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201009305 <br />9. Prntect�ou of' Lender's Iufcte�t in the Property and Rights Under this Secux Iostt�umeq� If <br />(a) Borrower fa.i�s t� perform the cvvanants and agreements contained in this Security J�slru�mcnt, (b) there <br />is a legal proceeding tl�at might significantly affcct �.�nde�r's interest ixx the Pxaperty and/ox rights under <br />this Security Instzumtnt (auclx as a procceding i� banl�uptcy, probate, fbr condemnatipn or forfeiture, for <br />eufa�emeixt of a licxz which �uay attain p�iority avr� this Security Instru;ment vr to en#'orce lavvs vr <br />�egulations), or (a) Borroyyer has abandon�d the Propertq, then Lcnder may do and pay for wbatever is <br />reasouable or appropriatc to pmtect Lend�r's interest in 'tha Praperty and rights under this Security <br />lnstrumcnt, including protecting and/or assessing tl�e value of the Property, and securiug and/or repairing <br />the Property. Lender's actians can include, but arc not li�mited to: (a) paying any suu�s securcd by a licn <br />wlrich has priority over this Security Tustxtiuuent; (b) appearing in cowrt; and (c) paying reasona,blo <br />attorneys' foos to pro#ept its iutorest in thc Proporty and/or rights under tliis Sc,�eu�ity Inshzuuent, i�aaludin� <br />its sc�ured position in a ba�kruptay prococciing. 5ecuring thc Praperty inclndes, but is not linaitcd to, <br />entering fhe Property to mako repairs, changc locks, zeplaae or bpard up dvo�rs and windows, drain vc+ater <br />from pipes, e,lim,inate buildir�g or other code violations or da�agerous canditions, and 1;► utilities tumed <br />on or off_ Although Lender may take action uuder this 5ection 9, T.ender does not havc to do sa and is not <br />undcr' any duty or obligation tv do so. Tt is agreed that Lender incuxs no liability fvr not tak7ing any or all <br />actions authorizeci unde�r this Section 9. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lcndcr ,,�ader t]xis Section 9 shall becomo additional debt of Borrawer <br />sccured by t1�is Sccurity Ins�nunetat. Thcac amounts sball be�r interest at the Note ratc �rom the da#a nf <br />disbursement and shall be payable, vvith such iuferest, upon. noticc from Lender to Borrvwer requesting <br />paymcnt. <br />If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Bnnrower shall comply with all tha provisions of the <br />lease. Tf Bontower acquires fee iitle ta the Property, the leasehold a,nd the fee title sha11 not merge unless <br />Lender agre�.s ta the nuerger in wariting. <br />10. Mortgage Insut�auce. If Lr�der required Mortgagc Znsurance as a condition of making the Lo�n, <br />Borrower shall pay the premi�s r�uirai to maint�in the Mortgage Tnsurance in ef�oat. If, fQr any reason, <br />the Mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be available &am tha martgage iuseuer that <br />previously p�vvided such insurance and Borrower was reqnired to make separately designated payments <br />toward the premi�uns for Mortgage InsLUance, Bonrower shall pay the premiums xequixed to obtaan <br />caverago substantially equivalent ta the Mortgage,nce prcviously in effect, at a cost sexbstantially <br />equivalent tv �he aost to Sozrnwe�r of the Martg�ge Tztsurance previonsly in effect, fro�, an alternate <br />mortgage insarcr selected by T,ender. If su.bstantially ec�nivalent Mortgaga InsLUance cove�go is not <br />available, Borrower shall cont�nue to pay to Lender the amoiuzt of the separately designated paymcnts that <br />were duc when t]ze insurance coverage ccased to be in ek�'cct_ L�nc�cr will accept, use and ratain these <br />pay�ents as a non-tefundable loss resezve in lien of Mortgage Insurancc. Such loss reserve shall be <br />non-refundable, notWitbsffind'1ng tlies f�ct that the I,aan is ultixauately paid iu fiill, and Lender sha]1 nof bc <br />required to pay Socrower any interest or earnings an such loss reserve. Larder can no langcr rnquire loss <br />reserve paymex�ts if Mortgagc Insui�nce coveraga (in the auaount and for Che period that �,endar requires) <br />provided by an insurer selectcd by Lender agair� b�cames available, is obtained, and Lender requires <br />sepsrately designatcd payTnarts toward fh.e pre�rp,iutns for Mortgage zusu�ancc. If �.cnder required Mortgage <br />Tncnrw as a conditinn of makang the �.oan arid Barrower was rcquirad to make separately designa#ed <br />payments toward t1�o premiams far Mortgage Insuranca, Borrower slsall pay the premiums zequired to <br />mayntain Martgage Tnsutancc in effect, or to provide a non-refundabls loss reserve, until Lcxxdcr's <br />rer�uiren�ent far Maztgage insumnce ends in aacordance with any �writtc�a agreeaa�e.nt betwecn Borrower and <br />Lcndea pxoviding for such tenurinatian n�r untii texmirnatian is requirec� by Appliaabl� Law. Nothing in this <br />5ection 1D affects Bprrowex's obligatinn to pa int�rest at the rate providcd in fhe Note_ <br />Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lend� (�or any cniity that purchasas the Note} for certa;iva losses it <br />may incur if Sarrowex doas not rcpay #hc Loan as agreed_ Borrowcr is not a party tp the Mortgago <br />Iusurance.. <br />Mortga�e inswers cvaluate thair total risk on all e-c�ch 'tnsurance iu, force fram time to time, and xnay <br />enter into agrea�►ents with pther partics that sh�re or zuodify their risk, or reduce lpsses_ Tlxese agreements <br />are an terms and conditinns that are satiafactvry ta tho �artgage insurer and tha otl�er party (or garties) to <br />those agreements. "S�ese agreemez�ts may rcquira the mortgage insm-er to malce payments usiuog any souxcn <br />of funds tlaat thc mortgage insurr,r may have available (which may inalude funds obtaimcd from Mortga�c <br />XI1Rlri'8I1CC �lTGI117ilIIt$�, <br />N��RASKA- 5ingle Famlly - Fannle [�a�lFraddie Mac UN(F(]�tM INS1RtJM�NT <br />Q�`6INE) (oetiy Pap� 8 nf 1b Mn�e�e: FC17n 3028 1�01 <br />