<br />work has baen completed to I,pnder's satisfaction, p�rovided that such inspectiom sbal� be undartalceA,
<br />�rom�ptly. I..arder may disburse proceede for thc xepairs and roskc►ration in a singl payznent or in a serics
<br />af progxess pay�mants as thc work is aoiuploted. Unle�s sn agre�ment is �de in writing or Applicable Law
<br />requirrs interest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, I.endcr sb�all not be rcquirocl to pay Bar�awrs any
<br />interest oz earaings an such proceeds. Fees fvr publia adjYisters, or qther third parties, retained by
<br />Sorrawer shall not be paid out vf the inaurance prnceeds and shall be tb�e sole obtigation of Bozrower. Tf
<br />khe restoration or t�air is not econrnnically feasible or Lendar's security would bs lessened, the insurance
<br />proceeds shall be applied ta #he sums secured by this Security Ine�vment, whether ar not the�a due, with
<br />the eaccrss, if any, paid ta Spxxower_ Sttch insuxance prooeeds s]�sll be applied in the ardex prav�idGd for in
<br />Scction 2.
<br />If Borrowcr abandons the Prnperiy, Lende�r may �le, negotiate and scttle a�ny available insuiancc
<br />claim and relatul mattera. If Borrower does not respond within 30 days to a nptice fivm Lender that the
<br />insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and settls t}zc claiun. The 3p-day
<br />period will begin r�vhen thc nvtice is given_ In eitl�er event, or if T.ender acquires the Property under
<br />Sectian 22 or otherwisa, Sorrower hereby asaigns ta Lender (a) �3vrrawex's rights ta any insurance
<br />praoeecis sn an amo�nt nat to exceed the a�nor.uxts unpaid under the Nato or this Sacurity Instnunent, and
<br />(b) any othec of Sorrower's rights (othcr tlaan the right ta uny refund of unearncd prezniums paid by
<br />Borxa�t�ver) under all insurance polici�s cavez�ing tha Prnperty, insofaz as such �ights are xpplicable tn the
<br />caverage oF the Property. Lande�r may use tl�e insura�nce �rocecds oithcr to repair or restora the Aroperty or
<br />to pay a.u�vuwts unpaid �mder the Nota ar this Security Instxun.nr,nt, w}�ether or nat then due.
<br />6. Occupancy. Borrower shall vccupy, establisla, and use the �roperty as F3onrower's prineipal
<br />residence within 60 days ai�er the execni7ion of thie Security Ins�umcnt and shall coniinuc to occ,.ipy the
<br />Property as Boxrower's principal xesideA.ce for at least one year after the date pf accupancy, unless Lend�r
<br />othcrwise agrecs in writing, which consent shall not be unteasonably withheld, or uuless eactenuating
<br />cixcumstanae� cxist whieh are beyond Borrower's control.
<br />7. Preservat�on, Muintenance aud krvtection of the Froperty; Y�spcctions. Borrov,rrs shall not
<br />destroy, damage or ixnpair fhe Property, allaw the Prope�ty to det�xiorata or commit waste on tho
<br />Praperty. Whet3icr or not Bp�rrowea is residing in tJ�.e Propezty, Bonrowe�r shall maintain the �rnperty i�n
<br />order to prevent tha F'roperty 6rom deteriqxating or decrcasing in value due cp its conditipn. Unless it is
<br />determined pursuaat to Section 5 tt►at repair or restoration, is r�nt economica�ly feasiblc, Borrnwex sYiatl
<br />prom.ptly repair the Property if damaged ta avaid fixrther deterioration or dano;age. If imsurance ar
<br />condcmnatiom proceeds a�rc paid in eonnection with damage to, or the taking af, the Property, Borrawcr
<br />shall be responsible fox repairing ox reskaring thc Property only if �.,ee:ader h�s released proceeds fvr such
<br />purposes. T�ender may disburse prncceds fox tbe repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a seniss of
<br />prograss paymcnts as the wvrk is oompleted. If the insuraucc or conde►nnationproceeds are not su£P'icient
<br />to rcpair or restoze the Propertsr BQTCOWCI' 18 IIOt I'C�ICVCCl O� $pTrpWCP'S 0�7I1$S�7pA fOI t}1C COII1�71Gf1q71 C1�
<br />sucY► repair or restoxation_ ,
<br />Lender ar its agent may make reasoxxable cntries upon aaxd inspections af tba Property. If it hms
<br />rcttsonable cause, Lcnder bnay inspect the interior af the ianproveinents on the P�roperty. Lendex ahall give
<br />�orrawer noticc at the time of or priar to such an interior inspectivn specifying sucb reasonable cause_
<br />$. $orrawer's Loan Applicatian�. Bonower aLall be in default if, durin,g the Loan appliaation
<br />process, Bazxowcr or any persons or entitics acting at the d'ueciion of Boirower or vvith Bozxower's
<br />lmowledgc ox conser�.t gave materially false, misleadin�, or inaccurate infcumation or stataments to Lender
<br />(rnr faile� to prpvide Lcndet , with mat�al information) in aontxcctinn with the Loar�. Material
<br />representations include, but are not limited to, representatians aonccrning Sorrower's occupancy of the
<br />Proprrty as Bozxawcr's pri�cipal residcnce.
<br />NEBRASKA- 8ingle Family - FannieM�WFroddle Mac UNIFbRM IN3TRUMENT
<br />�y -6(NE)(oe�K� Prpe7af�5 Inldeh: FvrfCi$028 1/Q1
<br />