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20100930� <br />As a af these agrecxnents, Lendcr, any purchaser of the Note, uuvther insurer, auy reius�c�, <br />any othcr entity, ar any affiliate of any of the faragoing, may receive (di�xtly or indiroctly) amounts that <br />derive from (or z�night be charactarized us) a partion of Soxxower's paym�nts for Mortga�e bxsurance, in <br />exchangc fox sharing or modi�'ying .the xuartgage ina�u�er's lisk, or reducing lo�scs. If suc� a$reeman# <br />provides that an affiliate af I.,cnder talcea a share of thc �zsurer's risk in cxchango for a share of the <br />premiums paid tv tlie inaurer, the ar�augement ia often termed "captive reinsnxs�ance." Ftuther: <br />(a) Aany such agreements wil! not afi'ect the amounts that Tiorrower has agreed to pay far <br />Mortgage Insur�nce, or any other terms nf t�e Lo�u. Such agresments will not increase the amount <br />Borrower will owe Tor Mat�'gage YnsQrance, and they wilI not entit�e 8orrower to any refund. <br />(b) Any sach ag�reements vn1M �nat affect the ►-igt�ts Sozrower has � if au�y - rv�th respect to the <br />Mortgage �nsua-ance under the Homeowner� �rotection Act af 1995 or any other law. These rights <br />may inclade the right to receive certain disclasures, to rec�uest and vbtain cancellation oi thc <br />M�rt�age Tnsuranee, to have the Mortgage Insurance terminated aatarnat�cally, and/or ta receive a <br />refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiunas t6at were unea�-n�ed at the time of such cancellativn or <br />termimatian. <br />11. Assignment of Misce�lancaus Proceeds; �orfeiture. AIl Miscellanevus 1'roceeds are herehy <br />assigned to and sha1l be paid to I.ender. <br />If the Piroperty is damaged, such MisceA�nec�us Proceeds sha)� be appliod ta restvration ox repair vf <br />thc P�roperty, if the restoration. or rcpair is econon�ically feasibls and Lemder's security is not lessened. <br />l7uriing such rcpait and restpratian periad, Londer shall have tla,e right ta hold such Misc�Ilaneous Proceeds <br />until Lendex bas had an opporhinity to inspect suah Property tv ensiue the work �as beon aompletad to <br />Lcnder's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertakcn pxomptly. Leudar znay pay for thc <br />repairs and restoratiou in a aimgle disbtu•sement or in a serics vf progress payments as the vcrork is <br />complcted. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable T.,aw rcc�uires interest to be paid on such <br />Miscellancous Proceeds, Lcndcr sla�all not be required to pay Barrawer any iutereat ar caruings on such <br />Miscallancous Proceeds. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasiblc or Lende�r's seeurity wquld <br />bc lessened, the Miscellaueous Proceeds r�hall be ap,pliod tn the suins secured by this Security Ixistn�ment, <br />whether pr not due, Wlt�l, �G GXC�33 if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be <br />appl.ied in the order pra`rided for in Seetian 2. <br />In the cvent o� a tatal i�g, destruction, or ],pss iau value of the Pz�operiy, the Miscellaneous <br />Proceeds sIiall ba applied to tho suma secured by this Security Tnst�vmont, whettzcr or not thar due, with <br />the raccess, if any, paid in Borrower. <br />rn the event o£ a partial taking, daslrruction, or ]oss in �valne of the Property in which the fair market <br />value of the Properky imaxicdiately before tho pariial taking, deslx�uction, or loas in valuo is ec�ual to or <br />greater fha�o� the amount of the su,me secuured by this Security Instrumant irmmediatoly before the partial <br />taking, des�ruction, or lass in value, wzless Borrawet and Lend�t othez�wise agree in writing, thc sums <br />scaurcd by this Security xnstrunaent shall be reduced by tlxa amount of the Miscellaneous Proceals <br />mult�plied by tha following fraction: (a) th� tntal amount o� t]xe sums s�curcd iimm,r,ciiately before the <br />partia] taking, destruction, or loss in .value divided by (b) tho fair market value of the Property <br />immcdiately before thc partial taking, destruction, or loss in value. Auny balanco shall bc paid to Boxrower. <br />In the event of a paxtial taking, destzuction, or loss in value of the Properly in wluah the fair marlcet <br />value pf the Prope,rty im�nediately bcfore thc partial taking, destzuctian, or loss in value is less than, the <br />amount of thc sums secured inwmediatcly before the partial talcing, drstruation, or loss in value, iu�less <br />Borrovver and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaueous Proc�eds slaall be applied to the sums <br />secured by this Sccunity Instrutnent wrbathar ar not thc suzus are then du�. <br />I£ th� Pz�operty is abandoncd by Borrower, ar if, after nntic� hy Lendor to Bprrvwer that tha <br />Dpposing Farty (as de�ined in the mext �antence) offers to make an awazd to aettle a c]airm for da�uagea, <br />Borrower fails tn respond to Lendcr within 3D days aftor the date tb�e notice is givar, Lendc�r is autharized <br />to collect and apply fhe Misacllaneai�s Proceeds either ta :restoratian ox repalr of tl�e Property or to the <br />sams secured by this Security Instrument, vvhether or not then due. "Opposing Party" m,eans the third Party <br />that orw'cs Borrowe�t Miscellaneous Praceeds ar thc pariy agaixzst whom Borrowcr has a right of action in <br />regard to Miscellaneous Procccds. <br />HorrawGr shall bc i�n default if any action or proceediug, whather ci�vil or crimival, is bcguu that, iun <br />Lc�der's judgxnent, could result iu farfeiture of the Pxoperty or nth�r materia}. impairme�ut of Lcnder"s <br />intexest in the Properiy or ri�hts und�r. t�ia Seaurity instru,mcut. I3orroweir can cure such a default a�ud, if <br />N�BRASKA- S(rtgte Family - Fann{s MaelFreddie Mac UNIFCIRM IHSTRLIMENT <br />�`6ME) (Dah �) Pnpa 8 of 75 Iniliwle: Fol't11 3028 1101 <br />