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<br /> `�}�.d=+•�u � �'�� � epplicable law may specify far reinstatemenq beforc sale oi the Property pursu�nl to any powcr of sale contAined ln this
<br /> ..,�„-;�:.:� ; +r�'`' Security Inatrument; ot(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thi�Security Instniment. Thase conditiona uc that Horrower: (a)
<br /> �� •�--'�`"•'-�"�' � s Lender all suma which then would be due under thia Security Inslrument and the Note as if no accelerauon had
<br /> ����..�.�;-,:.�. WY g � �—
<br /> ,, : , u--, accumed;(b)cures any default of�ny dher covenanls or ugrerments:(cl pay nll ex nses incurred in enforcing�his Security
<br /> Insuument, including,but not limited to, reusonuble attorneys'feex:nnd Id) tnkes such uction ns Lender muy reasonably
<br /> �:',;;��?^�;;4-;�,, .= requirc w assurc that the lien of this Secu�ily Instrumem,Lendcr x rights in the Property and Borrowerk obliga�iun to pay the
<br /> ' � � ^ •`' sums secured by this Security Instrument shatl continue unchanged. Upon reinatutement by Borrower. �his Secunty
<br /> ',-w°"`,. ;"`^-- �� Instrumem and the obligutians secured hereby shull remuin fully effcc�ivc as lf no acceleration had occurted. However,�his � ,�
<br /> '•r �''' �"`"""`�' �"�" right to reinstate�hall na apply in Ihe case of ucceleratian under pazugmpb 17.
<br /> -° , - , !9. Sale oi Notei Chaa�e o�I.oAn Servker. The Note ar u parciul interer�in �he Note(tage�her with this Security
<br /> - � � -� Insln�menq may be sald one or more times wi�houl prior nwice to Borrower. A sale may�esult in u chsinge in 1he entity
<br /> - ' �� ~ °o`�- (known as ihe'Loan Servicer°)that coQec�s manthly paymenGs due under the Note And this Securiry Instrument. There ulso
<br /> �� • � may be one or more changes of the Lasu►Servicer unreluted ia a sule of ihe Note. If therc is a change of�he Loan Servicer.
<br /> _ i ,' ' _� � Borrower will be given written notice ot the change in accordnnce with pnrngraph 14 above and upplicable law. The notice
<br /> will statc lhe nsimc and address of the new Loar.Servicer and Ihe uddress tu which paymcnts should be made. The notice will ��,,,
<br /> � • �i6` � also contuin any ahcr informution required by upplicAble Inw.
<br />,j:'4° " n' �r�,�i��� 2p, HAmrdous 5ubslances. Borrower.rhall nat cnusc ar permit the presence,use,dispou►I.�lorage.or release of any
<br />�''-1 n 4 H�rdouc Substancex on or in the Propeny. Bortower shnll na do,nor nUow anyone clse to do,anything affecting the —
<br /> k;,:f � � ,�� Propehy thut is in violation of any Environmental Luw. The prececling two sentencex shull not appiy to th�'presence,use,or r =
<br /> �g��''�'O1G�'� storoge on ihe Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substunces that am genemlly recognixed[o ba s►pprapria[e to nwrnal
<br />,��� ;.. .... a,.:� �l':. .
<br />�� � �' residemiul use+und to maintenunce��f the Property. �
<br /> •� �-.-.-° , Borrower shall promply give L.ender written notice of ony investigation,clnim,demund,lawsuit or aher uction by any 6
<br />�.`;•` ° governmentAl or regulatory ugency or private party involving the Propeny und any Hawrdous Substnnce or Bnvironn�ntal
<br /> Luw af which Barrower has actuul knawledge. If Borrower learns, or is notiPied by vny gocemmental or regulatory __
<br /> �t ' Authority,thnt uny removAl or other remediation of uny Huzardous Substunce uffecting the Propeny iti neceswry.Borrower ___
<br /> � shall promptly take s�ll necessnry remediol actions in uccordance with Envirunmantal Luw. ���=--
<br />•�: . . -�� .. � - fi 6..-.
<br /> . - As used in this parug�aph 20,"Hazordous Substnnccs" are those sub�tanceti defined As toxic or hs►�.Ardous substances by
<br /> „ Environmentul Law und the following substances: ga,oline,kero+ene, other flamn+uble or toxic petroleum produc�4,toxic
<br /> � � � peslicides and herbicides, volAtile salvent�, materials conwining usbestoti or formuldehyde.+uid radioACtive materi�ls. As — -
<br /> : u,ed in thi,pwagrorh 20."Environmental l.uw"mcanti federnl luwt und law�of the juri�diction where the Property�s lacuted _ _
<br /> ' thut rclnte to heullh, sufery or enviranmemul pratcction. — v
<br /> ..._�.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcowcr and l.cndcr funher covcnunt und agrec as o ows: �-
<br />