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201009336 <br />l3. Notices. Any natice to Borrower provided for in this 5ecurity Instrument slinll be �iven by dclivering it ar <br />by muiiing it by iirst class mail unless npplicahle la�v requires use ol'anather methad. The notice shall ba directed to <br />the Property Address or nny othcr nddress Darrower designutes by natioe ta I..ender. Any natice to Lcndcr shull be <br />given by lirsl aluss mail tc� Lendef s uddress stated hercin or any address I.endcr designates by notice tn I3orrowar. <br />Any nolica pravicled for in tltis Security Instrument shnll bc dccmcd ta hava becn given ta Horrowcr or Lender wlten <br />given as provided in this paragraph. <br />14. Cuvcrniag Law; Severnbility. This Security Inatrument shall he governed by Fedsro,l law and the [a�v of <br />the jurisdictian in which the Praperky is located. In thc avenk lhul �ny provision ar clause aF lhis Security Instrument <br />vr thc'1Vate conFlicls with applicnble lttw, such canflict shull nnk affeat ather provisions of this 5ecurity lnstrument ar <br />k}1� Npk� WIIICG Ctlri }?C �1VBl] CI�CCC WILElU11t tI7� CqqfllCLiriS pCOVl51Qi3 To this end the provisians ol' lhis Security <br />lnstrumen� txnd the Nake ure dealared tn be severuble. <br />l5. �arrower's Copy. Borrower shs�ll be $ivcn one canfarmed copy Of [�1C Note nnd ol' this Security <br />Inslrument. <br />16. Elu�nrdous Suhstnnces. Borrower shull not cuusc ar permit the presence, use, disposal, starage, or rclr�se <br />ol' Any Huzardnus Suhstunces an nr in thc Fraperry. I3orrower shnll nnt da, nar allo�v unyone elsc to do, unything <br />aftecting the Praperly that is in vivlutifln of uny Environmental Law. The preceding �wn sentences shall nnt apply ka <br />the presencc, use, nr slorage on the Prnperty of small yuuntitias o1' Nazardous Substnnces lhut ore generally <br />recagniced to he appropriatu ta normal residcntinl uses and ta muintenunca of die Property. <br />iiorrower shnl! prompE{y give Lendar written notice nf nny investigntion, alnim, d�mand, Inwsuit ar ather nction <br />by nny gavernmental or regulatary agency or private pariy involving tha Praperty and any I-Iaxtu'dous 5ubstance ar <br />�nvironmental Law of which 13orrower Itas actu�l knawlcdge. [f Borro�ver lcuans, ar is notificd by nny governmentul <br />or rcgulatary autharity, thut any removaf or otlier rcmedistian oF any l�ltunrdnus Substnnces aFPecting the Praperty is <br />necess�uy, I3orrnwer shall promptly tnl;e all necessary remediul actions irt accardance with Envirnnmentnl LAw. <br />As used in tliis paragrsph 16, "I-lnznrdous Substunacs" are thosc substan�es deFned r� toxic or ht�xardous <br />suGstances by �nvironmcntal L�w and the Falla�ving substances: gcasolin�, keroscne, alher flammablc vr lo�ic <br />petralcum products, toxic pesticides und herbicides, volatile solvents, matierinls containing asbestos or FormAldehydc, <br />and radiouctive materials. As used in this paragraph 16, "Cnvirvnment�l Law" means federQl iaws ttnd laws af thc <br />jurisdicLian wherB the Praperty is located that relate to heulth, s�fely ar envlronmental prolection. <br />NON-LINIFORM COVL-TIANTS. I�orrowcr and Lender further covenant and agree as I'ollaws: <br />17. Assignment af Rcnts. Bvrrawer unconditianaHy assi�ns and trttnsl'ers to Lcnder t►11 tha rents and revenues <br />of the Property. Borrower euthoriz�s Lender or Lender's agents tn rollcct the rants And revenues and hereby directs <br />cach teni►nt aF the Properly ta puy the rents la Lender ar I�ender's a�ents. 1-lowever, priar to Lender's notiee ta <br />Borrower uf 13arrawer's brcach of any r,avcnunt ar agre�ment in the 5ecurity [nstrument, Borra�ver shull calleat �nd <br />rcceive aIl rents und revenues vf tE�e PropeM.y ss trustce Fnr thc beneFt of l,endar nnd Bnrroti��cr. 'Chis assignment oF <br />eents canstilukes an whsalulc assignment and not an assignmenk far additional sccurity anly. <br />[f �,ander givcs notice of braach to [iorrower: (n) nil rents recoived by Barrv�vcr sh�ll bc held by Borrowcr as <br />trustee for beneHt of Lander only, ta be upplied ta thc sums secured by thc Security InslrurnCnt; (b) Lender shul! be <br />entitled to calleat nnd reccive a!l of khe rertts af the I'roperty; and (c) each tenti�tt nf tha Prnperty shap pay all rents <br />due rxnd unppid to Lender ar Lender's agant on Lendcr's written demnnd to the lenant, <br />Tiorrower hns nat executed any prior usstgnment of tha rents ctnd ht�s not a�d will not parfarm nny �ct that wnuld <br />prevenk Lendcr from exercising ils ri�hts undcr this paragraph 17. <br />Lender shull not be required to enter upon, tpl:e aontrol of or muintaict the Property bofore or uli,er givin� notice <br />af breach ta Barrawcr. 1•[nwever, Lender or a judicially Appvintcd recelver may dn so at any time tltere is n brea�h. <br />Any appl9catian of rents shttll nat c�ra or wutve any default or invalidate �uty ather right or remedy of Lender. This <br />assignment tif renls of thc Praporty shall terminate whan thc d�bt securcd by tha Security Instrument is �wid in fiall. <br />2�10-1616468 �U00497Q007173351� • �/J� ���� <br />i�Hi�a: <br />VMP�-4N�NE� p�a��.ai P■pe a or e <br />