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2o�oos34� <br />6. A tract of land situated in the SEl/4 ofthe SEl/4 of Section 2, Township 143 Narth, <br />Range 8$ West, except the fallowin�: <br />(1) The North 200 feet. <br />(2) A forty foot strip of land lying West of, adjacent ta and extending alon�; the entire <br />East line of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 143 <br />North, Range 88 West (excepting that portion lying within 33 feet of the section <br />line), which has been deeded to the county and then to the state for highway <br />purposes. <br />7. A11 of Section 3, Township 143 North, Range $S West of the Sth P.M., except the <br />followin� tr�cts: <br />(1) A strip of land 100 feet wide, being 50 feet on either side of the centerline of a <br />spur track located and constructed upon and across the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) <br />and lying between the East Line of said Section 3 and the South Line of said <br />Section 3; <br />(2) Two strips of land adjacent to the above-described strip of land, each 10 feet <br />wide, and lying between the South Line of Section 3 and a line drawn at ri�ht <br />angles to said tracic centerline at a point therein distant 1785.1 feet Northwesterly, <br />measured alon� said centerline from the South Line; and lying between lines <br />parallel and concentric with and distant respectively 50 feet atad 6� feet <br />Southeasterly and 50 feet and 60 feet Northwesterly, measured at right angles and <br />radially from the centerline; <br />(3) Two strips of land, each 54 feet wide, adjacent to the two strips of land last- <br />above-described, lying betw�en the South Line of Section 3 and a line drawn at <br />right angles to the centerline at a point therein distant 346.5 feet Northeasterly <br />measured along the centerline from the South Line, and lying between lines <br />parallel with the distant respectively 60 feet and 110 feet Southeasterly and 60 <br />feet and 110 feet Northwesterly, measured at right angles from the centerline. <br />S. The Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S 1/2 NE 1/4) <br />of Section 4, Township 143 North, Range 88 West. <br />9. The S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 9, Township 143 North, Range 88 West of the Sth <br />P.M., containing 80 acres, more or less. <br />10. The SE1/4 of Section 9, Township 143 North, Range 88 West of the Sth P.M., containin� <br />160 acres, more or less. <br />11. The West Half (W1/2) and the Nnrth Half of the Northeast Quarter (N1/2 NE1/4) of <br />Section 9, Township 143 North, Range 88 West. <br />Page 16 of 21 <br />