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2oioo93os <br />Borrower sk�all prouaptly discharge any lien which hae pniority ov�r ihis Security Ins�mc�nt unless <br />Bazxower: (a) agre�e in writing to #he paymcnt of the obligatian secused by tlx� lien in a manner aaceptablo <br />to Lender, but only sa long aa Barrower is perfarming such agreement; (b) cantests the lien in gooct faith <br />by, nr defezida against cnforcement af tha licn in, legal Proaecdings which in Lnndet's opinian operate to <br />prevent the enforcement pf the liez► while thoso proceedings are pcnding, but only until such proceedi,ngs <br />are concluded; or (c) secures froAU the holdar of the lien an agrccment satisfactory to Lezider subordinating <br />the lien to this Security Instz�u�nent. If Lendor detet�nines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien <br />which can attain priority over this Sec�ity Iaustrurnent, Lende�r may give Borrower a notice ideatifying the <br />lien. Within 10 days of the date on which tha.t notice is given, Borrower shall satisfy the licn ar talce one vr <br />mnre pf the aations set fvrt,�► abvve in this Sect�an 4. <br />Larder n�ay rcc�uira Sorrower to pay a one-tina,e charge far a rcal estate tax verification and/or <br />xeporting service uscd by Larder in conncction witb this Loan. <br />5. Progerty �surance. Barrnwer shail keep the improvem.ents now existing or hereafter ercctod on <br />the Froperiy insured against loss by firc, bazards included within thc te�n "extandc�l coverage," and an.y <br />other haz.sards including, btrt not limitcd ta, earthquakes and floods, foz w)iich Lendcr requires insurance. <br />This insurance sb�all be Ynaintained in tha amounts (including deductiblc levels) aud far kha periods that <br />S,ender reqnires_ Wl�at Lra�der requires purauant to the preceding sentexxeos can change ditring tho term of <br />thc Loan. Tbe insurance carrier praviding the insurance shall bc chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's <br />right to disapprovo Bonrvwer's chaice, �yhicb, right shall not be exerciscd iuircasonably� Lcnder may <br />rr.quire Borrnwer to pay, in co�ection with this Y.oan, eittier_ (a) a one-time charge for flnod xone <br />detexmination, ceitification and trac�iug services; ar(b) a one-tima c�arge far flood zone detcrmination <br />and certification services and subsequart charges each timc remappings or similar changes aecur vvhiah <br />reasonably might affcct such determiwation ar certification_ Borrowes shall also bc respansible for the <br />payment o£ any fecs impased by ttie Federal F.mergency Me.Aagemcnt Ageucy in connection with thc <br />reviaw of any fload zone dctermi�atian res�.�ting from am objection by Borrowez. <br />Tf Barrower fails tc� maixxtain any af tbc covera�rs described above, Lendcr may abtain i.�surenoa <br />cove�t�age, at Lender's optian azxd Banrowcr's cxpense. Lend�r is uudGr no abligatiox� ta purahase any <br />parkioular type or �mount of coveraga_ Tberefore, such cavcxagc shall cover �,endar, but might or migtrt <br />not protect Borrower, Barrower's equity itz t.�c Prnperiy, or the contents af the Property, agaix�st any zask, <br />b.azard or Iiability and might providc greater ar lesser covcrage Lhan was proviously in effect. Sorrawer <br />aclqoiowledges that the cost of the insurance coveragc so obtained mighk significantlq exceed the aost of <br />insurance tlaat Borrower could hqve obtained_ A,ny amounts disbLUSed by i.,arder uudcs this Section 5 shall <br />become additia�al debt of Barrowe�r secured by this Security Instrument. Tb�ese amo�ts shall b�ur intarest <br />at tl►e Nota rate from tha datc of disbursement ttnd shall I�e payable, with suc� �,terest, upon notice from <br />Lend�r ta Borrov�ror requcsting paym.ent <br />A1] insurance policies requued by I.end�r and renewals of such paliales shall be subject to Lendcr's <br />ri�ht to disapprove such policies, shall include a sf.andurd mortgag,e clause, and shall uamo T,ender as <br />mnrtgagee and/or as an additional loss payee. I�ender sl�ll have tb�.e righi to holci the policies and renewal <br />�artificates. Tf T,ender requires, Borrower aha]1 prnmptly give to Lender ull reccipts of paid prenniunns and <br />xenewal notices. If Borrower obtains any form oF insurancc coverage, not ofherwisc required by Lender, <br />for damage to, or destrucrion af, the Property, such policy shall includc a standard mortgage clause a�nd <br />shall nauie I,e,uder as martgagee and/or as au additional loss payae� <br />Iu the event af loss, Borrower shall give prompt no#i�e to the ixxsurance caxrior and Lqadex. Lendez <br />may naake prooF of loss if not made prv�uptly by Borrowar. Unless Len.der und Sorrower otherwisa agree <br />in writin�, any insurar�ce pxaceeds, whother ar not the underlyivag ins�u was required by Lcndcr, sk�all <br />be applied to restoration ar repair of the Property, if tho restvration or repair is economically feasible �nd <br />z..onder's sccurity is zxot lessened_ Duriug auch rcpair and restozation period, Lcndcr shall b.aye the right to <br />hold such imsurance procoeds unt�il. LCnder has had an npgartu�uity to i�spect such k'roperty to ensare the <br />NEBiipSKA- $lnale Family - Fannie MaelFreddle (Vlac UTIIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�.S(NEy ros��� Pa�►s 8 pf 76 Inipeb: FOi'tl7 3D2$ 11q1 <br />