.��.» . sa��[�::._-_r:,�::.�.�r �_,__�.,.., "_
<br /> ; - ' '_...y _ -.—�^_"--"--, "_"_."_ .,o.�_
<br /> . �r.__..... . . - ---.
<br /> t.:.la+r . . . _ '- -.i. " . --- -
<br /> _ 1 ..i��n'4- ° �_
<br /> - . _ a......_ - +.-
<br /> ... � ' ----°' �
<br /> . � - y�-.r!...,�., . . . - �-------
<br /> .' -�-.....�..��- ....._� .J1 .. � _. .
<br /> , �;��--�----��'� � � 9,2_ s0�ov5 --�-
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<br /> '.4�i y�4,'1.:'.a+. !��.J t
<br /> ' �:�"M � rii�lr Ihu�L.rntirr re uirc.. T1ic inhur.ukr cuRirr �rmidin Ihe in.uruncc tihull Ixr rh��xn by Nurrower,uhjcr� �a I.rmMr: —_ -
<br /> ���.M,.ku.��-•� :, Ix 4 1 t�
<br /> ;���,;,,._:,,�,• :�W,� _ . upprovul which shall nnt Ik unrcu�onubly wilhhcld. It Nurrowrr I�ufl,�o m�iint•rin c�wcra�ec dc�criFx:d utxwr. l.cnekr muy.ul
<br /> -��j�� .: I.cndar F nptian.aMain co�cra�c tu pnxrci Lrn�kr h righlti In lhr Pru�ny in accnnlunce wilh para�ruph 7.
<br /> ., All inxurcmcc�licies und mnewul�rhull Ixr uccep�uhle in LcnJcr und+hull incluJe►�,�undunl murlguge cluuM. Lender
<br /> •� ;. ahuil havr Ihe right u,huld dic{�dicirr anJ renewalti. If I.cndcr rcyuirc+.Hnrrawcr.h;dl prn►nptly give ta t.cndcr ull rcccip�ti
<br /> ' . e . � of puid prcmium.und rencv►•ol nuticc,. In�hu cvcnt ot�I�nr. Hurc��wrr,hull�sivr prumpt nnticc tu�hc i�i+urnncc currier and
<br /> ,`' .z ." , , Lenikr. l.cndcr muy mukc pr�K�f uf los.il'nut mudo promplly by Burn�w�r.
<br /> . ,:. :. .�
<br /> .. � ,•� , Unle.r.r•Lcndcr und Bnrr�►wer��thcrvvi,r ugrrr in writin�. inwrcmre pr�k�rds,hcill Ix upplird to m,lurc�tion��r repuir��f
<br /> - • �' ----- - ` -- the Nrapeny dumuged. if the reuornunn or rep•rir i�rrunomicully Icu,ihlc ,wJ l.rn�lei', .ccurity i. nui Iu.K�ucJ. If tho � ---
<br /> �"�":"�°� ���` r��:�oratinn nr repuir ix nM cronumicully (euxihle ur Lrnder� +eruri�y wuulJ Ik Irn�rncd. �hc in�urunce pr.KCCJx.hull be
<br /> '� � .�. ,�..' ,�'•a upplicd w thc .r•um. ,ecumd by thi� Sccuri�y Inytrume�t. whethrr or n�� thrn Ju�. wilh uny ctreti.ps�id tu Bunnwer. If
<br /> • �`"� • � Bcrruwcr ubandum thc Prup►rly, ur d�m+not unxwcr within .ill duyti u n�Nicc frum Lrnder thut thc inr�urc��x:r curricr hu.
<br />�� ' � Y" � " uffered t��tieule u cluim,�hen LenJer muy rollect thc io+u��uc pr�x:eeJx. LrnJer may u.c�hc pr�x:ecJs lo rrpuir ar n,lore -
<br /> �... � .Vr
<br /> f{ • ' , the Property or tn puy sum�secureJ by�his Securi�y Inx�rument,whe�hcr�+r nut�Ikn Juc. The�11•cluy�xri��l will hegin when
<br />,,,,- 6 '� ��' �,. . the notice ix given. -
<br /> � ' :' �" Unle+s L.ender und Borrower e�thcrwirr agme in writing,uny applicu�iun oi'procred�u� principul shull nut cxtend ur � -
<br />�� " � •� ' poxlpone thc due dute of�he monthly puymcnt.mferred to in purugrrphs I und 2 or chan�tr thc umount�►f tho puymems. If
<br /> a�i►' " _
<br /> � •�^ "� undcr parugrnph 21 the Property is ucquircd by L.enJer. Borrawrr+ right lo uny imurancc policics and procecds resuUinR ��__-.�
<br />;,;�� � ,;��*•,. . . f'rom d�mage ta the Pmpeny prior tu ihe ucyuiwition shull pusti io Lrndrr to the ext�nt of Ihc,umx.ccurcd hy this Sccurity
<br /> • � Inxtn�ment immediately prior to the u�yuisilion. -
<br />'2' • 6. Occupancy. Preservatian. Maintenanre and Prutection oP Ihe P�operty; Burrower's l.oun Applicalion:
<br /> w. , .,,i�� ' '
<br />��, . Leaseholds. Bortower shall a:rupy.estublish,and uxe the Rnperty•rti 8orn�wer's prmripul residencc within sixty Juys ul'ter ��
<br /> �` ' � t'�:_ . the execulion of�hi+Srruri�y Imtrument+md vhall con[inue to c�ccupy�he Propeny a. Borr�►wer'x principal re�idence far ut _ iz.
<br /> ,,,; �};`��:'�'�.. •;,-,��, , Iruzt one yrar ufler the date of occup:mcy, unless Lender otherw�i.r agree. in wriling, which con,en� shall not he
<br />,r . ,, .:.�Pi•�' ,�.�'.,.., , . �:^�
<br /> �.: ,�' unreasonnbly withheld,or unlrs.ex[enus�ting rircumstuncc+rxi.t���hich arc hcyond[iurn�wcr�conval. Borrower shidl not
<br /> 1' :. - t:r;"`• ..!•'::iin...'. —"—.--.
<br /> � , .. .�,,;,:::;:�.:,,,:;,, des�ray,dumuge or impuir the f'roperty, adlnw Ihe Pn�peny to cieteriorate,i�r rommit wu+te on �he Pro�xny. Harrowcr shull ---—_.
<br /> ;; , •.'•, � ,�-, ,�; be in defuult if any forfeiture acticm ar procceding, whether rivil ur criminul, i+hegun that in Lendcr's g�od faith ju�igment �'���s< '
<br /> �' ,,:� ; ,��{�,'}`,i,1�;f,til�t,S;',.;� cauld result io Porfeilure of Ihe Properry or �Nherwise materiully impair thc lien creuted by thiw Security Inxtrumen! or —
<br /> � f��., ! ,, ,�• i, .,, Lender 4 securiry interest, Bi�rrower may rure�uch u default und rrinstule,ax providrd in puru�raph I R,by ca�u.ing ihc uctiun —___
<br /> � �i , ...��;x+�.,.�,;���;',,�,� � or proceeding to be dismi..r•ed wi�h�ruling thu�,in Lender:gcx�d fuilh determinution,pmrludes furtcilur�nt"the Bnrre�wer� —
<br /> � ;:�-r�';.;� �'��•�'•.�;;"�+ ., intercst in the Propeily ar other muteriul impuim�em ul'ilk licn crr•rted by this Srcurity Inx�rumem ur Lenckr's.�curity �'"°`y'-�
<br /> � interert. Borrower shull ulsu tx� in J�f'uuU if B�rrowcr. during thc loan upplicuiinn prixe... guv� ma�ericilly I'ulx or
<br /> inaccurate informntion or stutcmems to Lcixler lor fviled to provide Lcndcr with uny matcriul intixmu�ionl in c�mnrrliun with
<br /> , " thc lo�n evideneed by the Nutc, including, hul nut limiled to, represcnwii�mr co�xrming Borrowrr, �kcupuncy oi'ihr �'`'���
<br /> � Pn�rty uti a principal rc,iJcncr. It'thi,Scruriry In,�rumrnt i,on a Ica,chold. Norruwrr.hull cuoiply wi�h ul l dk provi+iun+ '��`• ^� '�
<br /> -= ��I�fI1C ICu+t. If Qili'i�iltci JiNUif�+fc�tiilc to ihc I'rap:riy.ihc JCiISCII(ilil 7i1(S IJIC�l'C SiIIC•:haH ttot mrrge usile+r.l.estdrr sgtee� ----= _ - _ --
<br /> � . lo Ihe ntcr�cr io wri�in�. �
<br /> • 7. Prutection of I.endcr'x Rights fn the Prnperlv It' Burr�►�v�r fuih �u �xrti�rn� �hr ruvrnunt. emJ :i�r�cnkm. �=iei--: �
<br /> conluincd in thi� Srruri�y In,�runkm. ur thrrr i+ a IrEul pr�kcedmg �hu� muy ,i�nilirunUy +illecl l.cndrr� ri�;hlti in �hc �''�^ _ ��r
<br /> . . I'�u�xrly I+uch az u pr�xreJin�in bankrupicv.pr��h:ue.ti�r rund�mna�i�►n��r furlciture ur w rnti�rrr luw.ur n gul.ui�x�,�.Ihrn �- ' -- •-
<br /> I.rndrr muy du und pay ti�r whulevrr i. nc�c.r.ary to prweci the vulur ul Ihe I'n►�xtny +�nd l.enJer�righ�� u�Ihr Pru(x'rl�. �,.. .u..='
<br /> LenJcr:uctium muy incliKlr p�ying imy wm+urured hy a licn which hu.priuriiy uvcr thi�Srrurity Imininunt.:ip�xiiring ';';�_
<br /> . in coun.puying rcu+onuMc uuornry,'fr�•,and rntrrin�un Ihe Pro�xrly w mukr repuir�. Althou�Ch Lcndcr��r,�y tukc :�cliun �:,�;�: "
<br /> • undcr thi.paru�raph 7.I.rndrr J�k+niH huvr tu Ju,o. �v,:,:��
<br /> Any umoum�di�Munrd By Lcn�kr undrr this �������:��i, � .hull Fxromc aJJitiimul deht i�l'Rurrowcr �ccurcJ hy Ihi� �'•���=_.
<br /> Security IminimeM. Unlc�.Borruwcrand LcnJcr a�rcr tu uthcr trnm uf puyment.�hc.r umoum,.hall hriv intcrc.�I'rom tlx� x''�"�`'""-�-
<br /> dute of Ji�hur�emcnt at the N��ie rutc and,hnll hc p:�y:iblc. �vi1h imrres�. upun nulicu from Lcndcr�o HcKrowcr n�yucstin�e -;Tr.;—��'``��
<br /> � �y;�`��^._' —
<br /> puymcm. .ti<<....,;,-„--
<br /> S. MortRaRe Insuruncc. It' Lcndcr rcyuircd mungn�c in.urancr ar ii candi�ion uF inakin� thc loan ,ccurcd hy ihi� �c+a,��;:cr��
<br /> z.;,
<br /> ' Srcurity Ins�rumcnt. Hormwcr.hull pay ihc prcmiumti rcquircd tu maint:�in Uic mun�:ugc intiurancc in cffrcl. If. for i►n�• ,��"v�'%`�-
<br /> . rru+on. lhc mort a�c insurancr covrru�c rc uircd b l.rndcr la �r, ur rcu.c+ lo ix in rffcrl. Borro�vrr +hall �u tltC '�; ���'
<br /> F �- �- 4 y r � y -.�.�-;�__
<br /> premium� reyuired to uhiuin ruvrr:�gc ,uh�l:uUi;dly equivid�nt tu Ih� mungu�r in,ur;mcr prcviuu.ly in rffcrt. +u i�cu�t ';; �. .°:�j..-
<br /> xuMstun�fiilly cyuiv:drm �a ihr ru.�tu Borrowrr of�hc mortguEe in.ur:mcr prrviuutily in rflcrl.fnm�an aUrmatc morlgagc ' F-=
<br /> . insurrr approved by Lrnder. If tiuhtitanticdly cyuivulent mi�rtgagr in,ur:mre r�,vera�r i.not,►v,�ilahlr.B��rru�ver,h;�ll pay Io 'n:c:���.;:-
<br /> .. l.cnder euch mnnth a+um eyuul�o�m.-tweUih u(Uir yecvly mortgagr inxurance prrmium h�ing paid by florrower when Ihe —
<br /> � '� in+urunce c�wemEc IapseJ ur rra�cJ t�►Ix in clteri. l.rnd�r wiH arrept.u,c;md rrtiiin Uir,r pnymrnt�•�,u I��.�R�rrve in liru ..,:,;:��-` L
<br /> S;�r:.:;-.-,
<br /> ' ot'mongugc intiurancr. Lo,� rcxrvc paymrnt.ma� m► I„ngrr Ix rcyuirrd.:u Ihc up�iun ul L�ndcr. u .rortgugr in.uranrr . .••...;F
<br /> . • " j cavcru�c lin dx tmiouiU.md li►r Ihc �xriod thut l.�ndcr rryuirr,i pruvidrd hy im intiurer appru�•ed h� 1 rnJcr aEuin Ikcomcti , . ,�"`,. '=a
<br /> � . . � •rvailable und iti iih�aimd.13orrowcr,hall pay�hr prrniium,nyuir�.l k�maim;iin mungagr in�urainrc in�Il�r�. ur m pn��•idr a .
<br /> � lusx rc+crv�,unlil thc rcyuinmirnt ti�r mohgaEc imur:mrr rnd,in urr�ird:mcc��i1h:my ��•riurn agrccmrnt Iktwcrn Borruwrr � � .
<br /> ' und l.cnder ur uppli�aMr I:�w, �
<br /> �. ' 9. Inxpection. Lcndcr i�r il. a�rm m:n•m;d.r rrawuablr rnu�i�,upun :�nJ ui,p�rti�m.i,l the Pru�xm. l.rudcr.h:dl `
<br /> Eive Han�u�•rr nulice al the tim.•uf�►r priurlu un inti�xrn�m��xcil�m�!ra�.unnhle c:�u�r t��r Ihr inti�wriiun. ;
<br /> , III. Cnndemnadon. 1'hr pnkreJ,ul:m� :i��:uJ ur�I.iim I��r J:mia�c,.�iu.r�ur.�m,:��ucnnul.ui���nn�cn�m��ith am •
<br /> Su��lr I•.nml� F,mnii•�Inr�FYivldle�Im l\IFl IR\I 1\�1 kl �Ili\I l mluwi l'���rn.ml. 4/4p .p,��, +„l���.�c�.�
<br /> . H�.d I.�A��.Nu.�d.• F�rm. hn �
<br /> 1���4�I�Y I.dl I�IMXI iln!1.1!1 1 I\l ul��7'll I I 11
<br />� , .
<br /> I . . � . •
<br /> '\
<br /> �
<br /> . � ; .
<br /> 1
<br /> . � \
<br /> • �
<br /> � ..
<br />