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201009336 <br />(i) AI I ar part of the Property, ar fl beneficinl inierest in n trust owning all or part of ihe Property, is sold <br />ar otherwise trunsCerred (other lhan by devisc or descent), und <br />(ii) The Praperty is not uccupied �y the purchnser qr grantee as his or her princip�l residencc, or the <br />purchaser or grantee does so nccupy the Property hut his or her credit has not been uppraved in <br />nccnrdanae wilh tha requirements nf the Senrelary. <br />(c) No Wuiver. If circumstnnces occur that �vauld permit Lender to require immedinte puymant in l:ull, but <br />Lcnder dnes not require such payments, Lender does not wgive its ri�hts with respect ta snbsequene events. <br />(d) Reguintions at' HUD Secretary. In many circumstances regulatinns isstted by the Secretury wil] limit <br />Lcndar's rights, in Che cnse of payment dePaults, tn requira immediate puyment in full and Fareclose if nal <br />paid. This 5ecurity Inslrument dnes not authorize acceleration nr foreclosure if not permittcd by regulations <br />af the 5eeretfuy. <br />(e) Martgaga Not Insured. Borro�ver agrees thut if this Sacurity Instrumcnt and the Nntc nre not determined <br />to be cligiblc for insurunce undcr thc Nationnl Housing Act within G(1 dnys from the date hcreol; I.ender <br />may, at its aptian, require immediate puyment in full nf all sums sec�red by this Seourity InstrumenL A <br />written statement al any authori�ed agent of'tha Seeretary dated suhsequent ta GC) days f�nm lhe date hereof, <br />dealining ta insure this Security Instrument and the Note, shull bc deemcd conclusive pranl.' of sach <br />ineli�ibility. Natwithstnnding che faregoing, this aptian may nai be exercised 6y f.,ender when tha <br />unuvailubility al' insurance is sol�ly due to Lender's failure to remit ts insurance premium to the <br />Secr�tary. <br />]0. Rcinstutemcnt. f3orrawcr has a right to bc rcinstc+ted if Lender has requlred immedinte paymenl in fuil <br />because af Harrnwer's failure ko pny an amount due under tlYe Natc ar this Security Instrument. This ri�ht applies <br />even a[�er Forecloaure prpceedings are institutecl. 'I'a eeinstata thc Security Instrument, �a�ro�ver shall tender in a <br />lump sum al! amounts required tn hring Borro�ver's uccount cwrrent includin�., to the extent they are oblig�tions of <br />Barrower under this 5ecurity Instrument, fvreclosure oosis and rewsanable und custornary attorneys' 1'ees and e�penses <br />praperly assaciated with the fareclasure proaeeding. Upon reinstatement by Bnrrowcr, this Security lns�rument and <br />the obligatinr►s thut it secures shall remnin in effect us il' Lender had nat rcquirod immedinEc payment in full. <br />1-Iv�vever, Lender is not raquircct to permit reinskatement if (i� Lender hsrs uccepteci reinstatement t�fier the <br />cammedcemant of foreclasure pro�eedings within twn yanrs immediately preceding the commencetnent a'f a current <br />foreclasure proceeding, (li) reinstatement wil) preclude fvreclosure on dilrcrent gr�unds in the future, ar (iii) <br />rcinstatement will advers�ly al'fect the privrity af thc lien creat�d by this Security lnstrument. <br />li. Borrower Not Releascd; Curbearnnee By Lcnder lYot u Waiver. Extension of the time nF payment ar <br />modification oFamartization of the sums secured hy this Security lnskrumertt granted by Lender to any successor in <br />interest oF Dorrvwer shall not opereke ta release the Iiability af the ariginal Borrower or Borrower's suwessor in <br />inte�est. I.ender shall not 6e required ta ¢ammence prcaceedtngs uguinst any successar in interest or refuse ta �rtcnd <br />time 1'or payment ar oth�rwiss mndify amnrti�ttian a� the suma secured by this Security instrument by reuson of Any <br />demund m�dc by tho orfginnl Bqrrowcr or Bnrrower's succcs�ors in lnterest. Any forbearpnce by Lender in cxcrcis[ng <br />nny right nr ramedy sh�l1 not be a waiver oF or preclude the cxcrcisc af uny rigltt or remedy. <br />12. Succeasors and Assi�ns Bound; Joint und 5everu! Liubility; Co-5igncrs. Thc aovenants and �reemenEs <br />of this Security Instrument shall hind and bene�t thc succesanrs und assigrts of I.endmr nnct Horrawer, su6ject to the <br />provisipns of p�ragraph 9(b). Horrawer's cavanunts nnd a�reamenls shnll be ,�otnt and several. Any Borrower tivho <br />r.n-signs this Sacurity lnstrument but does nat execute tha Note: (u) is co-signing this Seaurity inslrument nnly tn <br />martg[�a, grant and cflnvey that Dorrnwor's intere�t in the Praperty under the terms of lhia Security Instrument; (b) <br />is nol persanally oblisnted ia puy the sums secured by lhis Security Inslrumenk; and (c) agrees thttt Lender and �y <br />other Barrower may agrea ta extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodatians with regard ta tF�e terms aFthis <br />Security Instrument ar the Nate withoul lhat Borra�ver's consent <br />2070-76't6468 "1000497QQ017733512 f�/J 9964 <br />InlNrl • •�_� <br />VMP4-A�N�Nq �oao>>.o� r+�ose w e <br />