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20100934� <br />to the right 133.2 feet more or less until said strip crosses the North line of said <br />Southwest Quarter. <br />2. The SW 1/4 of Section 2, Township 143 North, Range 88 West of the Sth P.M. <br />Two adjacent tracts situated in the S1/2 of the SEl/4 of Section 2, Tawnship 143 North, <br />Ran�e 88 West, M�rcer County, North Dakota, being more particularly described as <br />follows: Tract A: Al1 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 2, vvith the exception of <br />the west 500 feet thereof, containing 24.85 acres, more ar less. Tract B: The north 200 <br />feet of the SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of said Section 2, containing 6.06 acres, more or less. <br />4. Twa tracts ofland cantainin� a total of42.54 acres, more or less, lacated in the E1/2 of <br />Section 2, Township 143 North, Range 88 West, mare particularly described as follows: <br />(1) Beginning at a point located on the half line common to the NE1/4 and SE1/4, <br />1120 feet west of the northeast corner of the SE 1/4 of Section 2, Township 143, <br />Range 8$, thence 1365.6 feet southeasterly to a point located 1320 feet south and <br />770 feet west of the northeast corner of the SEl/4 of said section, thence 550 feet <br />west, thence 2f40 feet north, thence 900 feet east, thence d20 feet south, thence <br />700 feet west, thence 700 feet sauth ta the point af be�inning; containing 27.39 <br />acres, more or less. <br />(2) Beginning at the southwest corner of the SE1/4 of Section 2, Township 143, <br />Range S$, thence 1320 feet north along the half line, thence 500 feet east, thence <br />1320 feet south, thence 500 feet west along the south section line to th� point of <br />beginnin�; containing 15.15 acres, more or less. <br />A tract of land situated in the SE1/4 of the NEl/4 and the NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section <br />2, Township 143 North, Range 88 West, mor� particularly described as follows: <br />Beginnin�; at the east 1/4 corner of said Section 2; thence sauth alang the east line of said <br />Section 2 a distance of 132p feet to the SE carner af the NE1/4 of the SEl/4 of said <br />Section 2; thence west along the south line of the NEl/4 af the SE1/4 of said Section 2 a <br />distance of 770 feet to a point; thence N14°51'W a distance of 1365.6 feet to a point on <br />the east-west centerline of said Section 2, such point being 1120 feet west of the east 1/4 <br />carner af said Section 2; thence narth a distance af 700 feet to a point; thence east a <br />distance c�f 700 feet to a point; thence north a distance of 620 feet to a point on the north <br />line of the SEl/4 of the NE1/4 of said Section 2; thence east along the north line of the <br />SE1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 2 a distance of 420 feet to the NE carner of the SE1/4 <br />of the NE1/4 of said Section 2; thence south alon� the east line af said Section 2 a <br />distance of 1320 feet to the original point of beginnin�;, containing S2.b1 acres, more or <br />less. <br />Page 15 of 21 <br />
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