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<br /> �_""����-�x�� applicable law rru�y rpoclfy for reinst�tement)before sale of tho Property pursuunt to any pawer of sala contafaed in thiu
<br /> -�'=�•��r�`-� ' 3ecurity Instrument;or(b)enuy of a judgment eoforcing thia Secudty Instrument. 7'hocc conditions am that Borrawer: (a)
<br /> �' ` �• p�ys Lcnder all sums which thcn would be due under thia Secudty Inatrumcnt and tMe Noto as if na acccleration I�ad
<br /> '_"'���• � .
<br /> L accurrcd;(b)cures any default of any dher covenanta or agreementa;(c)pays all ezpeaces incutred in enforcing this Secudty
<br /> '=�� "'"�'',,� � �'� Insuument, including. but not limited to,reasonable anorneys'fees; and (d) takes such action ns l.ender mAy reasonxbly
<br /> =-�'�f��,�'�� �� `� require W assure that thc lien of this Secudry instrument,Lender's rightx in thc Property and Borrower's obligatian to p�ry ihe
<br /> °�--���� sumg Recur�ed by this Secutiry Instrument s h a l l con t inue unc hange d. Upon reinstntcment b y Borrower, this Secudty G
<br /> y Instrument and the obligations secur�ed hereby shnll remain fully effective as if no acceleralion hpd accumed. Howevar,�hi�
<br /> ., yT..,�..� . .
<br /> rfgh[to reinstate sheli not Apply in the case af acceleration under paragrnph I7.
<br /> , . �. �t° ,„ :•;`_ 19. SAIe ot Note;Chaage ot I.oan Servlcsr. The Note or a partiul interest in thc Note (together wiUt this Secudty
<br /> r�k:a.°,.
<br /> ;�;_ ,;.,�«��._��,.�,; .� Inslrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in n change in the entUy
<br /> �',.
<br /> =- �•`� (known as the'Loan Servicer') that collecta monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry lnatrument. There aleo
<br /> �R � 'l,
<br /> '�x.—��',�'.�-���f may bc one or more changes of the i.oan Servicer unrelated to A r,ale of the Note. If there is�chonge of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> ��"•: [�•};�_�����::-� Bnnrower w111 be given written nodce of the change in accordance with parngreph 14 ubave and npplicable luw. The notice _
<br /> ..•' �"A`��� �'�''� will state Ihe name and address of the naw Loan Servicer ond�he nddress to which payments should be made. The notice wfll --
<br /> �,r,�,,.,ub,.., . .o.
<br /> �`•.,t . :. �� ,: also wntain uny other infarmation required by applicabie law.
<br /> � ^���*°�:,- � 211. Ha�rdous Substaaces. Borrower shull not cuuse or permit the presence,use.diFpcnul,storage,or release af any
<br /> _--L S+,.�
<br />_ '`:ia:;�.'��'��s��•�" . Huzarclous Subs�ances an or in the Pruperty. Bortower Ahall nat do, nar nilow nnyoae else to do, anything Affecting tqa �
<br /> _=_ ''=�'F' '- �" �"`°'""� Propeny tiwi is in viuin�iuu uf any Euviruroucutni l.uw. Tlic precedin�two sentences shall not upply to the presence,use,nr __
<br /> �..,:,:... . .
<br /> '�:�r����"�=���' ' � stora e on the Pro rt oi smull uantines of Hazerdous Substances that ere generally recognixed to be appropriate to normal —
<br /> ,,.,.,..:. S Pe Y 9
<br /> - _ ';3;;_�.',9{��.•�,�,.=h., �, residential uses a�dtv maintennnce of the Piroperty.
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