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<br /> ot iu�1e,and 1he rrk,lncludin¢tke payment of Ihe 71�ustee'o�eea+�ctuolly Incur�ed�nW to exceed 2.0 `��
<br /> -- 1IN PI'IIICI�111I A1110Y111 O�(IIB AMQ fll I�IQ IIIII@ O�lI1f'fICCTWI'Allllll O�d8Tt1UI1�Yf11I�C7ISODAIlI@ MllOi'lICyB�fees av parmitted
<br /> ----= by lawi Ibl to�II wuw�ecured by this Securfly latlrumeati�ad(cl�ay excew to Ihe pet�oa or per�ons Ie�aUy tutitkd
<br /> to if.
<br /> ��_�_.�±,'�!! 22. ReconveyAnce. Upon paymeni oi all sums ticcurcd by�hix Sccu�iry Inrwment,L.cnder shuU reques!7tu.rte�:to
<br /> '- = �� reconvey the Propeny and shall hurtender this Securiry Instrumem and ull nutea evidcncing debt sccured by �his Security
<br /> �. . ,
<br /> ---- Instrumem to'Itustee. 7tustee chall reconvey the Pmperty without wurrAnly und without charge to �he pes;on oc personx
<br /> ���.�rv;�r-•
<br /> "'�"'—`�"'°�`-- legally entiUed to it. Such person or persons shull puy ony recordation cosls.
<br /> �' - _- -
<br /> � ?3, Substitute 7Y�ustee. Lender, ut its option.may from timc to time remove'Itustee und appoin[a successor trustee to `"-
<br /> --- .,;��. Any'livstee uppointed hereunder by an insuument rccorded in the counry in which this Security Insuument is recarded.
<br /> �---�"""'r��.H Without conveyence of the Property, the successor Irustee sholl succeed to all the litle,pawer und duties conferred upon
<br /> � ���'���� 7tustee herein and by applicable luw.
<br /> �� ` ��'$�.�� �� 24. Request for Notkes. Bortower requeats that copies of the notices of default and sale he sent ta Borrower's address _
<br /> --__�'����s::�. whici�is the�'roperty Address.
<br /> �-`- } � ��•'�r 2S. Riderx ta thi.v Secarity IavtrNment. If one or morc ridcrs are executed by Horrowcr And recorded together with
<br /> _��.:r,. ,;;:�:�•..
<br /> ' �`r�6�A��! ' ',l•��,� ;� thia Security lnstrumem,the cavenonts�and agreement�of each such rider shull be incorpnrated lnto and sha11 umend smd -
<br /> :i�:G���R fa f'':'s'.
<br /> ��-;:��;";a�,'.s�� � � F�, supplement the covenunta und agrceme�us af Ihia Security Ins►rument as if the rider(ss)were a part af�hia Security Imuument.
<br /> � '���"� (Check applicable box(es)1
<br /> �_ .. - v�f�:'1. � �-_-
<br /> •��. �'::';
<br /> ;�;;r:�;�:i' �{ ,,,•;r . �Adjustable Ratc Ridar �Condominium Rider �1-4 Fumily Rider
<br /> r�...+iE�.Sli`__ ¢:.
<br /> �-� �firaduated Payment Rider �PlunneJ Unil[k:velnpmcnt Ridcr �Biweekly Paymem RiJ�r �
<br /> ���ieai�il�'.":'_-_
<br /> .,,.�n
<br /> �•�"+����y=��+,}�:��l::rr� �HWU�x�n Ridcr �Itutc Impruvcnknl Rickr Sccand Homc Nid�r
<br /> "�.5�� ..:�'�Ii�V��1 VIy�M[�1�l.
<br /> ---- ��47`�t��.� �_�cnh�n�ilh�xcit�yl
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<br /> _�:. ., ".•' � .�+��°" IiY til(1NINCl B�l.c)W,Nurrawcr uccept.und ugree�w�hr irrm.und covenuM�cnntuined in Ihix S��urity Inslrum��nt
<br /> ---� � u�ul in any ri�hKl oxecutrd by Bwmwcr und rerardcJ wi�h il.
<br /> =i - � .� � --
<br /> -.._.,— � :,��: '- . Witnoasw9: --
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<br /> iy[1...�ilir�c:�..� _ • 1SenU
<br /> � �+;�sr�r,,�u,��:.��; - . .. U ALD L. $iiUDA •a��rmwer =--
<br /> ' ... .f;
<br /> -_;:`�� � Sceiul Securit Numbcr
<br /> '� � -
<br /> "�^ � T
<br /> '.:� . (Senl)
<br /> �==f' ''. J U D Y S H U A -B�rrowcr �'"°
<br /> - :'c '�� _ � '. " Social Security Number 505 78 9046 --__
<br /> ;�:�.� `�"
<br /> ..'� '�`'``+':�' . , STATE OF NEiBRASKA. H A L L County ss: =_--
<br /> , .
<br /> .,, ��- '
<br /> : •.:;�:..; --�-
<br /> „,'''r;t � ' ..`'::�°'` On this 5th duy of Mey� 1992 ,heforc me,the undcrsigned,u Notary Public
<br /> ::�.i:.. ..
<br />:- ' ,� '� dulycommiasionedandyuaUfied forzs�idcounty.per�onullycume DONALD L. SHUDA ANO JUDY M. SHUDA, �1i,Y
<br /> . '�' " �`�' F�� ' ` EACH IN HIS AND HER OWN RIGHT , AND AS SPOUSE OF EACH OTHER�omeknowntobethe .r•T
<br /> _ ;,;.,.
<br /> �'�?°;�i,•°;��� •�� identicul personsls)whose name(s)ure subscribeJ to the fcxegoin�c instrument und ucknowledged the execution thercof to �� '
<br /> �_�
<br /> - •� ��'•�,.•• • �.:�; � T H E I R vol umnry ar�und dced.
<br /> ` �• . '•'` ' Witness my hand end notariul seu�nt�„�� N D I S N D, N E B R�K in suid county.�hc ��
<br />:;.. . � .
<br /> _ ,{,rc,+.• • : � . date ufbresaid. �GENEpI1L ID1AR1•SWe ot Ntb�aslu �w.`
<br /> , �.�� My Commission expires: DAVID F.DOHMEN ��`'
<br /> My Canm•Ea0•AuQ 4, Naory Publfc '°`°�
<br />-_ . �� '; , • � • REQUEST FOK RECONVEYANCE �-�``�'
<br /> , � � � .I . ".' %•{ TO TRUSTEE: -°"
<br /> , . ,;'.;�'`�`„•`
<br /> Thc undersigned is�hc holckr uf�he notc ur ndes,ccurcd Ny ihis Dced of Tivst. Suid notc or notcs.iogether with aU ��`
<br /> ' '• ' , '�!�-'��!� ' • other indebtedness secured by this Dced of 71u�t,huvc txcn puiJ in full. You urc hcreby direc�ed tu cunccl wid note or noics �°
<br /> ; �"�� • � ancl this Decd of 7ivst,which urc dclivcrcd hcreby,und tu recunvey.withaui wurramy,all the eswte nnw hcld by you under �
<br /> �;�;:+���� .i'::;.�',': � this Decd ol'7Yutit to�hc pertion or�rs�m.Icgully cmiUrJ�hrrrw. �,,. ;
<br /> . . , DAte: �
<br /> ' � Form 362J1 919Y r/x�¢�h n/A rr��Rrs 1
<br /> �: .
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