. . . ,- . �,i�r,,,,��.o..--r-...---,•
<br /> ��' - . .�. ... °' - , --_:�- �-_�.
<br /> ' . �14 i`;?_'��M✓�.tJ'�.i.t -- ... r� _-_ .
<br /> • ��.,r:nY�i _ - 9N•5�i!'• _ - - � _ •-
<br /> ,
<br /> '�_.-• -- • - • q�f� �r.—=.-
<br /> . _.. _ ���� �Q��J�F�
<br /> ,���y'",��'�
<br /> -��•��-n"�r'���° Y� •• opplicuble luw may specify far minslotemenU hcforc xalc oi thc Prupeny pun�uum �o uny powcr�►f sule comuined in thic
<br /> �^--��+�_��!��';.;;;,,I Secu�ity Inafrument;�r(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Sewrity Inatrument. Those conditionx nre thul BnROwer: lu) _
<br /> �;,�tF�w�.,; � paya i.ender ull sums which then would be duc under this Security Instniment und�he Nwe us if n�� acceleration had
<br /> �e..�� _�:.� �� occurred;(b)cures any dafnult of any other covenant�or ugrcements:lc)pays ail expenrew ins•urred in enfnrcing thix Secudty
<br /> �� ��"`'"�d' Insirument, inciuding,hut not Umited to,rcasonuble Attomeys'fees;und (d)takc� such ac�ion u�: l.cndcr muy rcasonably
<br /> �"��',`,�''� '•� require to uasure lhat thc licn ot Ihis Security Instrumem,Lcndcr4 rigMs in�he PropcRy wid Bortowcr's ubligulion to puy the
<br /> z...au�,i���;.:..,� sums secured by thiR Secu�ity Instrument shall continuc unchenged. Upun rcinstatcment by Bomnwer, ihis Security
<br /> �S�F;1.
<br /> :��;;;;-.J...�,,,;,: . Instn�ment und the obligations secured hereby shall remnin fully effective ac if na accNlerution hud accuRed. However,lhis
<br /> ��;��;,,�._.., right to reinstate shall nut upply in the cuse uf acccleration under purt►graph 17. R- - - - .
<br /> ��"1� r,.. �!'`^ 19, 3ple of Note= Chan�e of Loan Servieer. The Notc or u p�rtiul in�erey�in�hc Nalc(together with tbis Security
<br /> '�t' :. ' - lnsuument)may be sold one or more times wilhout prior notice to Barrowcr. A sule muy result in u chunge in the entity —
<br /> ,-.��;�:.;:.^�" (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the:Nate und ihls Security Insuument. There also
<br />�s ;� ..�. • may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated io a snie oP the Note. If there is a change af the Loan Servicer. ___
<br /> ' ' '�` "'��' Batrower will be given writlen notice of�he change in accordance wi�h paragmph 14 ubnve and applicable I�w. The natice
<br /> �����^��� will state the name and addreas of the new Loan Semcer and the address to which puyments xhaulJ be mudc. The notice will
<br /> also contein any othe�informatian required by applicuble law. ��'�==` � -
<br /> ;� . .. 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower ahall nat cuuse or pem�it the presence,use,diapoaAl,ytoruge,or releuse of any �-�--_
<br /> � • �� ,� � Hazardous SubstancBS on or in Ihe Property. Bonower shall not do, nor ullow unyone else to do,Anything affectiag the Rf;};:`__-.�--_,._
<br /> . '=�;�. , �. ,�.��-i�.,,�.::°:�:.
<br />�. - -` ;.�•,; . Property that is in vialarion ot �ny�nviranmental Law. The preceding[wo sentences shull not apply to Ihe presence,use,or �:,•.•.�,,,;�.�
<br />;;,� � ' 'I ' • ••'�S�k� � stora e on the Pro rt of smuU uAndties of Hazardoux Substunces that arc generally recognized to be appropdate lo normel ,''�.�'�;' �����
<br /> r, � : ti�.t+::�'��:��� S Pe Y 9 �:74'.:
<br /> �;;���.,--..�,;s�;1��:,�;��v�$•• residentiul usea und ta maintenance of the Property �Q:,�-
<br /> �'i,i�o �; :� �L� , ..,,�� � Bnnower shall prompdy give Lender wdnen notice of uny invesiigation,claim,demund,lawsuit or other action by uny �_
<br />,u r_j�'t�"'f,S�f�ztt�_ ... governmental or regulatory ugency or privstle party involving thc Property and any Hwardous Substuncc or Envimnmentul � _,,; _
<br /> '�s'�:"'�'"'�`°''` L.aw of which Barrower has nctuni knawledge. If Bormwcr Icarns. or ia nntified by any govemmcntul or reguluiory -
<br /> '•! :.�--- -.-.-�=�,`"-
<br /> ' � ��=�', uuthoriry.�hat nny remaval or olher remediatian af uny Huzrudous Subztun�e affeciing ihe Property i+neresxury.Burrowcr ��`
<br />�'� �� ' shall prompUy tuke all necessary remedial aclionc in accordunce with Environmentul Luw.
<br /> � . � Aa used in Ihis purugruph 2(1,"Hnzardous Substunceti'urc thu�c+ubtitunrc+dcfined u+U�xic nr huiurd�iuti�ub�luncc�My � "'
<br /> ' . � •-� Environmentul Law and�he following +uhwunrex: �tau►linc,krroscnc. ��Iher Ilurnmuhlc or u►xir �xUulewn pr�xlur�r, iuKir ��`"�''' '�
<br /> ' �� ... pcsiicidcr und hcrhicidrw, volu�ilc .ulveM�. mulcnal� contuininu u.lx�tas or Ii�rnwWchydr. und r+idi�u�cuvr mulrr�ul�. A� �` ��":: _
<br /> ° � � °�� uud in Ihix parugr�ph 20,"Envimnmcntul Luw"�ncun.icderal luw.utul luwx of tlx juriWlicth►n whcn IUc t'ru�xny ir IiKa�ed �"�.� �- �
<br /> ` .. IhW rclulc to hcuUh,�ufcry ur environmentul pratoctlun. -
<br /> • �' NUN-UNIFQRM CUVF.NANTS. B�m��wcr and l..ndcr Ibrther c��vrnurn und agrce c�,li►Uuw.: .n-�.�,�.,.�-.
<br /> " •� 21. Accelrrwlfon: Remedles. I.rnder r+hall Kive nollce lo Nurrower prl��r to�rccleration following Nnrrower'K "
<br /> breach uP any covenwnt or aRreement in Ihl.r tiecurity Inglrumenl l but nM prior to uccelerAN�m under puruRruph 17 � ._
<br /> .= unlesw appllcable law pravides otherwLse). The nutire shall Kpccii'y: lul lhe default:l bl lhe ucti�m reyuirrd lo cure Ihe ����:_,
<br /> �ctaa!!;tcf a dale.sso!les.g than 34 days from the tlxte!he n�►!!ce I��4vNn tn H���rower,by which the defoult muxl be =_-__- _
<br /> cured;and Idl thal Fuilure lo care Ipe default on or befi►re the dute ypeclifed in the aotice muy result in acceleratiun of
<br /> � the sumg secured by this Securlty Inalrument and s;sde of the Property. The aotire tihall furlher inPnrm Burrower of
<br /> - the�ight to reinslute aiter accelerallan and the rl�ht to brin�a ruurt uclinn to asseH Ihe nnn-exfstence of a default ur -
<br />