<br />All insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policics sli�.ill be s�ibject to L,ender's right to disapprove
<br />such policies, shall include a standard mori�a�,e clause, a�id shall n�iiiic Lcndcr �is rriortgagee and/or as an addilional loss
<br />payee. Lender shall have the right io hold the policies and renewal certil'icatcs. II' l,crider requires, Horrower shall promptly
<br />give to Lender all receipts of paid pretniums �nd renewal notices. 11' 13orro�vcr obt�uns a��y form of insurance coverage, not
<br />otherwise required by Lender, for damage to, or destruction of, the Property. stich }7olicy shall include a standard mortgage
<br />clause and shxll nxme I.ender as martgagee and/or �s an addition��l loss pati cc.
<br />In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt noticc to thc insurancc c;irricr �.ind l,ender. Lender may malce proof of loss
<br />if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless I,ender and Borrower otherwisc .��;rcc iri writin�, any insurance prnceeds, whether
<br />or not the underlying insurance was required by I,cndcr, shall bc applicd tc� restoration or repair of the Property, if the
<br />restoration or repair is economically feasible and T,ender's security is noi lesscncd. Durii�g such repair and restnration period,
<br />Lender shall have the right to hnld such insuranec procceds �uitil Lei�der h�:is !�ad an oppnrtunity to inspect such Property to
<br />ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, providcd tli,il Si;�li ii�spection shall be undartaken promptly.
<br />Lender may disburse proceeds for thc rcpairs and restoration in a singlc }�t�yrncrit or iii a scries of pro(;ress payments as thc
<br />work is completed. Unless an agrcemant is rnade in wriiin� or Applicable C,�i�-� rcquires iriteresl to be paid on such insurance
<br />proceeds, Lender sha11 not be required to pay Borrower any interesi or earnings on s�acYi proceeds. Fees for public adjusters,
<br />or other third parties, retained by Borrawer shal] r�ot be p��id out of the insw procce;ds and shall be the sole obligation of
<br />Bonower. If the restoration or repair is not economically Fcasiblc c�r 1,cridcr'7 �ccurity� would bc lcsscncd, the insurance
<br />proceeds shall be applied to the sums secrrred by this Sccurity Instrim�cut, ��ii�tlicr cx not. then due, with the excess, ifany,
<br />paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order providcd l�or in Section 2.
<br />If Borrower abandons the Properry, Lender may file, negotiatc tu�d scttic ;irly �iv�iilable insurance claimand related matters.
<br />If Borrower does not respond withiri 30 days to a notice fro��� I,endcr that tlic insi.�rtu�cc carrier has offered to settle a claim,
<br />then Lender may negotiate and settle the cl�im. Thc 30-day period Hill be�;in �vhen thc riotice is given. In either event, or if
<br />Lender acquires the Property under Section 22 or otherwise, Borrawcr licreby ;.i„i��a to Lender (a) Borrower's rights to any
<br />insurance proceeds in an amount noi io exceed the ��n�ounts �7npaid imcicr tl�c `c�lc or iliis Seci� instnunent, and (b) any
<br />other of Borrower's rights (other than the right to any rcl'�uid of urlcan'�ed �'�rciniiims pt�id by Borrower) under all insurance
<br />policies covering the Property, insofar �s srich rights are applicahlc to thc covcr;i�;e of the Property, Lender rnay use the
<br />insurance proceeds either to repair or reslore the Vroperc}� or� io }>,iy �ii.io�:rus i:r�paid under thc Note or this Security
<br />Instrrunent, whether or not then due.
<br />6. Occupancy. Borrower shall accupy, establish, �ind usc tlic Propert� ;i, liorro��cr's prinCipal residence within 60 days
<br />after the execution of trus Security Instrument �nd shall cor�tiriuc to c�ccupy tl�c 1'roperty �is Borrower's principal residence for
<br />at least one year after the date of occirpaxrcy, rrnless Lender othcrwisc �i��,rcc; in writing, which consent shall not be
<br />unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances e:�ist which arc bcy��iid 13orro�ver's control.
<br />7. Preservation, Maintenance and Prptection of the Yroperty; Inspcclion�. 13c�rrowcr shall not destroy, damage or irnpair
<br />the Property, allow the Properry to deteriorate or cominit wastc oii Q�e 1'roperty. Whether or not Borrower is residing in the
<br />Properiy, Rorrower shall maintain the Properly in ordcr lv prevciit ltic 1'ropert� Crocci dcleriorafing or decreasing in value due to
<br />its conditian. Unless it is determined pursuant to Section � tlut rep or reslc�rtilioii is not economically feasible, Borrower
<br />shall promptly repair the Property if darrki�cd io avord further deteriort�tion o�• d��rn�tgc. lf irisurance or condemnation proceeds
<br />are paid in connection with damage to, or thc tttking of, llie Yro�7ert��, liorro�� ur shall bc resp�nsible far repairing or restoring
<br />the Property only if Lender has released procecds li�r sucti purpose�s l,cucicr ni;�� disb�use proceeds for the repairs and
<br />restoration in a single payment or in a scrics af pro�ress payrner�is �is ihe �� c-rl: is ; nr;iplcted. If the insurance or condemnation
<br />proceeds are not sufficient to repair or reslc�rc the I'roperty, liorro`vcr I; iin�. rclicvcd of ]3orrower's obligation For the
<br />compledon of such repair or restoration.
<br />Lender or its agent may make reasvnable enlrics upon and inspections oi'tl�e Prc�perty. II'ithas reasonable cause, Lender
<br />may inspect the interior of the improvenzents on dic Prpparty. l,ender slial] give i 3orrower noticc at the time of or prior to such
<br />an interior inspection specifying such reasnnabl� causc.
<br />S. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in dcfault if, durin�; tlic l,o��n ��pplication pracess, Borrower or any
<br />persons or entides acting at the direction of Borrowcr or w7th Barra�vcr'S kuo�vlcd�;c or consent gavc materially false,
<br />misleading, or inaccurate infdrmation or staternei�ts to I.ender (or f,�ilcd tn providc I,ender with material informaUon) in
<br />connccdon with the Loan. Material rcpresentatians includc, but arc not lin•�itccl to_ rcprescntations concerning Borrower's
<br />occupancy of the Property as Borrower's princip�l residcriec.
<br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fennie hMae/F'reddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUMENT
<br />�,g�p� (�1�� F�a�� n�>i �n ,, Form 3028 1/Q1
<br />DD3-NE9
<br />o�ooN�sssanss
<br />