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<br /> . 92 io4a�o �" �
<br /> tr;::�. ^ : ,�rof ti.�,;: "`� --
<br /> - ;t"�.1+k:;.fi w;••...
<br /> " �� irirC�:1..r�.YYI'� i �.
<br /> - ��„t,�,,,,��...- . periai+��hu�l.cndcr�cyuir�ti. 1'Iu imuruncc cuRirr pravlcling Ihc in�+uruncc,h�dl hc rhu.�n hy Nurruwcr.�ihjer�lo Ix�n��r�
<br /> �--�._":. .:;`;�:. . . npprov�d wMch*hull nrn I+c unmu�onably wilhhcld. I t'Hurwwrr fni lr��a muimuin c�wcra�ec drxritxd utw�vc.l.cnder m+�y.ut —
<br /> ,�`-^�,.'.:;.' . l.enctcrk opdun.oMufn cnvcru�e�o pr���cct LcnJrr;ri�clu►in�hc I�n�xny in urconlunrc wi�h parugruph 7.
<br /> , . ° �� All in�uruncr pe►licie.und renewnlr..hidl hr ucce�tuhlr in Lendcr und�hull imlude u.lundunl mu��eagr cluu+e. l.ender
<br /> - �hall huvc�he right to h�dd�hr�dicic+uud mncwul�. I(l.cndc�nyuin�.flurrnwrr�hull prrnnpUy giv���►l.cndrr nll rcccipt+.
<br /> "•;f rt•;
<br /> ..�' �� ,` of puid premium.uncl r�enewul nntice,. In Ihe event uf li.�,,Bum�wer�h+d l givr prompi nu�ice w i he i n.r•u rn n re curtier und
<br /> :� - � .. �� Lender. I.rnder m:iy m�ike pnw►f�►f lu.ti il'no�mude prumpUy by Burrnwcr, -- -
<br /> "�„�-.+��. Unlc.r�L.rnder und B��rrowcr�Hhcrwiu�ugrer in writing, imuruncr pnxecJ��hull ik u�licd �o n+�oruti�m ot cepuir ot °---—�-
<br /> . :.. the 1'n�pcny dumuged. i(the rc.�oruN�m ur repuir i� erunimticully 1'cusiblr amd I.ender� �ccunty i, nut Ie.�encd. 11 �he
<br /> � • '• re�wrutiun ur repair i+ mn economicully 1'eu�iblr i�r l.ender. �ecunty w�►uld tx: Ic.+rneJ. �hr in�uamce pnx:cedx ,hull l+r
<br /> -� �,, '�.. . � uPplied to�he sum+u�cun�d by thi,Security In�l�ument. whrthcr ur n�►t Ihen duc. wiih uny rxce+�puiJ�o i3urrower. If ----
<br /> .,_ . , � Bnrrowcr ubundon+Ihe Property,ur dcxx not un�wrr within 3U duy� u nutirc 1'n►m I.cnder �ha� thc innu�unrc carricr hux
<br /> .�_ ,., , nfferod�o,etde u cluim.�hen LenJer may c��llect ihr in�u�anre pnxeeda. Le�ukr muy use �he pnxeeJx�i�nrpuir ur res�ore �;',.Y�^
<br /> .;_ . ' Ihe Property or to puy xumr:�ecurcd by Ihi�Securi�y Inslrurnent.whethec�x nut then dtk. Ttx�lkla�prri�xi will hegin when
<br />, , �—_--- _
<br /> ' the notic�•ir�tiven. �,'p'
<br /> . ;y... � �.
<br /> Unle��Lender:u�d Borrowcr whrrwi�c uErc�in writing. ;my apptiration ut'pnxerdti to princi�al +hati�xn rxtrnd or
<br /> ' ,.,6 , pxt�thc duc�te uf tt�monthlY p:►>'mcni��rtcrrid to in puagraph+ I und�or rhanse thi•rm�wm at'Ihc paymrnt.. If `�YV�
<br /> " ;.',.^';;°:^:�:;_.' umlrr par.�gruph 21 Ihe Pn�perty iti:kyuire�i b� Lrnde�. [iorruacr'ti ri�:M tu any inwranrc �xdiri�•�+uxi pmcYCKI• n,ultinE �:.::=.=__.- --
<br /> ^ . .•;•i„•'• i'rom d:unagc lo the Properly prior to th�ucyui�ition nhall pa.� a�Lender to�he rx�cnt�►f Ihr sumx�crured hy thi+ Srrurity --�.
<br /> �u..;-._
<br /> • lmtrument immedin�ely pnor to�he aryuirition. - -___ _
<br /> ,�t�, b. (kcupancy, PreservAlion. Maintenance and Prutectiun oP Ihe Pruperty: Borrower's I.uun Appllratfon:
<br /> - � ,,�;;^ Leaseholds. �oROwer,hull�xcupy.r.�ubli.h.:�nd u,e thc f'raperty a�BoRou•cr:prinripal re,idence wf�hin,ixry d:iy�.af�cr —_- _-. -.
<br /> � � ��,;''•� the execution uf thi+Securily Imlrument anJ,hull riiminue w �kcupy ihe Pmprrty a.Sorruwer's pnncipul re+idence ti�r u� --•._
<br /> • leust une yeu� af�er the dute of �xeupuncy, unle�, LenJer othenvi+e u�rec. in writing, which c�n.ent �hull not ix�
<br /> �"^,,.'� unrca,onubly wilhhcW,i�r unlc.r,rxt.nuu�ing rirrum+tuncr.cxitii whirh uR Ikyund Borrowrr:run�rol. Borrowcr �hull not �-'?
<br /> �'°�'�' de.r•troy,dumage or impair�he Propem.uUow Ihr Prapeny lo ctekriurule,or rommil wu+tc un Ihe Pro�xrly. HuRUwer.hull �-'-�
<br /> , :,,�•.
<br />. • . �,,::_.'t.±� . Ix in defuuU if uny fortci�ure urti�m ur pr�xeeJing,whrther ci�il�ir criminul,iy hegun ihu� in Lender+ g�xxl fui�h juJgmem
<br /> " �'4�������' could result in 1'�xfeiture of the Prnpeny ur inherwiu muleriully impuir the lien rrea�rJ by ihis Scrurily Ins[rumcnt ur i �__
<br /> '`'•� ` `{`���''`��tf�" � l.ender�+ecurity interr,�. Born�wer muy cun wch a Jel'uuU nnJ rcin+�atr.u�pruvidrd in pu�a�raph IS,hy ruu.ing the ucliun
<br />. . i).+ct',�Y(�h;��.:: ��r pnxccding to lx dismi+,ed wi�h a ruling Ihul.in Lcndcr's Fcxd faith dc�crtninu�iun.precluJc,t��Meiture of ihc B�xruwcr'+ —
<br />_ . �:`�Y't:�+�',••',...t. -�.—. -�
<br /> ' � r,:•. :;,,:•
<br /> ;..,�,(���;,s. intere+t in�he Propeny or ���hc� muterial impuirmem irt' the lien crealyd by �hiti Sccurity In�trumenl ur Lendcr'. ucuriry ____
<br /> , intcresi. &�ROwcr tihull ul.0 lx in deiuull if Born�wer, durin�: Ihr loun upplir+�tion pr�xr.s. guve muieriully ful�.c or _ __
<br /> inaccura�e inl'ormu�icx�or��a�ement,w Lendrr u►r fuiled ta provide Lendcr wi�h uny muterial inl'ormaiion 1 in cannec�i�n with =— -
<br /> ;`:t.+,,:, the luun evidencrd b� �hr N�rie. incluJiog. hut not limiled t�,,repm�emutiom roneerning H�xrower; ixcup�mcy of ihe ---•--�---
<br />' .. ;:;`.FT;s �>-�'=^T— pro�r:ny us u prinripa[rr,iJence. 11'thi.Securiry Intit�umrnt is an u iea,ehoid.i3om�wrr,huli cum 1 widi a�ii ti►r �iuV i>I��IIti �``-'�� �
<br /> P Y � [���r�•_ ' '
<br /> '�+��• �` of thr Icu,c. If BaROwer aryuires fce tide a�thc Proprny.�hc IcuKhoW uixl the i'ee tide shull not mcrFe unle��Lender ngrces �__
<br /> i'�t;.t::�.,{�+(;;�,:•�; w the mcrger in wriiing. �`_���—
<br /> ''I:�:_':h{'SJ 7.1.�. 6f'L:�.•�
<br /> � �,,,,��±�!.r,rt����1;:,:;;. 7. Pratection oi I.ender's Ri�hts in the Prnperly. If Bcirruwcr 1'uils �o �xrlomi the rovenunts und ngrcrm�ntr.
<br /> •;;%��•r: : +;:h•• rontuinrd in this Securit Imtrumem, ur Uicrr i� �� Ic ul nxcedin� thu� nm +i nificunU al'feci Lrnder. ri htti in thr �� � `w��`
<br /> ,:.��., {.,�,.'�„'r. Y R P t- Y • F Y ' �' ;�'_.
<br />' ',;:;.,.,,; � Pro�xny l+uch u.u prcxecJinE in hamkruptcy.proha�c.for rancicmnuiinn ur li►rlciturc or tci rnli�rcr luw,or rcgulutian+).then 7,,,y_
<br />: � " Lcnder m•ry do und pi�y for whutevrr i.nr�:r.,i�ry ta pn�teci Uu vuluc��f the P�o�xn��imd Lendcr�right�.in the Pa�pcn�•. '"`.'��' _
<br /> " Lender�uc�ions muy include puying uny tium+�rcurrJ by a licn��•hich ha,prioriry over thi.Security In,trumem..i�{►rann� �
<br /> .. in cuurt, paying rcusonublc auumcy.'Icr,uixl entcring on Ihr Pro�xrt�• lo mah�rrpuin. Allh�w�h Lcnder muy Iuke aclion �. ;' _�;-•
<br /> • .,•,�• undcr thi�paru�;r.�ph 7.Lendrr dix.not huvr lu do+i►. ,;"},�_�.
<br /> :��-�. : Any amount,Ji,hur,rd hy I.endcr unJcr�hi� raru�niph 7.hull Ixronx uJJitiunul�1cht ul' Hurruwrr,ccurrJ hy�hi. .:; .y,;�°'
<br /> � '��+' '"' Seruri� Imaunun�, Unlc,ti Bunowrr and Lrndcr a�!nc t�,olhrr ici7nti ul'p:rynunl.thc,c sm�ounl+,hull ixur inlcrc.t fn�m Ihc , --
<br /> , '� i;��d;:'•s Y � -
<br /> • Jutr of ditilwr.emcnt iu Ihr Nu1c ratr unJ tihull he ptryahle.«•i�h in�crrsl.u�xm iN�lirr I'rom Lemlrr to Borrower rcyuetilin� , .. _•
<br /> �tila,
<br /> , puymcnt. ., ---
<br /> , ' • 8. !NortgaRe Inwrunce. It'LenJer required monga�r in.urnnrr a, +i runditiun ut'niul�in�tlx loun .ccurcd hy�hi. n==�,:,;°--
<br /> '.:�''•r . Scrurity Ins�rumrn6 I�urmu•cr ,hull pay �hr prrmium� rryuir�J ui muintain thc m��ttgu�r in.urunc� in rl'Irct. I1:I'nr am .. .�.;�f.�- ',.--
<br /> . .. �. reu�im. the mungagc inwr:mrc ruvcrsigc rcyuimd hy Lcn�lcr lu��... ur rca,e, w h� in rfl'.ct. florrowcr tihall puy Ihc ,. :,'-j�;-
<br /> premiums rcquircd lo uhluin cuveru�c �ub,t,�nlinlly equi�•:drni��, thr murl�a�ge in+unmcr previuu.ly in effecl. ai a ru.1 �:,.:�.;�.•�,y;
<br /> .ubslantiully eyuivulenl t�� �Ix ro.1 tn Rorcower��(Ihc murl�!ute in.urancr prr�•iau,ly in effecl.Irum wi ulirma�e nwngagc .. '
<br /> insurcr appruvrd hy LenJrr. II,uh.tiuniallv cquiv��lrni mun�:igc in,ur:mrr rovrr.�gc i+no1 u��uiluhl..Burro��cr�hull p:iy tu `- --_
<br /> Lcnder ench m�x�th u .um ryual tu unc-��vrllih uf Ihc}.:�rh•mue�;:►gr in,uranrr prcmium hrinE paiJ hy Bnrm�vcr�vh�n ihr ,� � ",�..,;.�;;.:�
<br /> � . . in.uruncr rovcrrgr IapseJ urrr:�,cd�u in in rl'Irri. Lendrr��ill�rrpt.U�C:�Ild fCt:llll I�1C��r�l\�I11�Ill�:i�a lo.�resrr�•�in liru � � , J.
<br /> ol'mongugr insuranc�. Lu,.rrxrvr pu�•m�nt, ma� nu Iu�iErr Ik reyuimd.:u �hr uptiun��I'Lcnd.r,il'mortgagr imurancr b � ;rii�:�:���,N
<br /> ° ruvrra�r 1in Ihr amutmt und 1'ur I hr�xriod I hal l.rn�lcr r�yuirr,i pru�•idcd hy an in.urcr:ip�,ru�•cd h�•l.rnder�i�nin hccomc, k ' .
<br /> uv�►Ilahlc anJ i.uh�ainrd.Burcu�<<r,hall pa� ihr��rrmiu�u,rcyuirc�l In mainlain mun�agr m.uran�r in�ffeet.ur lo pn���iik u
<br /> loti.re�erv�.unlil �hr reyuirrmrn�ti�r monEa��•in�ur:mce end.in:�cr��rdanre��ith anp��riurn agrcemen�txn�r�n Horn�wrr � .
<br /> �,;.. unJ Lcndrr or applirahlc law, �'
<br /> ' 4. Impection. Lcndrr ur it�agrni ma�• mal�rca.unahlcr�m�ir,upun and in,�x.•u„n.��I thc I'r�,�n.. L.nd:r�h:di � ;;°;:
<br /> givc Burru��rr nutirr:U Ih�•lim:��I or priur 1��an m.��.rliun.p�cilying rc:i,un:ihlr r:�u,r li�r Iha im�k�ti�m. :
<br /> I . 10. Condemnatlon. 'I'hc prurerd.ul ;uty aa:ud ur rlau�i Inr d:nna�r..dircr��,r,�,m����uenual.ii�c�nutir.nun u•ith am
<br /> i � .
<br /> tiin�k I.uml�-�Funnk\I��e%FrcAdlc�Inc l \Itt 1H�1 1\.r 1 kl\1l.�1 i �n�,.in�l'���rn.nn, 9 w1 .p.�,r r.a�,p,,,•,�•�
<br /> �'1 �� ���•.11�.11e'n IHiJMw�I��IIY•.I14 �
<br /> , ' ' 1.�11111rt�.111 I IMMI:111•11�11.-I 1\1',1�.:'11-11 t� , . •
<br /> ',.�•,
<br /> . � I
<br /> 7 . •
<br /> 1 �
<br /> '� , . . . - .. . ' " ' .`4'� . .
<br /> 1
<br /> 1
<br /> . �:1 .._ - .__ � -- _. . ._. _ . _
<br />