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<br /> ,~. � `�'�' ' TO(iETHER WITH oll�hc improvement�now or hetraft�r crccicd on�hr pn��xny,und uU �•r�rmrnt�,nppurtrnuncc�, —
<br /> ,�: •"�,"_
<br /> �'"`"�� - nnd fixtures naw on c�rcuf�cr u parl�f Ihe property. AU replucemenlr und uddilion��hull ul�u�Ix�covcr��l by thi�S��urily
<br /> ` ^" Instrumem. All oi�hc forcgoing ix ref'erred tc►in thiti Sccurity Inxlrum�m u��he"Ro�ny."
<br /> ' . BORROWER CnVENANTS thut Bortowcr iti lawfully,ci,ed of�hr c+iutc hcrrby cunvcycd wiJ ha�Ihr right a►grum
<br /> � � � �', �nJ wnvey the Piropeny und�hot the Pnqxrty i+unrncumtxred,excrpl fur enrumbrunce+of recurJ. Horcuwcr w;�RUnta unJ
<br /> °�_' � ' will defend generalty the title lu Ihc Propeny nguin�t ull cluims and dcmunds,r�ubjer!�n uny rncumbranrcti�d'r��urJ.
<br /> - - THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT romhinrs uniform cirvenunl+ ti�r natiunal usc and n�m-unitiirm rnvcnunts with �_ _ y � __
<br /> . .� " )imikd variations by jud+dic�ion�o con�tilute u unifurm xcurily in��rumem a�vering mal prupeny.
<br /> ° UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borruwcr and Lendcr cavrnarn und ugrcc ati fulluws:
<br /> - „ 1. Pnyme�t oP Princips�l and lnleresl;Prepaymenl and Late ChArges. Burruwcr�hull pn�mplly puy whcn Juc the __
<br /> princips�l of und ioterest on ihe debt evidenceJ hy the Note uixl any prepaymcnt unJ lute charges due unJer�hc NiHe.
<br /> nr� „ ' ' " 2. Funds�or Taxes pnd Incurance. Subjec�to�pplicuble luw or to u wriuen wuiver by LenJ�r.Borrower tihall pay tu
<br /> Lender on the duy monthly puymcnls arc due under thc Noic, until thc Notc is paid in full. u+um("FunJti'►for:lal ycurly —
<br /> - �"•' tuxcs nnd as5essments which muy utluin priarity over this Sccuriry Imlrument us a lien on thc 1'roperly:(b►ycarly Icu+chold �___
<br /> , . ,,,,-:,,:
<br /> � •: �.. paymenls ar ground rents on Ihc ProExrty, if uny: lc) ycurly haxurd or propeny insumncc premiuma: ld) yeurly flood
<br /> ' �•'•;•���',• insumnce premiums, if any: (cl ycarly moqguge insurunce premiumr, if uny; and (t�uny sumti puyuble by Barmwer to — —
<br /> • ���"�^" � Lender,in uccordence wilh Ihe provisians of purugruph ii, in lieu of the puymeot of mangage intiurunce premiums. Thetie �
<br /> � items are called"Escmw ttems:' l.ender ms+y,�t uny ume.wQect und holJ FwiJ,in An amount not ro exc�ed the muximum -°�- ---
<br /> � amount a lender for u federAlly relnted mortgage loun muy reyuirc for Barower's e�crow uccount u�nlcr thc Fedcrnl Reul
<br /> � Estale Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 uti amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.�26111 ei scy.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> _.", law that upplies to the Funds tie�s a le�scr nmount. If so.Lender may.ul any timc,collect and hold Funds in s►n sunount not ta _.
<br /> exceed Ihe Icssc�nmount. Lender muy eslimate the umaunt of Funds due on the busis uf currcnt dutu und reasonable �
<br /> ,.z,�;:,,.;` :���:;:i'' estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in acwrdunce with upplicoble law. � _
<br /> The Funds shull be hcld in An institution whose deposits arc insurcd by a federoi ngency, instrumentulity,or en�ity �'`-�`�'
<br /> �°�•. 1;;,��, (including L.ender,if Lender is such un insti�ution)ur in uny Federal Home l.oan Bunk. Lender shall upply the Funds to puy `'''.:.-
<br /> �'�"�� "'` the Escrow ltems. Lender may not cherge Bormwer for holding und upplying the Funds,unnuully unulyxing the escrow �. �'•3"'""
<br /> , � nccount,or verifying �he Escrow Uemti, unless Lender pnys Borcower interesl on the Funds und applicuble luw permits o _�
<br /> •, Lender�o mokc such u charge. Howevcr, Lender muy rcyuire Bonowcr to pay u ane-time churgc f�x un independcnl reul — _
<br /> ". estale tux reparting service used by Lender in connection wilh this loun,unless�pplicable law provides atherwise. Unle+s un �;�;:___
<br /> � ° • ugreement is made or applicublc Is�w reyuires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower uny interest or �
<br /> ` � " earnlnss on the Funds. Borrower und Lender may Agrcc in writing,hawevcr,that inlerest shall be puid an thc Funds. LenJer --�_,.
<br /> " shall give to Borrower,wi�hout chur�e,an unnuul uccaunting oi�hc Funds,showing credits and debits to thc Funds and the �t,E= --
<br /> purpose for which euch debit[o the Funds wus made. The Funds sue pledged as udditional securi�y for all sums secured by ' �
<br /> __-_ this Security lnstn�mPn�. —---- -
<br /> ' ., . IC lhe Funda held by Lender rxceed the amounts permiued to be held by upplicable law. Lender shull account to -
<br /> • Borrower for d�e excexs Funds in accordance with the reyuiremenls of applicuble luw. If the umount of the Funds held by °'�^'
<br /> Lender at uny time is not xuiticicnt to pay the Escmw Items when duc,Lcnder muy so nntify Borrower in writing,and, in � -
<br /> such cs►se Borrower xhall puy to Lender Ihe amount necess�ry ta make up the det"iciency. Borrower xhall muke up the ' �- ��
<br /> �� �1;�:`,-_
<br /> deficiency in no more Ihun twelve monthly puyments,ut Lender's role discretion. ��. •� . �-�
<br /> . Upon payment in full of ull �ums�ecured By �his Securiry Inxtrumem, Lender shall promptly retund to Borrower any � ;� �°
<br /> Funds Ixld by Lender. If,under purugrup h Z I.Lendcr�hu l l acyuire or s e l l t h e P r o p e r t y,L e nder,prior to the uc quisition or �
<br /> �ule of�he Property, shall upply uny Funds held by l.ender ut the time of ucyuisition or sak us u credit agains� the sums � .
<br /> � secured by this Security Instromen�,
<br /> �� � 3. ApplicAtbn of Poyments. Unlr�� applicablc law pmvides otherwisc, ull paymenh mceived by Lender undcr , J
<br /> • • paragraphs I and 2�hall he upplicd: tirsi,to any prepuymen�ch�rgec duc under the Notc;.uucond,to umounls puyable under ' __
<br /> • p•rragraph 2:third,to imerest duc;fuurlh,to prinripal duc:und last,to uny latc churgcs due under thr Note. : �:•��•��_
<br /> �•- _... .
<br /> 4. Chorges; I.iens. Burruwer shull puy •rll rrxc,, usx+�memx, churges, fine.r and impo+itions attributable �o the • , �`
<br /> ' Property which may uuuin priority ovcr thiti 5ccuriry In.tnimen�,anJ Icasehold puymcnts or ground rent�,if uny. Borrowcr � ••-�_
<br /> shall pay these ohligutionti in thr muntxr provided in para�raph 2,or if not puid in thut manner, BoROwer tihall puy�hem on � _
<br /> tirnedirecUy to the perwn owed paymrnt. Borrawcr.hall prom�tly Pumi.h t�i Lender all nutice,of umounts to he paid under � -
<br /> , this paragruph. If Bormwer makes thexe p•ryments direcUy.Borrower shall prumptly fumi,h to Lender receipts evidencing � � -
<br /> .. ., the paymcnts. _`°--
<br /> Borrower shull promptly Jitichurge��ny lirn which hati prioriry uver this Securiry In+vument unle.s BoROwer:(u1 agn:es �'.;�
<br /> , in writing to the payment nf the ubliguliun ticcured by thc lien in a m•rnnrr aceeptabla to Lender;(b►contests in goaci faith the � _
<br /> ' . lien by,or defcnds ugains�enforcenunt of the licn in,Ieg•rl pnxcrJings which in ihr LenJcr's opiniun operute to prevent the �
<br /> • enfon:ement of�he lien;or(c)secureti from the huWer of thc licn an a�!rcrment sali�factory m Lender.ubordinuting the lien ��---
<br /> to this Securiry In�trument. (f Lcnder ik:termines thut uny part of the Prnpeny is wbjec�u�u lirn which may vuuin priority :
<br /> over thix Serurity Instrument. Lender muy give Borruwer u ni�tice idcnlit'ying the lien. Borcuwer shull sntisfy the lien or tnlce � .
<br /> one or more of the nctions,cl forth atwve within 10 days oi the�iving nf nolice. i
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Burn►wrr.hull kccp lhr impruvemenn now ex iytin�:on c�reafter crectcd cx�thc
<br /> Propeny insurcd aguinxt losti by tirc,hmv.urds includcd wi�hin thr trnn"rrtcndrJ covcragc" �md any���hcr hazurdx,including
<br /> floods or FlaadinF, for which Lender reyuins io�urunce, 'fhi+ intiurrnce +hull he maintained in 1he amounts and for the
<br /> , Yurm W2M Y190 rpu.qr��/o►w.trs�
<br /> � . •
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<br /> . � ; _ � -
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