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���f T =� � ( r .r -._ ___-' �- y -� �� <br /> � i/" .. .,i.`:'-_. - 4-er,. ,.. �_ <br /> • =-.rye�n��'�n3:�� .-1. . <br /> . , . <br /> - .. <br /> -� •- --°---•• -- <br /> , . .. .,.. . _ <br /> . - <br /> ^ , � , - <br /> • ----- �,.� <br /> :�� y3.'�r " T- :����'S � - <br /> _.��=:��,:��::.: g2- <br /> � �`��r�� :l�.�:.;< <br /> �i�=�':;���:t,� condcmnuUun or uthrr tuking of uny pan ol'Ihr Pnqx ny,nr li�r ranvcyuncc fn liru�H c�mdcmnu�lnn.un:hc�chy u��i�snrd anul <br /> ;;�-'��:��,,,,.�,�;w,�,� xhull hc paid w Lend�r. �,. --.- — <br /> —•---� �s:F�y - In Ihc cvent i�f u icUal luking nt thc Propeny. �hc pnxcrds+hull ix urru�a �o thc�um. ktured hy Ihih Security <br /> �-.r:'s�.:-��',ri ;. <br /> L �;, �•�ti:��.,�fe;.,,' Inr�rument.whethcr ur nut�hcn du�:.with uny exce�.r��uid tu Borrower. In the cvrrn ul' n puniul taling uf tl�c f'ru�xny in <br /> �. .Y. <br /> ,�,.,. ,.: .. , which Ihr fuir markct vuluc��f thc Pr�ry�ny imm��liutcly Fx�li�rc Ihr�a�,in� �.eNuul�u ur grcu�cr ihun�hc amuuni nl'ihc tiumti <br /> .,. � ticrured hy�hi+Security In�ln�mcm i�mncdiutely Ixt�orc�hc tuking,unlr,. Borroa•er an�l l.cndcr i�thcrwi��+��trre i�wri�inti, <br /> '��� ..•'�. ':�` ° �hc tiumx sccuRd hy thiz Sccurity Irnlrumcnl +hall ix rcduccd hy�hc t�muunl uf�hc pnxccd�muhiplicd F►y �hr t�ulluwfn�t --- <br /> •y=�., ,,; :.: r� <br /> ,.,,: �,� frac�ion: lul Ihe to�ul umount c�f dk •,wn.�ccured immrdiutcly tkfurr ihc tukinti,JiviJeJ By(hl lhr fuir murkcl vuluu of dk <br /> _ ".`. pmprny innnrJiutcly fx:l'ore thc tukinF. Any� balancr shall hc paid tu Burru�ti•cr. In thc cvcm �,I':� p�irtiul �iiking�,f �hr . -,.��_..n-_ <br /> ��,� �{ -+ Nrapeny m which�he fui�murket vs�lur of thc Pro�xny immcdiu�cly Ix�farc thr�uking i, Ics�Ihun Ihc umuunt ot'thc�uro� <br /> _.�r�h��;,~I_� .. <br /> , ' secured immcJiutcly before the luking, unlcss Bom►wer und l.enJer othenviac ugr�c in writin� �rc w�lrti� upplicablc law _ <br /> � '��� ''���'` otherwi�e proviJes.�be praceedx nhall I+e applieJ�o the wm,tiecured by thi�Srcurity InvtrumeM wh�thc�or no��ure <br /> .�:��'�•�'.• , , then due. <br /> .�, , : <br /> - � , ^ . � If the Property is ub�ndoned by Nnrruwcr,or if,a4cr nuticc hy Lcndcr t�� Horrawcr that Ihc c�x�dcmnor uff'er.�o mukc -._ <br /> �'�"� � . '� an awn�d or settle u clnim G�r duma�zes, Burrawer fui1►ta respond to Lendrr within 3(1 duyti aticr the dalr thc nutice i.givcn. - <br />--c_� . • l.ender is authorized w culle�:t and upply the pmcerJs,ut its option,cither ta retitorutian ur rep•rir af�he Pro��eny or lo thr <br /> - • sumx secured by this Security Inv�rument,whrther ar n��t then due. � <br /> `'"� Unless I.ender und Burrowcr�ilherwive uRrer in writing.uny upplica�i�m ��f pnxecds�c�prinripal shall noi extend or _ <br />��.�:��` � � �� ' ,. .� poslpone the due dute uf the momhly puymcnt�retcrrcd ta in paruKn�ph� I ►uiJ 2 ur ch�u�Ec thc umi�unt of�urh p•rymcntti. �--- -=--�- <br /> ,�a,- �' ` ' 11. Bo�rower Not Releasedi Forbearence By Lende� Not a Waive� Ex�en+ion of thc time i'or paymcnt or _ _ _ ^ <br /> `- ' %-`�� '•'`•'`';��-�+ modiiic�tion af amartization af�he �ums secured by�his Scrurity Inx�rument grumrd hy Lender to uny in interest ��r�;,,,.. <br /> `��'`�" , •�';:`;,���:;",•��;�.��s�, of Bnrmwer rhall nM operAte to rcleasc�hc liubility af Ihc originul BnROwer or Bi�rtowerl xuc�c+so�s in interetit.Lender =_-___ <br /> ."��;:�::;� � •..,��,� • ,4 <tii�� ==----- <br /> •�,�:.,,, <br /> ':••i:�,r:::'• ,-r,,,,Y shull not t►e required to commence pnxeedingy against imy successor in interest o�rei'use ta extend �imr for payment or _ ___ .,mm <br /> t},� _ ;�f:���•:��� ;�; otherwisc modify nm�rtizu�ion af�he sumx necurcd by tbis Security Ins�rumem by rcation��f uny dem�md mudc hy�he originul � <br /> Bnrrower���8urrow�ra.urce�sorr in irnerc+t. Any I'urb�uru�kr l�y l.cnder in rx�iritiiu�; �u�y iight ui remedy�hall nat bc u i,;.�._..,.._ <br /> • �� • � wuiver of'nr preclude the exercitic of uny righl or rcmcdy. _ _ <br />. � .`:;� 12. Suceessora and Ascigny Kunnd;Joint und tieveral l.iabilily:(:o•si�ners. The covenant+and���rremenl�ul�thi+ o;,��,:�. <br /> . � • Security In�trument xhull bind und benefi�the,uccesrars und u�siEm of Lender und Burrower,subXrt to Ux. provixion�of �'°"�"� <br /> �° • par•rg�uph 17. surn�wcr;covcnuntr und uFrecments +hall Ix.jnint i�nd .cvcrul. Any sorr��wcr who cu-tiigm�hi. Srcuriiy <br /> " • � In�trumem hu�does nrn cxccutc ihe Notv: lu) thi�Securi�y Intitrumem unly to m�mFugc,grunt und romry tha� <br /> � �x y Y Fk• Y � p�Y ��.�. <br /> Bnrrowcr's intcrcst in�hc Pr�► n unJcr Ilx Icnnti ol'Ihi�Sccurit In.trumcnt: 1 b1 i+not n�mull ohli�uirJ�a � �� ,: <br /> .. ucureJ by thi,Security In,lrunkm: Unil lrl ugre�ti Ihau L.nder und uny�►ther Norruwrr m:�y u�tme a�rxlcnd.mi�lil'�rlxur �l� ,� <br /> , � or muke uny uccumm�klutiuns wilh rcgunl �o �hr �rmis af �hi. kcurity In,�nimrm or UK Nntc with�w� Ihut H�►rmwrr', <br /> ronrem. <br /> 1 i. Loun ChurRcs. II' 1hc I�►au ,ecurcd hy �hi. tirrurily Iminunc�H i� .ubjrci io a liia wliich ul, muximwn luan �x. �T <br /> charge,.unt!lhul !uw i�►i�ltdly intrr�n��rd.o th�u�hc intrrr,�ur�►Urcr luun ch�rge.riilkrt�J ur iu Ix r�►Ilectrd in ronmctiun �'�" __ <br /> wilh ihr lu�m cxer�d Ihr�xmiiued lioii�,.ihrn: Inl uny,urb luun rhurEr.hull ix reduced hy tlx umuum ner�v�ury�o r.ducr �r�.... ., <br /> , • �hr rhurgc tu tlk�miiurd limi�:und Ih 1 any ww.cdrrudy ruUrr�cd I'rom Bonu�aer��hich cxcccdcd�xnniurd limi�.will Ix E'^'".4f'''�'.-�---� <br /> . , refund�d lu Himoaer. L�n�kr ntuy rh�xnr tu muhr Ihiti nl'und hy ndurin�thr principal uwcd undrr Ihr Nutr�►r hy nui6in�u • • :- <br />' ' .� ., dimr�puyment to Burrowcr. II'u rrfuncl rrdurr.princip:d.thc rcdurtion will Ik ueutcJ u�u paniid prcpuymem without imy - -�=d���;;� <br /> ' pnpuymcm churgr unJcr thr Nak. •��"'�•����_ <br /> �. 14. NoticGw. Any nntirr w Bnmuwcr pruvidcd li�r in ihi. Scrurit�• In.trument.hull hr givcn hy Jcliv�ring ii ur hy —•_� =-. <br /> � • muilinp i�by tir.t cluti.muil unle�ti uppl icable la«rrquire,u.e uf annther nuth�xl.Thu n��l ice�hall he directeJ�u thc Pro�xny '"�`� <br /> •. .. Add�ts�ar uny olhcr aJJrc,� Hurc��wcr dctii�!nalc� by notico lu l.cixirr. Any nolir� to Lcncicr�hAll lx Eivcn hy tir+� cl•r.. " �`%k�'= <br />- muil�o Lcndcr�uddrr,+,tutrd hcrrin or any uthcr uddre.+Lcndcr�kxiEn:uc.By nuiicc w l;nrcowrr. Any nulirr pruvidrJ for : <br /> � in this Scrurity Imtrum�nt .hall hc dvemcJ N� hav� lurn �:i�•en �o Borrower o� Lcndcr whcn given •r� proviJrd in �his - ___ <br /> ' purngruph. ° �• "_ <br /> ' I5. l:overninR l.uw: tieverability. Thi. Srcurity Imtrw�nnt .hull hr �ovrrncJ h} t�Jerul law and the law i�f Ihc ''~-��"'"� �_ <br /> . jurixdiction in which the Propeny i.kx a[ed. In!hr cvrnt�hat any provi+ion ur rluu+�ol'Ihi+Securit}�(n�lnimenl or Ihe Notr - <br /> rontlict.with upplwuhlc law.,unc�ontlict+hall no�:dtcr�utlxr rrovisium��I'ihi.Srrurity In.trumeni ar Ihr Nutr whinc�an � <br /> . . , lx givrn eff'ect without the can0ir�ing pm���.��,�,. •r�,�i,����x� �n�n«���iziun� ul'ihi.5rcuritr In,trumenl and ihr Nu�e an <br /> � . .. �•. declureJ�o lx srvcruhl�. '' �"'��A <br /> ' , 16. Sorruwer's Cnpy. k3ixro��.r �hall Ix givrn onr cunli�mird copy�H'Ihr Notr an�i nl'�hi,Serurity In.irum�nt. �•� ' '�.�;"��:.--. <br /> "f.'� � 17. 'fransfer uf't he Property or a Hene f ic iu l In teres l in Borrue�er. N':d l ur u�ry pun��f i hc Pru�xrty ur any unrrest in f • _�. _ „ <br /> . . it i�wld or IransfcrreJ lor if u Ix�nrlicial intrrr.l in liorruw�r i�,old ur Iran.tcrred and B��rro�vrr i� not u nuiurul�xr,on� ,°:;�s,;.�•:-=''�"" <br /> �a— <br />: � without Lrnder's prior wriuen cun,cnl, l.enJcr may.:u��uire in►mrJi;nr payn�cnt in t�ull uf all wm..crurcd by -;..__ <br /> � i z S e c u r i l I m t r umrnl. Howcvcr. Ihiti a �iun.hall not Ix rxrrci�cJ b'LtI1lIC�1�CXCRI�I`I� .�UI71I1111'lI(1 fcdcrul law ati�if �:` .`_�T �' �'- <br /> • �h y n > r Y .�.�:.. _. <br /> ., • � thc dutc of'thi�Sccurity Imtrununt. �"'�. '�'�"`'°` <br /> -t.._�..i.:��,�v, <br /> . If Lender cxcrci,r.this��ption.I.endrr shull givr Hurmucr nalicr ul�:KCrler:ni�m. '1'hr rnNice,I�all pruvide a�xriixi M' ,..•, '•r . 'i�'.�- <br /> . nM le.,than 3U duys th�m Ihr dalr thc n�Nice i�drlivercJ or rnail�d�cithin��hirh Burrm�rrmu.l pa);ill,wn,�ecur�J b��Ihi. � � , • <br /> Securily 6i�trumrnl. II' Bimvwcr t'ail� io p:ry thr.c ,um, prior to thc rapir:�uon �,I Ihi�prrind. Lrndcr may invol�c any <br /> . � rcmcdirs perniill�d hy ihi.Sccurily In,t rumcn�wilhuul funhrr no�ice ur drmand on 13�xrn�+cr. � <br /> 18. Borrowcr's RiRht to Reinstute. II' liurru�vcr mrcl. rcnain rundili�m., liurr�����r,h:ill have thc ri�!ht lu havc � <br /> cnfoRCment ol thi.Sccurily Imlrurncnt Ji,run�inuc�!al am tun�• pr��n lu Ihr r:irhrr nC �,u �J:��.iui ,urh uthrr�kriuil:i. ' <br /> '�� • Sm41�Famdc Funnle�luNFrcddlc\foclXIP11R�11\�IRI'�IF:\1' In���wnt'n�.• 4:W1 �p,�„•�1n/r��u�4r., , <br /> . , <br /> . i <br /> I � <br /> i <br /> ' � <br />