"�" •a'ya �wl.lyp'. �1 4 s ��rt: y�tf�:%:i� 1r.' 1r .. ' .�:���{�, ' � � �.� '
<br /> - jy' �I JLf� 'l �y 9�l{.Ti� �lf y-.' �,•' 'J 'yi.. i .. . . 1 T�-''
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<br /> '.�,�_�,�;_;;,,,,,,,,,u�. perials thue Lender reyuire�. The insurmue currier pmvkiing the in�:urunce hhull be chor�n by Bortower wubject to Len�lerk
<br /> �;�.•:�s.,��. ?5� approvul which rhall not be unren.tionuhly wf�hheld. If Bnrnnwrr foil4 to maintain coverage described above,Lender may.+u
<br /> 'i Lender K aptfan.a6�ain coveruge t�protect Lender�c rights in the Property in accordance wnh pamgroph 7.
<br /> :�� �ti,� ' •��� All intiurnnce pc�licies und renewul4+holl txr ucceptablc lu Lender and xhall include u hla�durd mongage cluuse. I..ender
<br /> ' "� ' shnll hnve tlie righ�to hold�he�licicti uad rcnewuls. If Lcnder rr�uima,Barrnwer+hall promptly give lo l.ender all receipta __
<br /> ; "• ~'"''i�f` ' � " ' of uid rcrnfums und renewvl natices. In the evem of loss.Bortower shull�ive prompt not ice to ihe insurance cwrier and
<br /> .�.��,;:.�#,�L P P
<br /> • . Lender. Lendcr rrwy muke pnx�f of Im.if ix►t maJe promptly by Barrawer.
<br /> - �;;'-� ��� �°���-�' Unlesti Lender and Borrower iulnnvi.e ugrrr in wriling,inwruncc p�cxceds shall be applied�o nwt��ra�ion or repair of �-__ ____ --..�� �
<br /> �•_ �he Property dumaged, if Ihe rewtorutiun ar rep•rir i� ecunomically fearibk +�nd Lender4 xecurity is not lessened. If the
<br /> •�''"' restamtion or oepair is nw ccanam�cnlly feasiblc or Lcndcr� securi�y wauld be lexsened,the insuronce proceedg sh�ll be
<br /> °� ' ' upplied to the �umw secured by tbis Security Inwtrumrnt, whethcr or not �hen due,wiih uny ezces� pald io Bortower. If __
<br /> � Borrower abundon�the E'roperty. ��r doc.not unxwer within:S�l days u natice from Lender ihut ihe insurunce corcier has
<br /> _� �'f '�' ` affered �o tietQe u cluim,then Lender muy collect the insurunce proceeds. Lender may use the p�aceeds to rep�ir ar restore �-_
<br /> :� �,.-.��
<br /> ;.��� :' ' ° �he Pmpeny or ta pay sums securcd by�his Securiry Insuument.whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begjn when --_
<br /> "•"��f � . , the noticc iti given, �- - �--- -
<br /> ��� " Unless Lender and Borrawer othrrwi�e ugree in writing, Any opplica�iun of proceeds �o principul shall not extend or --__
<br /> -`T'�� �,''. � pos�pone the due date of the monthly puyment,rcfermd ta in pnragrnphs 1 und 2 or change the Amoum of the puyments. If V~
<br />"'� ' ;' -. � �� ° under arr a h 21 the Pro rt iy uc uireJ b��L�nder. Borto�ver� right to uny insurunce policies and proceedc resulting
<br /> P �P I� Y 4 ,. �:=,�:v=�.-_ __._.
<br /> _'� r ., fram dumage to the Proprrty priar�o the acyuisnion ahull pass to Lender�o the extent of the sums secured by this Security _�_
<br /> Inxtrument immediatcly pnor ta thr ucyuisi�ion. a�=�"-
<br /> �'���-=�-
<br />- 6. Oecupancy. Preservotlon. Malnlenwnce and Protection oP the Praperty; Borrower's LnAn Appltcatfon; _
<br />� . - �. '�' Leasehold�, Bnrmwer rhnll occupy,establish,and use the Properry �s Barrower�principal residence within sixty daye afler
<br /> �� the executiun of this Secunry Instrument und shull cominue�o accupy�he Praperty as Ba'rower�principal residence for ut aA;,,_
<br /> � ,�� • '� ICA5t one yeur aNer the date af accupuncy. unlexs Lender athenvise ugrees in writing, which consent xhull not be _�<-"'
<br /> unma+onably wittiheld,ar unlesx extenua�ing circumstances exis�which are beyond Borrowerk control. Borrowar shnll nat �
<br /> ° destroy,damage ar impuir ihe Pmperty,ullow thc Propeny to dderiorute,or commit wac►e on the Pr�perty. Borluwe�sh:111 _ _i��,�_�;
<br /> ' . be in default if uny forfeilure uction or praceeding.whether civil or criminal, is begun thut in Lenderk goad fuith judgment ���
<br /> could resuU in fodeiwre of the Proprny �r uthenvitic muteriully impair the lien creat�d by this Security Instrument or � �
<br /> ° Lender�security interest. Borrower muy cure tiuch u defuult und reins��[e,ns provided in purs�graph I R,by causing�he action -�__-_—
<br /> or praceeding to he dismissed with u ruling thut,in Lender's good fs�ith detertninution,precludes farfeiture of thc Borrower's —__.___
<br /> interczt in �he Propeny or o�her muteriul impuirtnent of the lien cmuted by this Secunty Instrument or I.ender4 security � ��„�_
<br /> � interest. Borrowcr shull ulso be in defuult �f Borrowcr, during the loan npplicatian praess,gave materially fulse or �!';��
<br /> • , inuccura�e infarmaiion or s�atement+to Lender(ar fuiled to provide Lender wi�h nny material information)in connection with ����
<br />: • the loun evidenced by tiie Note, inciuding, bW not limited ta,representutions conceming Bormwer's accupwrcy of the --;.s.y--:•
<br /> Froperty a:;a prinripa!rexidence. !f this Srcarity lnstrument i•nn a leacehnld,Anrcower.r•hull comply with all the provisions "��'-' - , -
<br /> �`•'-_'-��-•__�;'
<br /> of d�e leuse. If Barcower ucyuirex fec�ide ro thc Propc:ny,lhe Iruxehold�nd�hc fee tille shall not merge unless Lender ngrees ��-__ �
<br /> to the rner�cr in writing. '��"��_'
<br /> -� . 7. Protecllon oP I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails �o perform �he covenants und apreements ��=""'
<br /> t Qt7a�:4yi.1��:�
<br /> ► contuineJ in this Security Instrunxnt, or�herc i. u legul pnx:eeding tha� muy sign�ficantly uifect Lender+ rights in the ��, �
<br /> •• ' Property(tiuch ati a procecding in bankruptcy,probute,fur cnndemnution or forfeiwre or ta en(orce luws or regulntionsL then �=--.�-
<br /> s,:•.��-___
<br /> Lender may do smd puy for whutever is nece�wry w pni�ect thc vtdue uf thc Propeny and Lcnder's rightr in the F'ropeny. �•��.:� -
<br /> ' LenJer�ucliom muy incluJe puying:my sumti,ecureJ by u licn which hus priority over this Security Instrument,uppearing r�;-�-
<br /> • in coun, a in rca�onable anarne s'fee+and enterin on�he Pro ny to make rr air+.Allhou L.ender ma tuke octiun �-��°�=1==°°`
<br /> � . P Y S Y R Pc p Fh Y ,, ��,M r,w,
<br /> under this para€roph 7.Lender d�z not huve to Jo,o. � �=2�+�
<br /> � Any amourns di.bursed by l.cnder under this para�aipb 7+hall become udditional deM of Borrower secured by this -�•y.��-•• --__._
<br /> Security InsirumeN. Unless Borruwer anJ Lrnder aErer to u�hcr term.of payment,the�e umc,unts.hull bear interest from the ""*^ ;':: __—_
<br /> . � . . Jute of di+hurxerncnt ut the Notc rut�+�nJ shull he payuhlc,wi[h interc�t,u�xm n��tice 1'rom Lender to Borrower reyuesting �,"��,�'�'=�~
<br /> . . p•rymeni. ,;�: ��,;�,....
<br /> ..' S. Mortgage Insurence. if l.rnJcr rcyuireJ monEagr io.uruncr a+a condi�ion ot'rnaking the loan scrured by Ihis ��"'~�'" '='.��
<br /> � Security lnsirument. Harn�wer shall p•ry �hc premium,reyuirrJ w mainlain the mongugr in,ur�ncc in effect. If, for any •�-:=�•f����
<br /> ••• �� reation,Ihe morl u r insurimcr covcru r rc uircJ b Lendcr la u� ur ccuu. tu Ix in cffect, Bonower shal) a Ihe �'!`a"� -v.�
<br /> B R L� 4 Y P. P'Y . �`:� r=,.�_.
<br /> • � premiums reyuireJ to otwain rovcruge �uhzt:mlially cyui�•alrnt io Ihe murtgagc insurance prrviously in effecl,ut u cost _���• ���_;,,
<br /> ' ' • xubstunlially eyuivulent to the cost�o Borrower of the monga�c inwrunrc previuu.ly in et't�rt, f'rom un ultemure mon�oge
<br /> ;�,�•, �� inrurer approved by Lendcr. IF suh�tantiully eyuivalcm monguge insurancc ruvcr.+ge i+nut avuilablc.Borrowcr>hull puy to �.�----�----_
<br /> � ���:;, Lender enc:h month a xwn cyual to one-twclfth of the ycarly mongugc in.urancr premlwn tking paid by Borrowcr whcn the �;�,�;�-_
<br /> inxurunce coveruge lupsed or ceu+eJ to Ix in rfl'ect. LrnJrr will accepi,u.c and rruiin the+e�uymentti u,u lu,.reserve in lieu .���:r�.�
<br /> . uf mohguge insuronce. Lass rrserve payuxnt.muy nn IunFcr I+� reyuinJ, at ihr np�i��n��(Lcnder,if monguge insurUncr _�,`•i�P':,�:�"
<br /> '� coveruge(in Ihe umounl und for the�ricx11hu1 Lender rcyuirrtil pr�ivided hy an imurer approved by Lender ugain becomes � ��
<br /> . •.,:.`. �° '' uvuilable and iti��biairKd.Borruwrr shull puy Ux premiwn.rcyuired a�mainlain man�:uge in,uram� in rf'fect.ur to provide•r �
<br /> . . li»s reurve,until ihc myuircmrnt fnr mungagc in,urunre endti in urr��rduncc aith imy written ugrcrm�nt hetween Burrowcr .
<br /> und Lc�xler or uppli�ahk law.
<br /> , 9. Inspertlun. Lcndrr ur il+agem ma) mukr re.��onaMc cntrk, u�xm and in.�xcliorn uf the Pru�xny, Lender shall
<br />, � givc B��rrc�wcr notirc.d I Ik IIO1C��l UI'�)f10�(0 an in.�x c�iun,�x�ifyi nE reu,onaMc rau.r far Nx in,�rlion. �"
<br /> I0. Condemnation. Thc pro�crd.��f anp a�varJ ur rlaim f��r d:unagc�.Jinc�ur rnmcyucnual.m runncrtion with uny . ..
<br /> timFlcl�annl�� Fupnfc�far/Freddlrllucl'NIFON\11\51'Nl�1F:ti'I'—lmt�,nn('a�en:�ni. 9/40 �p�iee!�.J�fhlpPll ,
<br /> �;n.x�,rr*n��ld�h�n�u Inr � � '
<br /> n.�ox7�.m �anFS:tno�n:�i`FAt�i1�:791•I1:11 �,
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