,r and rrlain thr,c pu�•ment,�i.u la.+rr.rrve in licu _-
<br />- _ c,�. . of mortguge insunmrr. l.o.x rr�rn�e puynxm,may nu I�mg�r tx rcyuired. m th���ption of LenJrr, d mortgu�:e in,uruncr �.,z
<br /> � " � � cuvcrugc lin thr amoorn imd liir thc�xri�xl Ihut Lcndcr iti��uirc��pruei�lyd hy:ui in.urrr uppnwrd hy Lrndcr ugain Ixr��me.
<br /> ' . � -- uvuiluble anJ i+��btuincJ.Borr�xvcr,hall piry�hr prrmiinn.rcyuirr.l w muinluin nwr�g:�g�� in,urancc in cttcct.or lo pro��idc a '
<br /> � - lu��rc�crvc.umil thc rrquircmrnt Ic�r murtg.��tr inxurancc cnd� in��rr�n•danrr��•ilh am•wriltcn a�:ircmcnl Iktwern Hurmacr ���
<br /> _ , • ��nJ Lcndcr or:���i���ni�i���, �
<br /> 9. Inspection. l.cndcr ur ilti aErnl may m:�kc rc:nimahlc rnlrir.upun:�n�l fn.prrliun,��I'Ihr Pr„�kn��. Lendrr,hull
<br /> . � . givc Borru�vcr nutirr at thr iimr uf ur prior w.m in,�xrlion.�x ril'}ing rea,un:ihlr ra�nr lur�hr in.�xc�iun.
<br /> 10. ('ondemnuliun. Thr pr�xe«I.ul:im :i��:ird�n rl:um I�ir d:imaLr..dirr.•t�,r�on.ryuential.w runn�ctiun aiih an� ••,.:
<br /> .� tiw41r1.umh �4unolc�Wc%Frrddlc�fucl\IFIIK�I I\1fKl�IM:\1 1 mi��un����cn.m�. 4411 �p�ier?,�I��p�rcrv
<br /> . �.n�.�t I�i1�•Nn.lqrv Ipm.Im � �•"
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