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201�Q9�3� <br />nhall remain li►lly ePtective as if no acccicratinn had nccurred. IIowever, ihis right tn reinstate shall n��t <br />upply in 1.he case of acceleration undcr Sectipn I R. <br />20. Sale of Nnte; Chan�e uf Loan Servicer; Noticc of Crievanec. The Note or a partial interest in <br />the Nole (together with this 5ccurity Intitrument) can be sold one or more limes withoul prior nolice t.o <br />Borrower. A sale might re�ult in a change in ihe eniity (known as lhe "Loun 5etvicer") thal collecis <br />Periodic Pay►ncnts duc under the Noie und this Security Tnstr�uncnt and perfornis other mortga�e loan <br />scrvicing obligations under ihe Note, lhis Sectiirity Instn�ment, apd Applicahlc Law_ Therc also might bc <br />one i�r morc changes of 1he Loan Servicer unrelated to a tialc of the Note. If therc iti a changc of thc Loan <br />Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of the claange which will siate the name and addtess nf the <br />new Loan Servicet, the address to which payments �hould he made and any ather infi�rrnation RESPA <br />requires in cunnection with a notice of transfer of servicin�. If the Note is �old anci thereafier the Loan i� <br />setviced by a Loan Servicer other than thc purchaser ��f the Note, lhe moriga�e loan �ervicing obligations <br />tn Borrawet will remuin with the Loan Scrvicer nr be tran�ferred to a successc>r Loan Servicet and are nc�t <br />a�sumed by the Note purchaser unlcss otherwise provided by the Note purchaser. <br />Neithet $orrower nnr L,ender may commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (us either un <br />individual litigant or the mc►rahur nf a class) thai arises fiom the other party's actions pursuant to this <br />Security Instnimcnt or that alleges that the other pariy has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by <br />reason of; this Sccurity Instrutraent, until Sach Borrower or Lender has nntitied the other party (with such <br />notice givcn in compliance wikh the requirements of 5ection 15) of such alleged brcach and affordcd thc <br />other parly heretn a rcasotaable peri��d aFter lhe giving of such noticc to take corrective action_ 1f <br />Applicable Law pravides a tirne periad which must elapse before certain action can be taken, that timc <br />petiod will be decmcd to bc reasonahle Fnr purposes o£ lhis paragraph_ The notice of acceleration and <br />nppotlunity to cure �ivcn to Fii�rrowex pursuant lo Section Z2 and the notice o£ acceleration eiven to <br />Borrower pursiiant to 5ection 18 tihall be aeemecl 1.0 �utist'y the notice and opportunity to take correctrve <br />acti�n provi5ions of lhis 5ection 20_ <br />21. Hazarduus Substances. Ati usud in thiti Seciion 21: (a) "Hazutdou5 Substances" are those <br />�uhstances delined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutani�, ot wasles by EnVironmental Luw and the <br />fi�lluwing subslanecs: gasoline, kerosene, other flaznmahle or t.oxic petroleum products, loxic peaticides <br />ancl herbicides, volatile solvents, materialti containing asbestus or fonnaldehyde, and radioactive inaterials; <br />(b) "Envirpnment.ul Luw" means federal laws and laws af the jutisdiclion where ihe Praperty is locaied that <br />relate to heallh, safely or environmental pr��tection; (c) "Enviromnental Cleanup" includes any response <br />action, rt:medial action, or reinoval action, as defined in Enviromnental Law; and (d) un "Environmental <br />Canclition" means a condition that can cause, conl.tibute to, or otherwise trigger un Environmental <br />C',Icanup_ <br />Borrnwer shull nut cause or pennit the presenct, use, cli�pasal, �torage, ot release nl' any IIa�ardou� <br />Suhstances, or Ihteuten to telease any Hazardous �nbstatYCUS, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not da, <br />nor allnw anyone elne lo do, anything affecting the Property (a) ihat iy in violati[>n at� any Envitonmental <br />[,aw, (b) which creaies an Envrronmental C 'onditi��n, or (c) which, due lo lhe presence, use, ot release oF a <br />Hazardous Sub�tance, cteateti u condition that advcrticly affects the value of the Property. The preceding <br />two 5enlences shall not apply to the presence, use, ot stotage on the Property of sinall quantities of <br />Hazardous Substances thut are generally recognized to he approptiate to normal residential uses and to <br />mainienance oI� the Property (incltiiding, hut not limited to, hazardous substances in consuiner products). <br />Borrower shall promptly givc i,cnder written notice of (u) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit <br />or olhet action by any gnvcrnmental �r regulatory a�ency or privatc party involving the Property and any <br />IIazardous Suhstancc nr Enviranmental Law oI� which T3orrowcr has actual knowlcdgc, (h) any <br />Enviroiunental C'ot►�lition, itaclu�ling bui not liinited to, any spilling lcaking discharge, rcicasc or threat of <br />rclease of any IIuzutdous Substance, and (c) any epndilion cau5ed by the presence, use or telease of a <br />Hazardous Substunce which udversely affects thc value oF the Propetty. If Borrower learn5, c>r is noti�ed <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMEN7 <br />�-6(NE) �osii� Page 92 of 95 ini�iais , r� Form 3028 1/01 <br />