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<br /> •4{Q�� \ � M .� .=l'". .�.
<br /> ;.° . : ,.,};.,;� .C�� . '�nA` ~� I� I R�, , . . k v�_? � . �'---
<br /> ;4• ��, �.�1» s iGfi— ^f!:•• T�.? .-..:-y"f•,�R�r I ,.�• . . . ss�e.'•t+. .— _-__•- --
<br /> �[ •t-. ti� � '�.�_..�_ r.,: �
<br /> �r, .- .. . . . • -
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<br /> • �� � .`t.�y..F�is. • ,., . � ''
<br /> Q _ . . g2— �o�u4� �_
<br /> ���;��
<br /> - =��'� c�Hdemnuticm or ahcr laking of any parl ol dus Pa�pcny.ur for conveywxc in licu�d'cu�ulcrnnuti�ut,urn c�mhy ayxiQr�l anA
<br /> ,_-=._�.{,.
<br /> shall t�e paid to LcncJcr.
<br /> �;"1� 1�ih� evcnt of u taal �aking of thc I'ruperty. �hc pr�xecd� +hull he appli��l tu Ih►: +um.r ,�rurcd hy thiy S��rurity
<br /> '��'r�j h ,. ' ? Ina�n�mcnt. whc�her�x nut Ihcn due, with su�y exrc.�paid tu B��rrawcr. In Iix:cvcm of u p•rniul�uking of�hc Pmpeny in
<br /> �'! �. , + which the fai�murkct vuluc��f�hu 1'n��xny immcdiutcly fx:furc tlu IuLing i.ryuul tu or gmutcr th•rn thr um��unt i►f ihc�umx
<br /> f ,.;�^ , tiecun:d My�hir Sc�:urily Instrumem immcdiutcly Inli�rc�hr luking, unletis Bcxmwer unJ LcnJer�Nhcrnix�ugrcr ia writing,
<br /> ~ ' the qums uYUrrJ by ihi�S�wurity Inti�rwncnt�hall Ix «JuccJ by �hr umuum uf��he pnxceJti mul�iplieJ by the follawing r
<br /> "��'x��. ��3,. . ,, fraction: (u►�he totul amaunt c►f the fiumx�ccumJ immediutely befure ihr�uking,divi�kd hy Ihl the iuu murke� v:�lur��f dx
<br /> . � ,. Pmpeny imme�laicly hufore�he �uking. Any halunrc xhall Ix:paiJ to B�►rn►wer. In Ihe event ui'u p:utial tiJcing of tix
<br /> ' .� �� '` ,���,:; ; Propeny in which thc fair n�arket�•aluc of thc Property immrdiu�cly h�:furc Uk wking ir les�than tlu:unount af�he sums
<br /> - '"��. � �ecun:d immediatcly before thc �aking, unlcr.. Durn�wcr unJ L.endcr�tlx:rwisc ugrce in wri�ing or unl�sa upplicablc luw
<br /> -.;.� " r �.. ..
<br /> . • � ` I o�herwise pmvides,thr pr�xecd��,hull be upplied iu the�ums+wcured by thiw Securil}•Inrtru�nent whethtr or nat the aums u�r
<br /> �4��'��`' then due.
<br /> -_-- �''. ' - • li�he Pnnperty is e+bund�x�rd hy Horrowrr.ur if.•rftcr nntire by Lendcr Io Bormwcr that 1he condcmnur uffer�a�make _
<br /> " ' � • `;,, •:� cu�uwanl or+ettle u cloim for dwnagex.BoROwer fuilti lo re.pmd ia Lender within 30 days af�er Ihe dute the natice is given,
<br /> -=�. '�t` •: �, Lender is uwh��ri�ed�o callec�and apply thr pruceedti,at it,op�ion,either ta rc�tarution ur mpair�f tlx Property or to the
<br /> ;�;_��;'�'��•�:"�_�",,,, � , hums secured by thiw Sccurity Insttument,whe�hc�or not ih�n duc. _
<br /> . �r;,'.�a'{ , Unle�s Lendcr und Bc►rrower otherwi�c ugme in writing, any appliruiiun uf puxceds to principul �hall not cxtend or
<br /> ''�� �"`F - :.:. pactpane the duc dute of ihr.momhly paymen�s referred to in par•rgraphn 1 unJ 2 or change thc umoun�of xuch paymems. _
<br /> °�_--° .,; �', , ;;;'.k !L Rarrower Not R�les�ed: Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of �hc timc tor payment or
<br /> '`-- '��_-�� ;''�+'' madificntion of amonization af the tiums�ecured by thix Security Inxuurrant grunled by Lendcr�a uny zuccessor in intere�t
<br /> ,.'.'y�.�.Jn,���.�! � —_ ._
<br /> of Borrawer shaU no�operulr lu raleu+e thc liability of thc originu!Bormwer or Bcxrower+�ucce.x�►rc in intcrest. Lender
<br /> -:,,,i I .' � n � . shall no� be required to wmm�:ixe pnkeeJing+uguimt�ny xucce�sor in interest or rcfuse to extend time for payment or -'
<br /> , �;,"� othenviu:modify amoRizution of the sum.secured by thi.Securiry Inti�rument by rea�on of:my demand mude by the originul
<br /> , 'i�;;,a�:_ '• Borrawer or Borrowrr:succes,one in intere,t. Any fortruranrr by l.ender in excrrising uny right nr remedy �hull nm be u _.,
<br /> "_`�• � waiver of or prccluJe the exereise of:my right or remedy.
<br /> �' � . .� 12, Successore aod AssiRns Buund;,�uint and Several l,iability:Casignera. The covenurts und u;:r-ements of this _
<br /> :• e. . . " ' I Security Instrument+hall bind and hencfit the�uccescon su�l u�si�nti of Lcnder anJ Borrower.�uhject to ihc provizions of __
<br />���t- -�`��`"� �' " I ptuu�raph 17. Barrawer+coventmts und ugrcements xhall be jaint and severul. Any Borrower w�ho co•signs tbis Securily� �,
<br /> ',;�';1::<:• I .--
<br /> • ��••�•+,,;,,1ti,� ' Instrument hul does not execute�in�Note: lul is ca-rigning this Security Inx�rument onfy to moAguge,granl und cunvey thut
<br />`�%•,ry:, . ',:r . , 1 Borrower's intcrest in ihe Propeny under the tertn+oPthis Securiry ln+wment; (bl is not prr�onully obliguted to puy thc�um�
<br /> � necured by thi.Security Inz�rument:anJ Icl agreez thut Lrnder and uny other Borri�wer muy Agree to extend.modify,forbetu
<br /> '" or mulee uny accommodntions with regurd �n�he terms of Ihi�Security Inslniment or the Note without that Bortower:
<br /> - ;r.. , n::' . � consenl.
<br /> • - °,�• 1�. I.oan Charyqes. IC thc loun .c�ured by this 5ecurity instromrni i. .uLjcct i�, :� law which ::cts maximum inan --
<br /> .:,��.;r •,..
<br /> •.r;.':%; ' � elwrges,imd thut law ir finully interpreted xo thu�the interect ar wher luun rhurges collrcted�ir to Ix coUecieJ in connection
<br />' • , . wilh the loan exceed the pertnitted limit�.then: lu►•rny.uch loan rharge xhull he reduced hy the umiwnt necextiury to reduce �___
<br /> • . . �ha charge ta the pcm�itted limit:;►nd Ibl•rny sums ulready collectrd i'rom Bortower which exeeeded permined Iimils will he _
<br /> nefunded to Borrower. Lendur may chonxe to mak�s thi�relwxl by r�JucinF the principal owed undrr�he Nate or by making a
<br /> ''" • direc�payment to Borrower. If a refund►educe.prin�ipal,lhe reduction will be Ireuted ux u puniul pmpayment without un�• ---
<br /> � o•, • prepuyment churge undor thu Notc.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any nolic� to Buru�wer providaJ for in thi� Securiry InslrumeM shull lx given by deliverin� il or hy _ _
<br /> ^ �� mniling it by�rsl clars muil unlc��upplicublc luw reyuircy uu ufanothcr meth�xi.Thr noticc�hull bc Jirectcd to the ProExny =-
<br /> •- . Addrcss or:u�y othur uJdrc�s Bixrower de�ignulcr b� notice tu L�nJer. Any nutice to Lendcr�hull he given by firsi rlu�. `
<br /> . mnil to Lender r nddmh+xw�ed hrrcin ur any�o�hur aJJrc..Lender Je�i�nate�by nutice�o Borrowcr. Any notice pmviJed for �'
<br /> ' �, in thix Security Insttumcnt xhull ix� Jeemed lo huvr been �!iven �o Borrowrr ur Lrndrr wlxn given u�pruvided in thi. �__
<br /> ,�, peru�traph. �,�-
<br /> ' . ' ' IS. C:uveroinR Lawt Severabllh): Thi. Seruri�y In+lrumrnt .hull be �ovcrncJ hy fcJerul law and the law���t'thc
<br /> . ���'��'. • juri�dieti��n in which the Prapeny is I�kuteJ. In Ihe evcn�that any prmi+ion ur cluutir of this Security Imwmcnt�x the Nrne �-
<br /> � , . contllct�with upplicablc luw.�uch contlicl tihall nut ul'fcc�olhcr prcivi+ium uf thi,Sccurity Inxtrumcnl or thc Notc whirh run �'':-
<br /> , , � 6e€iven effectt will��ut�hr cunllirtin�! pruvision. Tii�his end�hr provicion.of�his Security Inxtrumcm und�he N�►tr arc -__
<br /> declured to ix+evcr:�blc, ' �-
<br /> 16. Rnrrow�r's Copy. F3um�wrr tihull Ix givcn unc cont'omicd rupy of�hr Notr anJ ol'thi,Scrurity In+�rument,
<br /> 17. 71�anRi'er oP the 1'rnperly or n Heneficial lnterest in Borrower. If all or uny pan ol'thr Pro�xny��r uny intcre,�in � a�
<br /> il is ,old ur�r•rnstcrrcJ lor if a ixnrlirial intcm.t in Borri�wrr i. +oIJ ar Iramfcrtrd and Borrowcr is not u nawrul prrsonl
<br /> vu:, .: ;ti without Lcnder±prior wrincn cnn.cnt. Lendcr muy.ul its nptiun. rcyuim itnmcdiutc paynunt in full of ull�um�+ecuRd hy �v_.
<br /> • . thi, Security Instrunxnl, Howcver.Ihi�nption�hull niN Ix cxcrci�cd by LrnJer if cxrrc���i.prohibi�eJ by 1'�deral luw a.uf
<br /> ' ' the date of thi,Security In,irumcm. �'��
<br /> ,. . .. If LcnJer rxrrei�c.Ihi.option,l.cnJrr shall gi�•e Borrowrr nmicr„f arrelrratiun. The m�urr.hul)pruvidr a period ot'
<br /> ;..i�::�':.•?' nnt Ic+s thun 311 duy.t'rv�m�he d:ur Ihe notice i�dcli�end�,r mailed wilhin�vhirh Harr�►���rr mu,�pay ull,um.,ccurrd hy thi. �
<br /> ,�it .. Serurity In.rtrumrnl. If Bo►ru��cr f�il� lu pay Ihe+c ,um.priar lu ihr rxpiration uf�hi.prriixl. l.rn�kr muy invoke uny .;;.
<br /> ' mmcJics�xnniUcd hy dii�tirruril�� In,trumrnt withoul tiinhcr nnticc ur dem:md un t3urru��rr. �
<br /> IS. Norrower's Rikht to Reinstute. II'I�„rn,�v�r ntrrl� r�nain ronditiom. Borrou�r ,hidl havc th� righl lo huvr
<br /> ' eni'onemem ul'thi.Srrurity Inx�rumrnt Ji,ruininu.d ai :my time prior w ihr earlirr ul: l:u S Jay.�„r,urh ulhcr�xriixl a�
<br /> .";i:,'`:`', " tim�leFauul� �Funnk�luc�FmddM\tw t\I6YIR�11\ti'1'Rl�1M:\'f��1 m�nnnt'mrncm�. 4�411 ya�erJ,�►r��r��ir�i
<br /> • ��.
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