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241�Q9333 <br />There may be only one designaled notice address under this 5ecurily Instrument ut any [>ne lime. Any <br />nntice to Lender shall be given hy delivering it or by mailing it by Cirst class nnail to Lender's addretiti <br />Stuted herein unless Lender has de�ignaled another address by notice io Bortower. Any notice in <br />connection with thiti Security Instnimenl shull not be dee�ned to have been given to Lender until actually <br />received by Lender. II� any notice required by this Security Instruinent is ulso required under Applicable <br />Law, the Applicable Law requirement will satisty the corre�pnnding reqtiiirement under this Security <br />Instnuuent. <br />16. Guverning Law; �everahility; Rules nl' Constructiun. '1'his 5ccurity Instn��r�cnt shall bc <br />govcrncd by fcderal law and thc law of thc jurisdicti��n in which t}ac Property iti locatcd_ All ri�hts and <br />nhligatic,ns cuniained in this Sect�rity Insitument. are �ubject ta any requirements and limitatians af <br />Applicablc Law. Applicablc Law rraight cx�licitly or implicitly allvw the partics to agrce by contract or it <br />mi�hl be �ilent, bul such �ilence yhall not be construed as a ptohibition a�ainst agreement by contract. In <br />the event that any prnvision or clause c>f this Security Insitument ot t.he Note cnnflicts cvith Applicahle <br />Law, �uch conl7ict shall not ulfect other provisions of this Security Inslruinent. ot the Nole which can be <br />�iven effect without the conllicting provision. <br />As used in thi� Security Instntment: (a) word� of ihe masculine �ender �hall mean and includc <br />corresponding neuter wnrds or words of the feminine gender; (b) words in the singular �hall mean and <br />include th� plural an�l vic� vcr�a; and (c) the wprd "muy" give� sole discretion withatitt any ohligatiora to <br />take any action. <br />17. Borrnwer's C.opy. F3orrower tihall he given one copy of the Nc�te and af this Security Instrument. <br />18. Transfer of thc Property or a Bener�ial Interetit in Burrower. As used in this Section 18, <br />"Interest in the Property" meuns any legal or beneticial interest in the Property, including, but not limited <br />to, lhose beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contract or <br />esctow agreement, the intent. of which is the Iransler of title by Borrower at a Iuture clale to a purchuser. <br />If all or any part of thc Property or any IzAterest in the Prnperty is s��ld or transferred (ar if I3orrowcr <br />is not a natural person and a bcncficial intcrest ip 13orrower i� sold ��r tran�fcrred) without Lcnder'ti prior <br />writtcn consent, Lendcr rnay rcquirc imrnediat� payment in full of all sum� sect�red hy this Security <br />Instn�tncnt. H��wcvtr, thiti optie�n shall n��t be ex4rcisecl hy Lender if such excrcise is prohihitea hy <br />Applicablc Law. <br />[f Lcnder exerciticti this optin�a, Lcndur shall give Barrower nutice c�f acceleration. The notice shall <br />providc a perin�l of not Icss than 30 dayti from thu ilate the nntice is given in accordanccwith Section 1� <br />within which Qorrower inust pay all sums sccurcd by this Security Intitn�tricnt_ If iiorrower fails ti� pay <br />these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lendcr may invnke any remedics �errnittcd hy this <br />Sccurity Tnstnuncnt without fiirthcr noticc or dcrnand nn Borrowcr_ <br />19. Burro�ver's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If I3orrowcr mccts ccrtain cnnditions, <br />B�rrowcr shall have the right to havc cnforcetr�ent nf this Secut'ity Instrument discontinued at any tirnc <br />prior to the earlic�t of�: (a) five days before sale nf the Property rursuant to any power of sale contained in <br />thiti Sccurity Intitn�mcnt; (b) FLlCII othcr period a� Applicahle Law might tipecify fc�r the ternnination of <br />T3orrowcr's rig}it to rcinstatc; or (c) entry of a juclgmeni enfarcing this Security Instnrment. Thnst <br />conditionti arc that Borrowcr_ (a) payti Lcndcr al] �um� which then wur�ld h� due un�ler thi� Security <br />instnxment and the N��te as if nr, acceleration had nccurred; (b) cures any deFault �f any other covenant� ot <br />agreements; (c) pays all cxrcnses ir�curred in enfi�rcing thi5 Security Instrument, including, bui not limitecl <br />tn, teas��nable atiorneye' fees, property inspecl.ion und valualion leeti, and othet fees incutred fur 1.he <br />purposc of protccting Lcndcr's int�rc�t in the Prnperty and rights unaer this Security Irastnrznent; and (d) <br />takes such acti��n as Lender may reasonably require to assure thal Lendet's interesi in the Ptoperty and <br />rights un�ler this Security Instni.mGnt, and Bnrrower's obligalion to pay Ihe Sums secured by thiy Secutity <br />Instrumeni, �hall continue unchanged. Lender may require that $orrower pay such reinstatement sums and <br />expenses in one or more of the following tonns, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) <br />certifed check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such chcek is drawn upon <br />an institution whose depnsits are insurcd by a fcderal agency, instrumentality ��r entity, or (d) Electronic <br />I'unds '1'ransfcr. I.Jpon rcinstatcmcnt hy Bnrrower, thi� Secutity Insttrunent ana c>bligations secured hereby <br />NEBRASKA- 5ingle Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Maa UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-B�NE) (0811) Page �v of�5 Initials�� Fo�m 3028 1101 <br />