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<br /> I�s'' '�iAs�i�ec.- - • . _ - - - _.S.�eu.•'—
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<br /> ��e^�a�.� rundemnudon�►r Wlxr tuking ai'uny purt ol tlw Pn�+►rly.�N lur cunvcyun�c in licu ul cumkmnu�i��. +�R�Ikrchy u»�i�ncJ wwl
<br /> +�iwll t+c paiJ u�l.endcr.
<br /> `—����Q_t� In �hc cvcm of u tatal tuking uf thc Pro{x'r1y. thc pruccrdv ,hull he upplioJ �c� thr ,um� Mcur�J by ihin Sccurity
<br /> -=�� "��r�n: Inwtn�menl,whc�her or ncH�hen due, wiih�ny cacc.r�puid to Burruwcr. In ihc evem uf i� purliul luking nf thc Yn��xny in
<br /> .;������`. _� which the fair market vulue of thc Pr�iperty immediutcly Imfim�hc tuking i.eyual ta or greu�er�hun �hr um��um of�hc,umr
<br /> _,�,��`'� ' �� s�cured by this Security Imtrumenl immediutely t+el'ore the tuking,unkr:ti Borrower und LenJer othcrwix ugmc in writing.
<br /> �t��`;`.•�
<br /> �x�'i��,�.�.'��t�� the wums recured by this Security Inr.trument�hoU l�reduced by the pmount of Ihe pr�Ke��Js multlplied by ihc tii0owing
<br /> - - •, fructicxr (ul thc tawl umount af thc sum�:secured immedin�ely F+ef�re�he taking,divided hy Ih1�he fuir murke�vulu�of the
<br /> _--
<br /> �.'��. Property immediutely before�he wking. Any bulunce shall be puid�o Borrawer. In Ihe event uf n paniu! iuking af thc - -- ' �
<br /> �,' (;:r,"• PropeRy in whirh the fuir murket valuc of the Property immedialely before the taking ix lesc thun �he umaunt uf ihc sums —
<br /> ��L;_ securcd immediately before �he tal;ing, unlexs Borrower und Lender otherwi�e ugree in wriling or unks, upplicuMe luw —
<br /> ___`��'� olherwic;e provides,the praceeds+hull be upplied to the sums secured by this Security Inslrument wh��her or not thc sumx ure
<br /> -'=..��..���..-�:A; � �' thcn due. _
<br /> °- � �, .
<br /> �—`p� '�t:' �,'�' ����•� If the Pro rt is ubandoned by BoROwer,or if,after natice by Lender to Borrower thut ihe condernnor affen to make
<br /> �,_�.n:�i�''t',J.�:4���x Pe Y
<br /> � f:.-:�c�,;.���r;,�: an awiud ur srtUe u cluim for dumuges,Borrower fails ro respnnd to Lender within 30 duy�afler Ihe da�c the natice is siven, �_ _ _
<br /> , ''' Lender is uuthorized�o callect und upply�he pmceeds,At its optioa,eilher Ic �rstoration or mpuir of the Property ar to the �;.__
<br /> °��'��'-� 's�'���n'� �r�,,i' � '• sumx necurcd by this Securiry In�+trument,whether or nat then due.
<br /> - _ hn�.����r,':.� .
<br /> " �=_�.�1t�3.w.a.d�o,:x Unle+s Lender und Barrowc�othenvise agrec in writing,any upplirution of pmceed. to prinripul shall not extend or
<br /> �.� �
<br /> _=—°"-- - ' `° ' postpone thc due da��uf A�n►onthly pnyments reCeRed�o in p�uugruph+1 and 2 or chunge thc amourn of such p�ymentr. c_
<br /> *��"���t?�"?4�., � I1. Borrower Not Rcleased; �orbearunce By Lender Not e Waiver. Ex[ensicm oi the tirnc fo� paymen[ or
<br /> ;...,,.. .,�, •.-..,�•,�r• . _'`_-
<br />:- -._,: R.-.;;a.�• modificutian of wnartizution of Ihe sums secured by thi�Security Inslrurnent gramed hy l.rnder ta any ,u�cessor in interewl
<br />- _ � �� ,_ of Borrower shall not operate to rele�e the IiA6iliry of ihe originul Borr��wer or Borrower��uccexsors in interes�.Lender
<br /> "��� � ' .�. �hAll not be required to commence proceedings aguinxt uny�ucceswr in intercst or�efuse ta extend time 1'or p�yment or -_-_ ._�_
<br /> _,� , ° `�,_,,,.; dherwixe modiiy umonizutian af Ihe sums secured by this Security Insttument by rca�eon of':+ny demand m�l�hy the originul
<br />_ . ,. . 'v;::• .
<br /> Borrower or Barrower's successon in interest. Any fort�arunce hy Lender in exer�cising uny right or remedy shull not l�e a ��" L"`
<br /> � •"�•'�:<'' � . wuiver of or preclude the exerci,e of uny right or remedy. ° '
<br /> ,,;.� , '`S�.:r::°,-�.
<br />-,• ,. ���•+�-=lt:y •- l2. Successors and Assi�ns Bound;Jaint and Several Liabilitr; Casigner�. The covenumx and a�reements of�hi� „��,,,�:
<br /> � �s�" ' Security Instn�ment shull bind und t�nePit the �uccexxon und u�si�ns ot'Len�cr und Borrower,subject to the provision�+of ��..Y.
<br />:�'�.�•,��' � Purugraph 17. Borrawer:covenums und ugreementti shull be joint und severul. Any Borrower w•ho cu•si�ns this Securit�• ���_��.�����: _-
<br /> �.r� ; �, �• '� I � n Instrument bui dcies nat execut�the Nate: (u)i.co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgu�e,g�.ni and convey�hat - --
<br /> •:•,I�:d . -� . - ';•. . - �ii,sr.rktiaw
<br />- Aarrowerk interest in�he Propeny under the term�of this Security In��rumen[; Ibl is nnt personully cibliguted tu puy the.umx ,� •---
<br />"'°`�!': „I:,:-. . ''s+:• ,, necured by this Securiry Instrument;and lc)ugree,�hul Lender und uny c�ther Borrower mny ugmc to ext�nd, maiify,furbeur
<br />''+���'�� � , ar make any accommcxlutians wi�h regurd to �he tertns of thi� Security lmuument ar�he Nae withuut Ihut soRawer's ���_`''�'` _
<br /> . ' • ` cansent. ���`
<br /> �� ' •. `�� `�t'•� .•'__ 1;_ I.�wn Charges. If the loun secured by thi. Security Imtrument i��cubject to u luw which +et+ maximum loun =
<br /> �<<'! • . - - • ,
<br /> � � churRes,and thut law i.finnlly interpreted u�thut the interest o�Mher Mun chArRes coiiec�ed ar w t�e c��ilcctCJ iu c�auie�tion :-.•--
<br /> •;,.� ,•v:: ..'.
<br /> �• with the loun exceed the permitted limi�x,lhen: (u)uny.uch loun rhu�e shull t+e reduced by ihc amount nec.:.+un•tu rrJucr �-_.�
<br /> ', � , , th�churge to the pe:rmitted limit;unJ(hl uny sums ulrcudy collerled fmm Bnm�wcr which excerdcd{�rmiucd limits will he �
<br /> ' refunded lo Bcamwer. Lender muy chaisr to mukc thi.r refund by reducing�hc principal owed unJer Ihe Note or hy makin�u �',�,,-��_
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. If a ret'und redures principul,the reduction will bc treuled us a punial pre�aymcnl withow any --
<br /> _ .� prepuymem chargc undcr thc No�c. -_—
<br /> • " 14. Nntictw. Any n��ticr lo Rum�wcr proviJrd lirr in ihi� Sccurity In.trumcnt �hull t►c �eiv�n by Jelivcring it ur by
<br /> muiling i�My tinl claw�mail unk..uppliruMr luw rcquirr.uu uf unulher mrih�xl.Tlx�notirc.hidl tx dir�wtrd tu thr Pnipert)• �'`
<br /> Addnti.i�r uny nlher uJdre,� Bvrrow�r dctiipnu�r�by n��tice�o l.rndcr. Any nuticc w Lrndcr,hidl h�given hy tir+�rla�. ,�:
<br /> ., a
<br /> muil to LenJcr;addre�..iuted hcrcin or uny u�her uJdre„Lend�r Jr,ignu�e,hy nutirr t�i Hurruarr. Any nnti�c pr�►vidcd titt ��_i��...__
<br /> in Ihis Srcurity In,trumrnt rhull ix dr�•mrd a� h�rve txen Eiven u�liurruwrr ur LrrHler whrn �.iven n� ��ruvided in thi+ '�;.��,.. -
<br /> '. purogrupb. • ,.
<br /> ' I5. liovernin� Luw: tieverability. '1'hi. ti¢curi�� In+�rumrnt�hall lx g��verncJ hy fcdrrul luw anii ihr law ut� �hc
<br /> � juri�Jiction in which Ihr Propeny i�IixutrJ. In Ihr evrnt Ihut uny pnrvi�i�Ni ur cluu.e ul'thiti 5rrurily In+in�mrnt ar th�Note ,
<br /> , contlieh with upplic�hle luw.+unc�.►nllirl�hull nu�ut'tcrl iNhrr pruvi.iun.id'thi,Serurily Imtrwncw�►r�he N�itc whirh�un i
<br />. br given effecl withom thr ronllicting pruvi.ian. 'li�thiti rnJ thr pn�vi,ion�of thi, Scrurity Intitrumem anJ the Note am �-----__.
<br /> , �� declared to lx,cvrruMe. �,�q''-,-_
<br /> �r. __T_
<br /> �; . � 16. Borrower'S('npy. Burruwrr.hall Ix�iven onc ranfumud c�►p���if tlx Nuir and ul'�hi.ticrurity In,lmment. `. :�.
<br /> ' . 17. 7FansPer of'the 1'roperty or u Beneficiul Infrretit in Bo�rower. 11'all ur imy part��I thc f'n�4xn�•ur any in�crctit in '_ *_;
<br /> .. il i�wIJ ix Irmt.frrred lor i(a hrnrtirial intem.t in f3orr���ver i, ,�,Id��r ir:�n.IcmJ :mJ BoRUwer i, nut� natur�l perwnl ,.- =-
<br /> . without LcnJcr:prior wntten ron.cnt.LcnJrr may.a� il.upti�m. rryuire immcJiulc pnyment in full�►f all �ums,rcund by - �' sr:
<br /> . thia Securiry Imlrument. Howevrr,thix�,�tiun.hull n�it Ik rxcrcised hy Lender if'rxrrci�r i�prohiNited hy tederul luw u+of �=-= �'�
<br /> Ihc dulc of�hiti Srcurily In+trumem. . "���-"
<br /> 'Y;._-,-_ ,._.:
<br /> . " • If Lcndcr cxcrri,e,thi+op�ion. L�ndrr ahall givr Barruwcr nutic< <,f;irrrlcrutiun. Tho nuticc�hall prcwidc u periai a� . ;.:�,'��;_'-'
<br /> �-�x,�dcr�.Y�r%..,,
<br /> . ' , n�,t les.�han �U day,frum the Jute the noticr�,drlivrreJ or m:�iled���ilhin�vhich Barraarr mu,t pay all wm��rrured hy this , .
<br /> � ' Scrurity In+trumcnl. If Burco�vrr I:iil. tu p:n• ihr,r .um. priur ta�h� ctpiratiun uf Ihi� �rnxl. L�n�kr m•ry inv�ikc any ,
<br /> . remediex pemiiucJ by thi,5ecuritv Intilrumrni w ithout further nu�ic�nr dem:md�,n H��rruw•rr. G•'
<br /> ' .. Iti. Borrower's Ri�ht tu Rein�late. If Hi,no�vcr mcrt. crnam rondili��n.. H�,rn,��rr �hall hu�e the righ� ta have .
<br /> � � enforcrment �,f Ihi.S�ruri�y In,�rumrm di.ruminurd:u an. tiroe ��riur tu thc earli�r i►f: I:u 5 da�•��ur,urli�,th�r�xri�xl a.
<br /> °' Smtlr fauul� �Fuenk�1weiFrrddie�luc l 1IFI1R\I IVti'1'Rl�f6:\T� 1 ndunnCo�rn,un. 490 ,p��irJn�n�tii.tru .
<br /> �' .
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