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2oioo934� <br />parallel to the North line of said Lot 52 a distance of 20 feet to a point on the East <br />line of said Lot 52; a distance of 20 feet to the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 19 A tract of land in Lot 8 af Cody Land & Cattle Campany Subdivision of Section <br />29, Township Fourteen (14) North, Ran�e Thirty (30) West, of the 6th F.M., <br />described as follows: <br />Beginnin�; at a point which is 1 p96.2b feet north and 33 feet east of the southwest <br />corner of said Section Twenty-nine (29), being the northwest corner of Block <br />Twenty-four (24) in Lincoln Highway Second Addition to North Platte, thence <br />running east 50 feet, thence north 25 feet, thence west 50 feet, thence south 25 <br />feet to the place of beginning. <br />PARCEL 2� A parcel of land in the northeast corner of Lot Eleven (11), Block Thirty (30) of <br />the North Platte Tawn Lot Carnpany's Addition to the City of Narth Flatte, <br />Lincoln County, Nebraska, described mare fully as follows, to-wit: <br />Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot Eleven (11); thence westerly <br />along the north line of said Lot, Fifteen (15) feet; thence southerly at right angles <br />to said north Lot line, Twelve (12) feet; thence easterly, �'ifteen (15) feet, to the <br />east line of said Lot and perpendicular thereto; thence nartherly, alang said east <br />Lat line, Twelve (12) feet, to the paint af beginnin�;; said tract containing an area <br />of one hundred eighty (180) square feet. <br />PARCEL 21 Lots One (1) and Two (2), Black One Hundred Eight (108) of the Original Tawn <br />af Narth Platte, Lincoln Caunty, Nebraska. <br />NORTH DAKOTA <br />MERCER COUNTY <br />An undivided Ten Parcent (10%) interest in the following property located in Mercer County, <br />North Dakata: <br />1. The S1/2 of Sectian 1, Township 143 North, Range 88 West of the Sth F.M., less the <br />following tract: <br />A tract of land cansistin� of appraximately four acres which was granted to the <br />state of North Dakota for highway purposes, more particularly described as <br />follows: All that portion of the Southwest Quarter of Section l, Township 143, <br />Ran.�;e 88, lying within a strip of land 100 feet wide located on the easterly side af <br />and measured at right angles to the following-described highway centerline: <br />Beginning at the Southwest Corner of said Southwest Quarter, thence running <br />North along the section line a distance of 2499.1 feet, thenc� alang a 0° 15' curve <br />Page 14 of 21 <br />