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<br /> ------_ _- d wik,w�d tbe sale,Gtcludia�tbe p�yment of the'I�usta's teee acluplly incurred,nM lo exoeed 3.0 5fo nf
<br /> __--_ _ 6y�iaw;b)w all�uost secured by tMb Securi�lnsldrwae ti�ad Ic1�ay exaw 10 the penwa a�Pera�u Ie�11,�e�titMd
<br /> ��Y.���..�..��.�:� to if.
<br /> '—_—'a"""':`''� ?,2. Reconveyance. UQ�n payment of ull sums secured by this Securfly Insln�ment, L.ender shall requast 7ivqtao to
<br /> .�--•--------- reconvcy �he PrnpertY ond Rhail eume�r this Seiurity In9uumcnt and all notec evidencfng debt Recured by IhiR Secu�ity
<br /> ��=�� Instrument to'fh�rtee. 7iustee stwll reconvey the Property without warnmty and wUhout charge lo the pere�on or pArxwis
<br /> �� k�ally entfdal ta it. Such pencon orpersa�s shall pay uny recorda�ion costs. �
<br /> 13. SubWitute 71'w�tee. Lender. at itR option.may from Ume lo time remove 7Yurtee and Appoint o succesaor trustcs�to
<br /> ��., any 'Itustec appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this S�e��� d ues�canferced upun
<br /> � ----�- Without conveyance af the Propeny� the successor wctce shal� aucceed lo ull tbe tiUe,po
<br /> �`°'�''"``�' 'Itustce herein und by applicabte law,
<br /> -=�'�=''����-� 24. Requesl for Notices. Bortower reyuesta�hut copies of the natices of default and sule be sent to Barower's address
<br /> °R'��'�""'�'"� whic:h is the Property Address. ---
<br /> ���;; , 2S. RWers to thls Securlly loatrnmea� !f one or mc�re riders c►re cxccuted by Borrower and rewrded togathsr wflh
<br /> "` Ihis Security Inatrument.the covenantx and agreements af each such rider shall be incorpomted intd and shall amand and
<br /> -�'y�'�.- '� , . supplement the cuvenants und agreea�enla of Ihis Securiry Instrument as if Ihe ridens)were u part nf thi�Security In�inument.
<br /> -- w;a�R,a i�-'.'^ ICheck applicuble boxlesll �_
<br /> -�°`'�^�!`�!";'� � �Condominium Rider �1-0 Family Ridet ,
<br /> ��
<br /> - Adjustable Rute Rider
<br /> — �yy,
<br /> ,,,-�� U , .�+� �'�'6 •" �Ciraduated Payment Rider �Planned Unil Developmenl Ricl�r Siwcekly Payment ltider --
<br /> - .� A.�_.�k+�.' . �:F
<br /> ail�e —,.-- -
<br /> � 'Y'�ak�'�';�=-` �Second Home Ride� �
<br /> � ,4 1 � '�;;:• �Balloon Rider �Rute lmprovomen�Rider _.
<br /> ���
<br /> �t
<br /> �ti�,,,. ; 4 �Y � `i ' �L'h�
<br /> ,, .�„1�;,{, �. .. X�O�herls)(sP��YI 1►cknowledgmer�t
<br /> F� .; ��;�,�� ^ �`;�yS�t.:
<br /> ��k 7,�;�i`r� ''"� BY SIGNING B�LOW, Barrowcr accepts nnd ugrees to thc terms und covenunts contained in thia Security Mabument -..
<br /> ;���;+,. �;`,t,y,, �..�.�.. , Y "
<br /> `•,_.� �s,����E�t�t�.:.l�,; : and in any r�der(s)executed by Bortower and recorded with it. _ -
<br /> :.�f �..
<br /> y��S'''�F. t...
<br /> __ <�•. `>`��'�`� .. , Witnessea: �D
<br /> � �t�A���,••w . -- ���. �,l�_.+�.� lSeu!?
<br /> „ - ��,.a�:•
<br /> Hnm�wcr
<br /> .. .•�.r�.� .� Allen L. Wilson 5o5_9n..7?�_ '
<br /> �='� ' , Scxiul Sccurny Numbcr ���--,
<br />„ •.a�.�::,,..p,�v ���� ,Qr/ .-
<br /> ,�� ^ _ ��� L �-
<br /> . �.. . Melinda Anne Wilson �`"^"`"•' • _,,.
<br /> ' J Sixiul S��urNy NumF+er ._ ��s 1°-t�np._,
<br /> , . .
<br /> � � STATE OF NBBRASKA� Hal l C�wnry�K:
<br /> ' , " y.
<br /> ,tkt'orc mc,thc unJe�xigncJ,u Nutury Public ��
<br /> ' ��,,. �• On this 6th Jvy��( May, 1992 -—
<br /> • duly commissioned and yualified for haid county.(x:rsonally canu Allen D. �711son and Melinda Anne '-
<br /> Wilson, Husb�[1d ar►d Wife .�o me known to be Ihe
<br /> �.-
<br /> . - idenlical persons(s)who se n�m e l s)a rc subzcritkd w�hc ti►re going invtrument :uid ucknowkJged tho execution thereof'to =__
<br /> ' • be their voluntary uct anJ Jecd. F=
<br /> . „ � Wilness my hund•rnd nuturial.eul at Csr,.�.d Island� Nebraslca in said eounty,the
<br /> dnte aforcsuid. � � ' `
<br /> , � � , My Commission ex 'ns• i��`� Na,ry wb�+c _-
<br /> w�'��'���t� FOR RECQNVEYANC��
<br /> • �. , •.' TOTRUSTEE: �.��-
<br /> Thc undersigned is Ihe holder uf Ihe note or notes ,ccured by this IhcJ of Tiv�t. Said note or notes,togelher with s�ll
<br /> other indebtedneRS sccured by this DecJ of 7Yust,havc becn puid in full. You un hrrcby directed to cancel xuid note or notes f'� '
<br /> • '•�•�, ' and this Qeed of'IYusl,which arc delivcrcd hrrehy,and �o reconvey.wiihou�a•arramy,all the r.tate now held by you under �-•---
<br /> ' "�� `'. ' this Deed of Tiust to the person or person�legully entilled�hereto. �
<br /> �;_'
<br /> . �:`
<br /> Date:
<br /> , � Form 3028 9�90 ipuxs n�qn��Res�
<br /> ..� .
<br /> ..r• ��.��.c_a:_. •� . . . .....-r't..._... . a _. � ' _ -��7'•. .
<br /> . l'.•, .:•�:.
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