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201Q09308 <br />acccicration has occurrcd, roinstate as pro�rided in Seation 19, by causing the action ar pmceeding to be <br />dismissed with a ruling that, in Lendcr's jUdgment, precludas forf�ihue of t}ae Propcsrly or other material <br />unpairmc�at of Lender's interest in t�e Property or rights imder this Security Tnsiavment_ Tha proceeds of <br />sny award or clainn for damage� that are attributablc to the impairxncnt of �.ender's iuterest iu t]�c 1''r�periy <br />are hu^reby assigned aud shall be paid ta �,ender. <br />All M�ISC011anepu'IS Froeeeds that arc not applicd to restoratian or repai,r of the �roperty sball be <br />applicd in the ordar provided £or in Sr,Gtinn 2. <br />1z. Iiorrawer Not Released; �'arbearance By Lender Nut a Waiver. Extension of the timc foz <br />pay�ncnt or modificatipr� of amortizatian of the aums sccured by this Security Tnstrument granted by Lender <br />to Barrower oz any 5uccessor in Int�rest oP Borrow�c sl�ll not operate tp xelease tJ�e Iiability of Borrower <br />ox any Successors in In#erest of Borrow�r. Lender s6all not bc rec�uired to commence rirocondings against <br />any Sucocssar in Interest of Bpnrower or tv refuse t� extend tinie for pa,ymcaut ar o#herwise modify <br />amprtizarion of the su�as secure.d by this Sacurity Instruno.e�ut by reasom of auy deanand m.ade by the ariginal <br />Bozrower or any Suocessors in T�tarest of Borrower. Any forbeazancc by I.ondet itn exercisin.g any right or <br />rcmedy including, withaut limitatinn, Lender's acceptance of payments from t�uird persons, artities or <br />Succcssors in Interest of Borrower or in amounts lesa than the amount t}zcn due, shall not be a waivar of or <br />precludc the exereisa of any right or remcdy_ . <br />13. Jaint and Several Liubi�ity; Ca-aigners; Successors and Assign� I3ound. Borr4wer �ovenants <br />and agrccs that Sorrower's abligatians and liability ahall be jpint and several. Hvwaver, any Sorrowez� who <br />co-signs this Security Jnstrument but does nvt executo tlie Note (a "ca-sYgnor"): (a) is co�signing this <br />Securrity Znstnimart only to vaortgagc, gran# and conrrey the co-signer's interest in the Property undcr the <br />terms of this Security �rument; (b) is not personal�y obligated to pay the sums sacurcd by this Security <br />I�strument; and (c) agrees tb,at Larder and aiay othcr Sorrower can agrec to extard, madi£y, forbear or <br />make any acco�mmodatipns witlx regard tq tho terms of this Security Instrument or Wa Note withaut the <br />co-aigner's cpnsent. <br />Subject to the provisions of Section 18, any Successor in Interest of Bdrxower who ass�unes <br />Sorrowcx's obliga.tions �der this Securiiy Instnwient in vvriting, and is apprpved by Lender, sb�all obtain <br />all of Boxrower's rights and bene�its under this 5�curity Inslmm�erYt. Bprrower shall not be releasacl from <br />Barrower's obligatio�s and Iiability under this 5ecurity Instruux�nt unless �..ender agrees ta szrch release in, <br />vv� The cavenaats and a�cnts 4£ this 3xurity Znstnunent shall bind (except as prnvided in <br />Section 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Larder. <br />14. Loan Cha�rges. Lendcr inay charge Botrowex fees for sorvices pe�rformed in connoc#ion witIz <br />$ozrower's default, far the purpose of prcataating Lcnder's ix�terest in the Prc�perty and rights undor this <br />Sec�ity Ins#xumart, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fecs, praperty inspection and valuativn fees. <br />In rsgard to any other feas, the abscnce vf express authority in this Seourity Tnstrunncn,t tn charge a spocific <br />fcc to Bonrower shall not be construed as a pzohibition an tha charging af such fca Lcnder zuay not char;e <br />fees that are expressly �rohibited by this Sccurity' Insh�ume�at or by Applicable Law_ <br />If the Laan is subject tn a law which sets zaaximum loan cbargcs, and that law is finally intcr�►rcted sa <br />that the interest or other loan charges coU.xted ar tq bc cplle�tec� in connection with the Loan exceed the <br />penpxitted Iimite, thar_ (a) any such loan charge elnall bc rcduced by the amaunt neccssary #a rcduce thc <br />chargc to tl�n pc�rnaitted limit; and (b) any sams akeady eollected frozn 8orrowex which excaeded permitted <br />limits will be refundcd to Borrower. Lender may choose tv make this refu�ad by reducing the principal <br />owcd unde�r thc Note or by making a diarect payment tn Snrrowcr_ If a refund rediices principai, the <br />reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment wit�ont any prepayment ehargc (whether or not a <br />prepaymen# charge is provided for under the Notv). $orrower's acccptance of any such xefimd mac3c by <br />direct payment to Bprrowr.r will constitute a waiver af any right of action Barrawe�r might hava ariising out <br />of such overchargc. <br />Z5. Notices. All notices givan by Srnror�ver or Lendear in conncction vvith this 5ecurity Inshwnent <br />must be in writimg.' Any notice to �orrowar in conn,ection with this Secuxity IuslzuAO,r,nt sI�all be deezned to <br />have becn givcn to Sorro�t�vcr when mailed by fi�rst class mail vr when achrally delivered to Borrowe7r's <br />notice addreas if sent by other means. Notice to any one Bormwcr shall consfifute notioo ta all Borrowers <br />unless Applicablc Law expresaly reqnires otherwise. '�'lcte s�qtice addross shall be tlze Property Address <br />uniess Borrower has designated s substitute nvtice address by mvtice to Lender_ Sorrower shall promptly <br />notify Lendcr nf Bnrrowex's change of address. If Lender s,pecifies a pxocodure foz reporting Bonrower's <br /> of address, then Barrowrr sh� onl� report a ck�ge of address tLrough that specifi�d proccdurc. <br />NEBRA9KA- Single Family -�'anhie WtaelFreddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUN{ENT <br />��6(NE) �pe71) aepe 1p oF16 Ini6rls: F�rnt 3428 9/01 <br />
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