<br />9. Pmtectioq ot Lender's Interest in the Property and Tiights Unc�cr thi� Sccurity lnstrument. If (a) Borrower fails to
<br />perform the covenants and agreements contained iii ltiis Securit� l�istriin�crit. (h) there is a legal proceeding tkaat might
<br />significantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and/or ri�hts undcr tt�is Seciir'rt�� InsUument (such as a proceeding in
<br />bankruptcy, probate, for condamnation or lorfeiture, for enl'orcemeui of �i lica� ��liicli rnay attain pri�rity over this Security
<br />Instrument or to enforce laws or regulations), or (c) Borrower has abandoncd ilic Property, then Lender may do and pay for
<br />whatever is reasonable or appropriate to prolcct Lcnder's interest 'rn tlie 1'roperll t�nci rights under this Security Instrument,
<br />including protecting and/or assessing ihe ��alue of the Property, tind scc�.�riri� ��i�d/or repairing the Property. �.ender's acUons
<br />c�ui include, but are not limited tn: (a) paying �my surns secured by �� lien �-��l�icli li�is Priority over this Security Instrument; (b)
<br />appearing in court; and (c) paying reasonable atiorneys' fees to protect its iritcrest irl tlie Yroperty and/or rights under this
<br />Security lnstnzment, including its secwed pasition iri a b�nkrriptcy procecdirig. 5ecuring the Property includes, but is not
<br />limited to, entering the Property to make repairs, C}1c�I1gC 1pGkS replace or bo��rd i.�p doors and �vindows, drain water from pipes,
<br />eliminate building or other code violations or dangerous conditions, and h�ive utilities turned an or off. Although Lender may
<br />take action under this Section 9, Lender does not havc tn do so and is noi i.indcr any dury or obligation to do so. It is agreed
<br />that Lender incurs no liability for not taking any ar all actions ilUtllpT'1Z(',C� UI1C�Cr t}ii5 Scciio�� 9.
<br />Any arnounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 sha11 becorne uddition�il debt oi"Borrower secured by this Security
<br />Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Notc rate 1'roi�i �he d�.�tc oi' ciisbursement and shall be payable, with such
<br />interest, upon notice fromLendar to Borrower requesting payment.
<br />If this Security InsWment is on a leaschold, f3orro�ver sli��ll cornpl�� ��iil� ,ill tiie provisions of the lease. If Borrawer
<br />acquires fee title to the I'roperry, the leasehold and thc fcc titic sli��ll nc�t iner��,c ivaios, Lender a�rccs to the merger in wnting.
<br />10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mart�ag� lnsurarice as ;� condition nf making the T.oan, Borrower shall pay
<br />the premiums required to maintain the Mortga�;c ]��sur�nce ��� �rr���. ii�, r<�; ��m rcason, the Mortgage lnsurance coverage
<br />required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortg��e instircr that }>rcvioiisl� provided such insurance and Borrower
<br />was rcquired to make separately designatcd payments to�vard i}ae premiiirns I'oi Mortg��gc Tnsurance, Borrower shall pay the
<br />premiums raquired to obtain coverage suhstantially cquiv�lent to tl�c Mnrt�;aF;c Insur�.mcc previously in effect, at a cost
<br />substantially equivalent to the cost to Barro�vcr of the Mortgage ]nsurtuico prc� io�.isly in effect, from t�n alternate mortgage
<br />insurer sclected by Lender. If substantially cquir�alent Mori�,a�;e fnsur�mce cc���cri�;c is riot available, Borrower shall continus
<br />to pay to T,ender the amount of the separately dcsigr�at�d payments ihat �vere di,ic �vlicn thc insurance coverage ceased to be
<br />in effect, Lendar will accept, use and retain these payn7c�7ts as n non-refundable loss reservc in lieu of Mortgage insurance.
<br />Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, non�ithstanding tYi� fact tliai the I.o�in is trltimatcly paid in full, and Lender shall
<br />not be required to pay Bonower any 'rnterest or earnings on s�.ich Ic�ss rc,cr��� l,onder can no longer rcquirs loss reserve
<br />payments if Mortgage Insuranca coverage (in the amouaat �nd for tlic perind ili�it l,ender requires) provided by an insurer
<br />seleclsd by Lender again becornes available, is obtained, and Lender reqi.iirc� ,cp�iritcly desigriated payments toward the
<br />premiums for Mortgage Tnsurance. If Lender required Mort�age 1ris�uai�cc �is �i �ondition of making the Loan and Borrower
<br />was required to make separately designatcd paynients toward the prcrniurns tor Ytort�;�it;c insurance, Borrower shall pay the
<br />premiums required to maintain Mortgag� lnsurance ii� effect, or to }�rovi��;; ;: �ic�n-rcf�u7dable loss reserve, until Lender's
<br />requirement for Morigage Insurance ends in accordance �vith ��ii�- ��n�itten ,�;>,rc��ucii( bctween Borrower and Lender providing
<br />for such termination or until termination is requircd by Applicablc l.,�i�� �olhing in this Section 10 affects Borrower's
<br />obligation tv pay interest at the rate provided in the Ncrie.
<br />Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender (�r aiiy entily ttiat purcl�ases tlic tiote) li�r ccrtain losses it mxy incur if Borrower
<br />does not repay the Loan as a�reed. Borrowcr is i�pt a party to the Mortg��ge Insurancc.
<br />Mort�age insurers evaluate their total risk ori illl SLIC�1 1I15LlrtlIlCC iii l�orcc I�runi tirne to time, and iiwy enter into agreements
<br />with other parties that share or modify their risk or rC(�LICC loSSCS. �l�l'1LSL af;rcciucnts are on terms and conditions that are
<br />satisfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other ptirty (or parties) to lhesc �ir;rcciiicnis. These agreements may require the
<br />mortgage insurer ta make payments using any source of funds il�a� che rnort�;;�gc iris�.u�cr may have available (which may
<br />include funds obtained fromMortgage Insurance prciniuiu5).
<br />As a result of these agreements, Lendcr, any purcl�aser of tlic Note. �inoilicr irisi.irer, any reinsurer, any other entity, or
<br />any affiliate of any of the foregoing, may reccive (dire:ctly or iudirectly) arnoi,ints ±liat dcrivc from (or might be characterized as)
<br />a portion nf Borrower's payments for Mortgage lnsurancc, in excli��r��;e for sliari�it, or u�odit'ying the mortgage insurer's risk, or
<br />reducing losses. If such agreement provides that ��n aft'iliatc c�f Lerider takes ;:i sl��u�c ol'thc insurer's risk in exchange for a share
<br />of the prerniums paid to the insurer, the arr�uig�niciit is oI'teri ienricd "ca}�iive rciri>i.0 ��ricc." Further:
<br />NEBRASKA - Single Family -�annis MadFrsddis Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT �
<br />��N� �oe»� aa�'� �ur�n •.::.n5 _�� Form 3028 1I01
<br />DDS-NE9
<br />�a�nN��ssanss
<br />