__ .�'rlb�t ,Y'���;Ns.�t:yYdea'►Rc�:. .{�ii'{ir`(`". :}t ' . , ,� �;., , t _
<br /> .. �L" v •i"'� - rc,i^ � . ��F`yi .,�; . 4S Y�►Y. .
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<br /> _�_A•.• ��•4 upplicablc law muy sp�wiiy (or rcinwtu�emcn�l hefore halc of'tha Prnperty pursuant to;u�y�►wer of xple camuincd in this
<br /> -� "�s��''�° Securily Instrument;ar(b)eetry of n judgment eniorcing thiK Serurity In�trumcnt. Thcne cundillnnF ure Ihat 8orrower. l01
<br /> ._.�f���:,�+�;�� • • payK L.cndcr All tiumx which �hen �viwld hc duc undcr �hiti Securiry Inr�niment und ihc Note uh if na ucccleratiun hud �•____
<br /> . ���.� � � • uccuRed;(b1 curew uny det'uull of uny c�thcr covenuma iir agreement�;lc1 puy�ull expenxes incurred in enforcing this Securlty
<br /> � �• ' , , In�lrumcnl,including, hut no1 limited In,reuxonublc altorncys'feeti; und Id1 lukc�wch uctfon �i* l.cnder mny rcagonably —
<br /> ,^ .A:..,.'�„����:. teyuirc ta nssure Iha�1he lien of thEs Secuflty Inxtrumcnt,l.cnderk r�gh��in the Pmpeny und Norrowers nbligation to pny�he �--
<br /> �� � '...• . • � �ums secured by �his Security Inwlrumrnt Fhull cundnur unchunged. Upon reinRlu�ement hy sorrower, Ihix Secu�ity
<br /> - -"-- . � " ; tnslrumanl und Ihe obliguiiuna x��:urcJ hcreby�hall remain I'ully cff�ctive us if no accelemtion httd accurred. However,this �-�-
<br /> ` . . �_ -` _
<br /> " . ,�� .. '� � ri�ht la reio�talo shull nat apply in thc ca�c��f ucccicratian undcr purAg�aph 17. —
<br /> � `"` 19. 3ple of NMet ChAnge of LaAa Servlcer. The N�le nr a puniul Mterest in the Nnte I�agethcr with ihix Sccurity _._.�.
<br /> �� ,. . _., � _,v
<br /> .��'
<br /> �rrrr
<br /> • •- ° ''•.• loatrumenl)may be u�ld unc or marc tlme+withuut prinr m�,;�..�.. BnROwcr. A tialc mAy rexuU in u chunge n t c ent�y �i_�;�_
<br /> ; �'�� � ' Ikn�iwn us Ihe'Liion Servicer')ihot collec�n manthly puymentr�due under tln�Nate und ihis Secu�ity Instrumen�. There ulso �'
<br /> :i..�.t;..K. .,
<br /> , .'.,.... _
<br /> may bc onc ar morc chongex u(thr Loun Scrvirer un�cluteJ�a,�nule af the Noic. If there is u change of Ihc Lonn Scrvicer. ;r;.__
<br />'.Y� ° , Bormwer will he given w�ft�eu noticc ol'the chunge in ucccxdunce with purugrAph 13 aixive and upplicnbla luw. The notice �yNe,_.__.
<br />'';i�+ � , • :^ ' ' will ru�te ihe oume und nddress of the new Laun Scrvirer uiiJ th�uddres�:to which�+;�yments should be made. The notice wlll Y
<br /> ,s:w�`_;:-_; ..
<br /> s. Alw comuin any olher informution reyuired by npplicAble law. --
<br /> � 20. Hw�rardoua Substanees. Bormw�r r�hull not cuuw or permit Ihe pn�xnce,u4e,dispo�al,sioruge,or release of any ���-�;,�n
<br /> � ; ���`'"
<br />- ' �� Hv�+rdous Suhsluncec on nr in Ihe Pmperty. Borrawer shull not du.��w ullow :uq'�me else to J�, unything uffecting the .�.,���s:�;f,,=_
<br /> ' , • Propeny that i�in violutian of any Environmentul Luw. The p��ceding ava�entenees sha!!not apply�o�he prru ncc,use,or _ � .. ..�•�:"::::.
<br /> �•r.i,rs..�t.::-=::,-
<br /> � � ,tomge an thc Praperty af smull yuantiiics of Hazanious Substu�ncs�hut�n gencrnlly rccogniaed ta bc uppropriule to noRnul t,y•-•••---
<br /> � ����� �• nesiden�iul usex und to maintenunce of!he Property. r �'�~�
<br /> • • , _ - ,. Rnrrowcr�hall pmmptly gi��L�nder wriuen notice uf uny inves�igutian,cluim,dem:uxl,law�uit or other+�rtion by any �='°r"' �
<br /> �'� ,..=;':
<br /> , '� .. , govrmrt�entul or regulutory ngerky or priva�e puhy invulving ttK Pmperty und uny H:�zu�d�x�.Subslunrc or Envirunm�ulul �_..._:_
<br /> � ' Law of which BoROwrr hm uctuni knowledgc. If Bormwer Icum., or is notified by any �uvernmrmul or regulut��ry .. ��'�;�.._
<br /> _.,, .� authociry.thut uny rcmavut or o�her remediution ol'uny Huzurdous Sub,tunce Affecling�hr!'ra�rty is necexwry,Borrower � ,�.-.
<br /> i'�••� • shall prampily take nll nccr�+ury remedi•rl ac�ians in s�ccorduncc with�nvironmental l.aw. tt,�;_-:=—
<br /> 3���_. . . . . • .
<br /> �-r• A+used in thi.pAragr•rph?0,"HnrarJouti Substunce+'u�e those�ubstunce�defined us toxic or huaarduus subxtunces by ��ti�4�r���
<br /> ',;,.:•,<
<br /> _ ; . Environmentul Luw und the following substunces: gnxoline,kemsene, other flummuble or ioxic petroleum producn.toxic °���,�:-�.:•• �
<br /> � ��,�_ ' ; pesticides und herbicides, volutile �ulvems,mutcriuls contuining usbextor or formal�chydc,und mdiouctive muteriuk. A� T.
<br /> , ;;��;;'�' � used in thiti pumgruph?0."Enviranmcmal Luu•"mcan.fedcrul luws s►nd Inws of the jurisdiaian wherc thc Property is IacutcJ '� ' �`' '��',-
<br /> `'�' ' that relate to health,suYety or emirunmentul protcction. ���w
<br /> . I ��,_,__---
<br /> - NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrowcr und Lendcr i'unhcr cavrnunt unJ agrcc i�.follows: ____
<br /> ' �� �� � ZI. AccelerAtlon; Remedies. I.ender shall Rive nutice lo Borrower priar to acceleratlon Pollnwing Borrawer's __-__
<br /> :, , � breacb of any coven�nt or u�reement in Ihis Securily Instrument Ibut not prinr to acceleral(on under paragraph 17 --�
<br /> :;::;:- , I vales.s applErable la�s provldes otherwLsel. Thp anHce shall�pecify: lal the defnWt:lbl lhe aclba required to cure the ��_
<br /> default; Ic►a date.not leas than 30 days Prom the date the aMice I.s Riven!o Borrower.by which the deioult must be ,:. � ,,,
<br /> � cured;and(d1 that failure to cure the default on or before the date Rpecffied in Ihe n�dce may result In ucceleration of �" k4'�"�a�-'::-'-
<br /> ,` � . t h e s u m s n e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u r f t y I n s l r u m e n t a n d R a l e of t he Pro p e�tv The notice shell Purther inForm Borrower nP ��9���"'��'
<br /> � • � i �ti�, � . ., I ec
<br /> • � , I the right to reinetate after ucceleratian und the rl�ht to bring a court s�ction to ussert the non•existence oi a dei'ault or . y��?;_
<br /> any ather defense of Ibrrower tu ucceleration und sule. If the defuull is not cured on or befi►re the date specified in �
<br /> rr. ` I the noUce,Lender at itR optiom m�y reyuire immediute payment in fuU of ull yumz secured by thix Securily Instrument �-
<br /> wflhout further demand und muy invoke Ihe pnwer oP sul� und an�• other remedicw permitted by upplicuble Inw. �
<br /> ' ' I Lender shall be entitled tu cdlert all expenses incurred in pursuinQ the remedies provided in this parusraph 21. �- ---------
<br /> , • I including.bu!not limited to.reas��nuble ultorneys'i'ees und costs oi'title evidence. �""?�`�—
<br /> If the power oP wle is imoked,7Fuxtee sh�+ll record u notice of defuult in each countv In which aoy ps�rl ni'Ihe ,.;;�„;�_
<br /> ., Property Is located and ahall muil cnpie�oP such nodce in thr munner prescrii►ed Hv upplicable luw to Bnrrnwer and to .•:.���:._.;_.-
<br /> , , ;, � the uther persnns prescribed by applkuble luw. APter the time reyuired by upplicable IaK;'11�ustee shall Rice public _c�,��:;,
<br /> notice of sale to the persuns and In the mannrr pre+cribed by uppliruble la��•. 'IFustee.without demund un Borrower. '`?�•:',;,cr�
<br /> � shall sell the Property ut publfc aucliun to Ihe hi�hest bidder st the lime und pluce nnd under the terms desianated in i;�':�cir;.;__;
<br /> tbe notice oP sale in one or mure pu�ccls und in uny order'I�uslee drtermineg. 'I1ruslee ma�•postpune tiale of ull or onv `=A-`',-=-
<br /> �' parcel of the Property by public annuuncement at Ihr time and pluce uf anv prevlously scheduled�YIC. l.ender or ils •���� �
<br /> . �i` desi�{nee may purchase the Properh•at unv sak.
<br /> Upon receipt of pavment oP the price bid.'I'ruxtee shull deli��er lo Ihe purchutier'I�ustee's deed com•eyin� the
<br /> �' � Propert}•. The recltalR in the 1Yuxter ti deed rhull 1►r primn f��cie ecidence uP the truth nf the titatements made therein. �
<br /> •'r •�"�''�" � ' 7�uslee shall apply the prceeeds oi'Ihe+ale in Ihe fi�llu.�inu urder: �u1 tu uU custs und expensex uf exercisin�the puM�er
<br />." ' :_1�•, ' �;.;Y�;:���
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