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�( _____� .�i"' - �. yt � 1 :' �%� .—,-'rn...'--_.�� � n .. �_,_..- _ — <br /> � �f'e�!��}•-•'.L.: .{' '�1 Tr .k�yv_�___`y.- <br /> - i , .t+a� � r,.; •,r`. . ' �� .'`Q'S�: i_ <br /> �. �. � ' ----• .r� � . .--_. -- - �'-- - - � -- - - . <br /> .��_�r__�r_- - :�J S?�g���� <br /> T = ,� <br /> �:�^O�CS.E7iII�i�W{S�� <br /> ---- � cundemnation or uthcr�uLing oP uny pan of thc F'mpcny.or 1'or conveyunrr in liru��(rutWlemiu�ti� hcmhy ux.riyncd u�xi <br /> - - — xhall be pufd t�Lcnda. <br /> ���.�w� In �he evcnt of a to�al tuking ��f �he Pmperty. �hc pnxredr xh�dl Ix upplird tu Ihc ,�un+ *ecurcd by ihir Secu�ily <br /> -�"`� ���''` Inatrument,whc�hcr or nix Ihen duc, with uny cxcr.r. puid k�B��rcowcr. In Ihc rvcnl ol�� pnni+d wkin�; ��C�he Prapcny in <br /> ����'���� '' which Ihe fuir rnurkci vuluc ui'Ihc Pr���ny immediatrly t►cfurc�hc�uking i.ry�ud tu�.�µR u�cr thun Ihr uinuunl uf'the rumN <br /> ,,c c-%�mw�e.'�s'�:��;�,, <br /> ---- ^;;, �cumd by thix Security Inxtrument immediu�ely befure Ihc tubing,unlc.. Rur�ower unJ L�ixlcr mherwiu ugme in wrf�ng. <br /> ��.s�..��'�"'^��_ the+umw secured hy�hi�Scrurity In�trument+hull Fx reducrd hy �he��maun�ul'the pnk«�1, muUiplied by �hc foUowing <br /> � � �.� .,;�` fructian: (u)the t��tul pmount of�he sum�securcd imrnc�liu�ely F�fnrc dic lal�ing.di►•i.1cd I�Y Ih)thc fuir nwrkel vnlue nf the �_-_ <br /> , -a��. : :_-� ��• �• Propehy immediately t�efore ihe �oking. Any buluncc shull hc puid�o H��rcuwrr. In thc cvrnl ol'u puniul wking �rf Ihe <br /> �•�+i� ` Propeny in which �hc fuir market vulue uf ihe Pa►�x:Ny immcdiutrly hrfurr tl�e�ukin�ih Ir+�thnn �h�um��um oi'Ihe �umy <br /> '��•�•'-��F'1' `''�` xecured immediately bef�xe the tuking, unlesti Bom�wer und Lrndcr u�hcrn�i�c u�rc� in wri1ing ar unles� upplicuble luw <br /> ���!''�-�`{"�` otherwise provides.�hc pra�c��ds shull he upplicd to�he.rum�xrcured by�his Securi�y In��rumcnt whclhcr ur nut tho xumw ure <br /> ����tz:•.,.. b <br /> : -. . •.. .•� ., . tktrn due. <br /> : .,�r .' '�^ � If the PnipeKy is atxuKk�ned b} Born►wer,or if,aft�r n��lire by Lendrr tu�orruwer�hut�he rondcinn��r offen to me►ko <br />- - ' " �-';'" �uwcud or�ettle a claim for d:unage�.BormNCr tiail�ta ns4x►nd tc�L�mdcr w�ihin�(1 duy. uftcr die date the n�nicr(x given, �� <br /> ':-,r;� � l.ender ir uuthcxired tu collect and applg Ihe prcx�wd,.ai ih c�tiun.citlxc a,�+axucion�u repair ot'tl�Pre►penp�to Rhc• <br /> _ .�">:.�: ; <br /> �:..:;�;„�; .�{�[���� ' ��m.r xecured by�hi.Serurity In�wment,��hefhe�or�xH thrn duc. <br /> ��.r,�'?; ,.".,:.Y ` '- Unlesti l.ender:mc! Bi�rr��wer�•t1►�•n�i.r,►gree in w�iting. uny upplica�iun��1'pr�x��ed�;�o principul xl►ull nw ertrnd w <br />_--°-"'-''?'�`'"''`"�"°',,.� �x.�ponc the duc daleot'flxe mumhly pa�mcnh rcteRed to in purugraphx I and ''iK chungc the unmunt at such puyment.. - -- <br /> ::�:�...:-. ";,.�.;�� "r�. U. Borrowe�Nat Relensed; F�wbearance liy l.ender Nut a Wuivcr. Extemion of thr timc for ps�yment a -- <br />---=--�� '.::�,�;:,;�?`�,,"',�, �}'.'''. mudificution of umc�nizu�ion ai the.ums�ecured by thi�Security Im�rumcnt granteJ by Lcnder to any succc.sur in in�crest — <br /> ���'���""?;'�T�� •�- af Borrower shull nM�peratN t�mkn+e the liubility oY th�originul B�m'owcr or Bnrrowerk succc�wn in interest. l.ender ` <br />:::'a'�:,:•. <br />�=�:r� ' �' • +hull no� be rcyuired to camme�x:c prixecJings uguinsl uny xurcetixar in interest or n(usc io extcnd Iimc fur pnyment or <br />_�::���, . o�herwisc modify amartization of the xumx secureJ by�hi�Sccurity In,trumcnt by reaain of uny demund mudr by thc uriginul �--_ <br /> •• • ` • . Bnrrower or Borcawa's succexsors in interest, Any f'orlxivunrc hy I.ender in exerci�in@ uny right cx remeJy,hull nrn lx�u __ <br /> ;�„ ° � ,o . � ;.,;� wuiver of or preclude ihe exerci�c�►f uny righ�or remcdy. _ . <br /> :r � � ,t.; l2. Suceesson and Asslsns Bound;Juint and Several I.IAbility;Ca•gigne�s. Thc covcnunts und agrrements of thiti <br />-..:�, . ' . ' Security Inrtrument shull bind anJ l�nefit thr�:uccessory and ussigns�if l.ender und Baruwer. +ubjrcl to Ihe provi�iuns uf __ <br />-- � '., parngruph 17. Burrower's rovcnunts und i�greemen�s ,hull Ix joint and ticverul. Any Bnrrower who co-sign+this Secu�i�y _ <br />_ • � r, � tnstrumern bu1 dacs not execme the Note: (ul is co•signing this Security bis�rument only tu nx►nguge,grnnt und runvey lhut __ <br /> • , ,� BaROwer z intcrcst in the Propeny unJer thc tcrm�af this Security Intim�mcnr, lb1 i.not persunully��bliguted ta puy Ihe,umti <br /> ' ` ,'�'�i secured by thix Security Inxtrumem:nnd lc 1 ugree,�hut L.ender und uny other Borrower muy ugree to ex�end,mudify,forheur <br />. °��.'� ; �I;; or make uny uccommcxla�ionti with regurd lo the term. of this Security Intitrument or tl�e Note wi�hout thu� Hormwerk �;�_ <br /> �. ,;,���� consent. <br /> �;= N „ . = 13. I.opn Charges. !f thc loan ucured hy this Securily ln4tn!m��nt i� ���hje�•t tn a luw which setti nu►ximum loun �..� <br /> • ° , churgex,und thut luw ir; finully in�erpreted�o�hnt�he imere��or o�her loun churges col lecled��r to Ix collected in connec�ion �'�- '- <br /> � � " ' with the loan excaed ihe permilled limits,then: �ul uny such loun churge�hul l he reduced hy�h�umoum�xcexsury ro ruluce <br />� , • . the charge ro�ha pcmiitted Nmit;und Ibl any sumx ulready cullcc�cd from Bi►rrawcr whKh exccedcd�crmiucd limi�s will he <br /> � „ '; rcfunded lo Bomiwer, [.ender muy choo.c to muke thi+rel'und by reduring thr principsd owed urxler Ihr Note or by muking u _ <br /> ,r�••• ' dinct payment to Bnrrower. If u rcfund redures principul.�hc reduriion will Ix:trrmrd us u purtiul prepuymcnt withou�uny <br /> prepuyment chargr under ihe Nntc. =— <br /> ' 14. NWiees. Any notice to Borrowrr pruvided f�x in thi�Srcurity Imtrument +hull (x: given by deliv�ring i1 ur by <br /> . maUing it by fint cl,ns mail unleti�upplicaMr luw•rcquire.usr of an��ther meth�xl.The iwlicr tihull Ix direc�ed to thr Pn�erty ��. <br /> ,�:�,; , ' Addretix ur uny otlxr uddretiti Borrowrr ik�ignutc+by notice to l.ender. �1ny notice tu Lr�xlcr�hall tx� �!ivcn My finl clutis ,-- <br /> • . muil to Lender;udJrc.,+�uted hrrcin or,my�Nhrr addm,ti L�ndrr drsigni�te+by notirr lo liurmwrr. Any ixilicr provided for �::'"_ <br /> • . in �hi� 3ecurity Inurument shull t►c dremed io havr Ix�en �ivcn to Borrowcr o�Lendcr when given ax pnwided in this — <br />. , . . .. �1SIfA��ilr�1. " <br /> ' ' IS. Go�•erning; SevcrubNity. Thi. Serurily In.�nimrnt +hull ix gm•emcd by frderul luw nnd thc luw of Ihc f- <br /> jurisdiction in whirh Ih�Propctiy i�lik�ucd. In thc rvent Ihat cmy provi.iim i�r rluu�< <,f ihi,Security Inxtrument��r�hc Nate _-` <br /> con0icts with applicoblc lu�v..uch conllict,hall rnN ull'cc�odirr pruci�iom ot'ihi,Scruriry In.trumem or thr Notc which rim �e �, <br /> .; tx given effect without thr contlicting pn►visinn. Ti�thi.rnd ihr pm�i;ian,��f Ihi. Security Instrument amJ the Nae ure �L�,--_ <br /> . � � declured to tx.xcverablc. =- - <br /> „ 16. Borruwer's C'opy. Horrowcr,hull hc�:iv�n unc cunti►nnc�l rupy ol'the No�r unJ uf ihi.Srcurity In,tniment. __-- <br /> 17. 'Iransfer uf the P�operty or u BeneRrial Inlere.rt in Norru�rer. ir':ai�������y�ar[uf dk Pm�h�or iiny intcrcz�in _ . <br /> , il is xold ur tramlrmd lor it•r Ixncticiid intcrc,l in H�►rr��wrr i..uld or trumfcmd ai�l Hurcuwrr i� nut u natural �xnonl `u <br /> without Lcnder��nor written con+ent. l.rnJer may. :d it,optiun.rrquira imnudi:uc �,aymcnt in t'uQ uf all sum.tircund hy �- <br /> .--4_ <br /> .� • ' this Security In+trument. Fd��wevrr,thi�option shull nn1 Ix excrci�rd hy Lender if exrni+r iti��ruhibflCd by frdrrul luw us of m_ <br /> the dutc uf Ihiti Security Instrumrnl. r <br /> " � ' • li'Lcixler ex�rci.r�thi+uption.Lrndrr.hull givc liorruwrr n��ticc��(uccelrralion. 1'he nulirc,h:dl pruvidr a�xri�K1 af �� <br /> :' not Irss than 30 Juys frum thc dutr thc notirc i�drlivrrcd ur muilcd wiihio�chirh Horc.,��cr mu.�p:�y all sun�..ecureJ b}•thi� �';,'.� <br /> � Security Inytrumcrn. U'BuROwrr I:iil.�u pay tlx,c ,umr priur a�Ihe r�pirwiun„t'ihi. perial. l.cndrr ro•ry invukc :m). <br /> � remedic��xmtiurd hy thi+Scrurit�•In��rumcn���•ilhuul l'urlhcr nu�ir�ar drmund�m Ni�rn���rc <br /> • IS. Rnrruwer'c Ri�hl to Reinstute. II� Hun•uu•cr mect� rrN:iin cunJui��m. H�mr►��,r .hall h:rvr �hc r��hl tu huvc <br /> ' entixcemrnt ol�hi�tiecunty Immmirnt di,.un�inucd at an� nmr��ri��r In thr rarlicr a,L �ai S dat.lur.urh��thrr�kriixl a. �•,., <br /> > � � . Sinclr I•auul��-Fnnnlr�fue'FYeddi.�luc t�IMIIR�I I\til ltl)1F.\"1 ..�m�.�im l'o�ru��ni• 4�W1 yr,ia���,�i��a�cr.� f;�,�� <br /> . i:", <br /> �. <br /> - , � .. � ;•ri+ �. <br /> � <br /> '.i. . , <br /> � - _ �_ . -.�.`.;; - . , . � .. .. .. <br /> ' .�� <br /> ,� <br /> � . <br /> 1 <br /> . ' <br /> � � <br /> : ''s � _ ._ . __ . . . <br />