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201009336 <br />l8. Fnreclosure Pracet�ure. If Leadcr requires immcdiatc payment in fuil under garagrnph 9, Lender muy <br />invnitc thc pawcr of snle nnd nny nther remedies permitted by npplicuhle lnw. Lender shull bc entitlecl ta collect <br />hII CXhCR5N8 Incurrcd in pnrsuing the remedies under this paragrnph I�, [ncluding, 6ut not limited ta, <br />reosonuble attorneys' fces nnd casts nf title evidencc. <br />lf the powcr of snlc is invol�ed, Trustce shnll record n notice of deTault �n each co�nty in which any �art af <br />the Praperty is lacaked and sLAll mAi1 copies of such notiee in the munncr prescribed by nphlicuble Inw to <br />Ciorrower und ta the other persons prescribed by npplicnblc lnw, After the time requircd 6y upplirablc in�v, <br />Trustee shall give public notiee of sulc ta tlic persons and in tlie maaser preseribed by applica6le luw. 'C'rustac, <br />without dems�nd on Borruwer, shull seIl the Praperty nt pu6lic auction to thc highnst bidder At the timc und <br />pluce ao� under the ternts drsigamted in the naticc af sale in onc or more parcels nnd in uny ordnr Trustee <br />determines, Trvstec mny postpane snle of nll or nny parccl af t6e Property by �ublic unnouneement nt thc time <br />aud place af nny previausly sehedulcil sule. Lendcr ar its dcsignec muy purchase the Property nt any sule. <br />lf the Lendcr's interest in this Security Instrument is held by th� Secretary u�d the Sccretnry rcquires <br />immedipte pnyment ia ful� under Purngrnpl� 9, thc Sccrctary may invake the nurrjudicial pawcr af smTc <br />provided in the Singic Fnmily Mortgnge Foreclasare Ack at ]994 ("Act'� (]2 U.S.C. 3751 e1 seq.) by requesting <br />n fareclosure cummissioncr desi�nuted under tlin Act tn cnmmence fareclvsure und ta se�l thc Property as <br />provided in the Ack (Yothing in the precc[iing sentenee shnll deprive the SecretAry ot uny r�glrts akherwlse <br />availnble to a Lender under this Parugraph 1$ or npplicpble IA�v. <br />Upau reccint of payment of the prPce bld, Tr�stCe sball dcilver to the purcl�uscr Trustce's deed coqveying <br />ti�c Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shnll be primu fnrie evidcoce af the truth oe cnG st�tem�n�s <br />mnde thereia. Trustes shAll apply the proceeds af tl�e sAte in the following order: (a) tn ull eosts nnd expensrs af <br />excrcising the pawcr of snlc, n�nd the sale, including thc payment af tl�e Trustee's fee4 nctually incurred, not ka <br />excecd Q.QQO % uf the principnl nmourt a� the aotc at khe timc of thc decturution of <br />dafnuIt, and reasaq�ble uttameys' fees as petmfktcd by luw; (b} to all sums sccurcd by thfs Security lnstrument; <br />and (c) any cxcess to thc persan or persans legally entikIcd to it. <br />19. Reconveynnce. Upa� payment of all sums secuxed 6y this Sccurity Instrument, I,ender shall request Trustec <br />tn recanvey the Properry nnd shalt surrender this 5ecurity Instrument and all nntes avtdencing debt securecl by ihis <br />Seaurity Instrument to Trustea. Tn►stec shall reconvey the 1'raperty withaut ►varranly nnd withoul chprge to the <br />porson ar persons legnlly entitled tn it. Such person or persons shall pay ony recordatian costs. <br />2�. 5ubstitute Truste� Lender, al its opkian, mny &nm time W lime remave Trustea and nppoint tt succcssor <br />trustee ta any Trustee appainteii hereunder by an instrument recarded in the county in which this 5ecurity Instrument <br />is r�carded. Withaut canveyance af the Proper#y, the successor trustee shall succeed ta All ihe title, power and duties <br />canfcrrcd upon '1'rustec harcin and by npplicuble lu�v. ` <br />21.. Request for lyotlees. Borro�vcr requests that aopies af the nvtiaes of default and snle bc sent tq Borrnwcr's <br />address which is the Praperty Address. <br />2Z. Riderx to this Security lnstrum�nt. If ana or more riders are exrxuled by Bnrrnwer and recorded tagelher <br />with this 5acurity lnstrument, the covenants of eoch such ridcr shall be incorporuted into and shall pmend and <br />suppicment the covenants and agreements af this Security ]nstrumrnk as iF khe ridar(s) were a pnrt of this Security <br />(nstrument. [Chr,xk appliaublB bax(es}j. <br />0 Candom(nlum Rider � Grawin� �quity Rider � Other [specify] <br />0 pinnned Unit Develapmant Rider Graduntcd Paymcnk Rider <br />�Q90-1616a68 1000497D00'1973351z � 9564 <br />IMtlelc <br />VMP�-¢N(Hq �a4n�►.ai raua � or a <br />
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