<br />premiums, if ar�y, or any sums payable by Sarrower to Lcnder in lieu nf the payment af Mortgage
<br />Insurance premiums in accnrdance �c�vit� the prnvisrons of Sectioz� 1Q. Tbese i,teins are called "Escrow
<br />Ttans." A# origination or at auy timc ckuing the tenoa of tY�es L.oan, Lcndex m�y rec�uire th�t Camm.unity
<br />AS80C1Rt1DL DLiPS Fees, and Asscssmants, if any, be escrowed by Borrawer, and such dues, fees and
<br />asscsements shall ba an Escrow Ttrua. $orrower shall promptly fumish to T.endcr �ll notices of amoi�ts to
<br />ba paid under this 5ection. Borrowsr shall pay Lendcr tho �Yruds for Escrow Items unless Lencier waives
<br />Borrowcr's obligation to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items. Le�der may waive �orrower's
<br />nbligation to pay to Lencier bbnds far any or a�l Escrow Items at any time. Axry such waiver inay only ba
<br />ia writing. In the event af such waiver, Borrowcr sha11 pay directly, whcn. and wbere payable, the amounts
<br />due for any Eacrvw Items for which paymen,t af F�tnds has been waived by Lender and, if I.�nder requires,
<br />s�all furnis� to Larder recoipts eaidencing such payment withi�, such time gariod as Lemder may require.
<br />�orrowes"s obligation tv make srxch payments a�xd tv pravide recoipts shall for all purposes be dccmed to
<br />be a cvvenant and agrcexnent contuiucd in this Security Instnim,enf, as the pbrase "covcn�nt and agteement"
<br />is uscd in Section 9. If Darrnwcr is obligated ta pay �scrow Itema directly, pursnant to a waivr,r, and
<br />Borrower fails to pay the am�ount due for an Escrovv Ttem, Lender may exercise its zights under Section 9
<br />and pay such amount and Borrawer shall then be obligated undcr 5ection 9 to re�+ay to Lender any such
<br />a�mount_ I.e,ndex may revoko the vsraivcr as fo any or aJl �scravv I#etns at any i by a nptice given in
<br />aceordance �rith SectioR 15 and iIPOII 311C}i TCVQCat14A� �nrrovver shall pay to Lende�r all Funds, and in,
<br />such amaunts, that arc then roc�uired under this Section 3_
<br />L�ndcr anay, at any fiiuo, callcct and Jaold F�ds in an amount (a) sixfficient tp permit Lender to apply
<br />the F�ds at th� time specified under 12ESPA, and (b) not tn e�cnc�d the maximum amount a lender can
<br />rcquixe under RE3PA LendeJr shall estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of cr.urrut data and
<br />reasonablc cstimates of expcndituras of fiiture Escrpw Ttema or othenwise in accardancc wi� Applicable
<br />Law_
<br />'1'�c Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are ins��ued by a fedexal ageR.cy,
<br />instrumentality, or artity (r"ncludizig �.ender, if �.ender i� art institution whose deposits are so insnred) or in
<br />any Fcdcral Home I.oan. Bank. Leaoder shall apply the �unds tu paq the Escrow Itenns no later than t}xe tizna
<br />specified �dcr RESPA. Larder sb,all nat aharge Bainrower for holdiapg and applying thc Funds, anuuaIIy
<br />analyzing the escrow accouut, or vesifying the �scraw Itema, u,nless Le�ader �ays Barrdwer interest on the
<br />Fuude and Applicable Law permits S,ender ta make such a charge. Uraioss an agrcement is made in writing
<br />or ,l#pplicable Law requiares interesT tn be paid an tlae �unds, I..endcr sb.all nat bo requircd to pay Borrqnvcr
<br />any interest or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Leudar can agree in writing, hor�revcr, that intarest
<br />shall be paid on tlae Funde. Lender shall give to Borrawer, wit�out ckiarge, au aiwual accounting o£ the
<br />Fuuds as rec�airecl by R�SPA.
<br />If there is a surplus of �nds held in escrow, as defined undcr R�SPA, Lendcr shaU acaount tn
<br />Borrawer for the eacccss £unds in accardanGe witlx RESPA. Tf there is a shortago of F�xads held in escrovc�,
<br />as dafizied undcr ItESPA, Le,ndear shall natify Borraweir as required by RESPA, and Barrower sha2l pay to
<br />Lender thc amount necessary ta naake np the shortage in accozdance with RESPA, but in no znvre tha�n 12
<br />montk�y payments_ If there is a deficiency of Fun�s held iu escrnw, as de#"i�ued under RESPA, I.ender shall
<br />natify Borrower as requ.ired by RESPA, azacl Borrower shall pay tp Lender the amount necessary ta m.ake
<br />up the deficiency in aacordance with RESPA, but in no mvres t�an 12 monthly paymente_
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums sccurcd by this Sectrrity Instrumerit, �.rndez� sl�all promptly refund
<br />to Borrower any k'ux�ds hr,ld by Lender. ,
<br />4. CLarges; Liens. Bonrower skall pay all taxcs, asaessm�xts, chargcs, fines, and impositioas
<br />athibutable to thc �roperty wbich can attain priority avez this Security Instrument, leasehoid payancants or
<br />gaund rents ou the �'roperty, if any, and Commuuity Association Dues, Fecs, and Ass�ssments, iF any_ To
<br />tha extcnt that thesa items are Escxow Items, Borrower shail pay thean in the manner provided in Section 3.
<br />N�8RA5KA- 5ingle Family - Fanniel�AselFreddle Ntac UNIFORM IN57�tUMENT
<br />�-B(NE) �oai�� p.�.sar�s in�.�: Form 30,28 1/D1
<br />