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201049297 <br />Payments are deemed received by Lender when reccivcd �t thc locatic�u dcsi�;iiated in the Note or at such other location <br />as may be designated lry Lender in accordance with the nvtice provisioiis iii Scctioii 15. Lender may retum any payment or <br />partial payment if the payment or partial payments ��re insuf�cient to brin7 th;; I,o�u� c�.urerit. Lender may accept any payment <br />or partial payment insufficienl ta bring lhe Loan curre►at, witlio�d �vaivcr ol' a��y i•i��;lits heraurider or prejudice to its rights to <br />refuse such payment or partial payments in lhe future, bui Lender is not obli�;atcd to t�pply such payments at the time such <br />payments are accepted. If each Periodic Payrncni is �pplied as oF'rts schedt:�led due date, chen Lender need not pay interest on <br />unapplied funds, Lender may hold such unapplied funds until 13orrowcr rnakcs payments to bring the Loan current. If <br />Borrower does not do so wiihin a reasonable period of time, Lender slk�ll ei�hcr .���ply such 1'unds or return them to Borrower. If <br />not applied earlier, sueh funds will be applied to the o�rtstanding prirycip;:l b��ltiricc �.�rider the Note unmediately prior to <br />foreclosure. No offset or claim which Borrower rciiglit I��ive riow or in tlic �'i,�t�u�c ,��;�iirist Lender shall relieve Borrower from <br />making payments due under the Note and this Security Instrurnerit or �xrfonnin,�. tlic coven�nts and agreemants secured by <br />this Sacurity Tnstrwnent. <br />2. Application ot' Payments or Proceeds. �xccpl as olticr���is� dcscribcd iri lliis Section 2, all payments accepled and <br />applied by Lender shall be applied inthe following order of'priorily: (aj i�itcres� duc i.iridur ihe Note; (b) principal due under the <br />Note; (c) amounts due under Section 3. Suct► �ayments sht�ll be �ipplied to e�icli Pcriodic Payment in the order in which it <br />became due. Any remaining amounts shall be �pplied first to late cl���rges. secorid tc� ttny other amounts due under this <br />Security Insh and then to reduce the principal balance of iY�e Noie. <br />lf Lander receives a payment from Borrawcr for �i dcliiYqu�iit Pcriodic Pa� icicnt ti�hich includes a sufficiant amaunt to pay <br />any latc charge due, the payment may bc applicd to tYic dcliriqucrlt payiilciit ai�d ll�c laic charge. If more than onc Pcriodic <br />Payznent is outstanding, Lender may apply any� payment rcceived trnn� t3on o�� c: ;o ilic repayment of the Periodic Payments if, <br />and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in firll. '1'o thc c�ienl th��t �u�y crccss csists afier ihe payment is applied to the <br />full payment of orre or more Periodic Payments, such excess rruiy bc a�7plicd to ,iri� I��tc charges due. Voluntary propayments <br />shall be applied �rst to any prepayment charges and then as described in tlic Noic. <br />Any applicatian of payments, insurancc }�rocecds, ar Misccllaricous Pro:ccc+..� to }�rincipal due under tho Note shall not <br />extend ar postpone the due date, or change the, c�l' the Aeriodic Pri�-incin7. <br />3. �nds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to I,ender on lhe d��y Periodic P;ivriicrlls are due under the Note, until the <br />Note is paid in full, a sum (the "Funds") to providc for pay�azent of amor.�nis duc 1'or: (t�) t�ixes and assessments and other iterns <br />which can attain priority over this Security lnstr��Yieiit as a lien or enci,unhr��nce on ihc Property; (b) leasehold payments or <br />ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) prciruurns for �ny �nd F�II insur��ncc rec�i�ircd by Lcndcr under Section 5; and (d) <br />Mortgage Insurance premiums, if any, or auy surns payable by� I3orro�vcr to I,cndcr ir� lieu of the payment of Mortgage <br />Insurance premiutns in accordance with the provisions of Section lU. 'I'hese iterns are called "Bscrow Items." At origination or <br />at any timeduring the termofthe T.oan, Lender inay require ihat Corrull�u�ity �\ssoci;nion Ducs, Fees, and Assessments, ifany, <br />be escrowed by Bonower, and such ducs, fccs and assessmcnts shall be ��n I�:scro�v Itcm. Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender all nalices oF amounts to be paid under this Scction. I3prrnwcr sliall p,i� l,ciidcr ihe Funds for Escrow Items unless <br />Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds for a��y or all I:scro�v l�c�ris. I,crider may waive Borrower's obligation to <br />pay to Lender Funds for any or all �scrow Iterns ��t any tii��e. /�ny such w;�ivc:r may only bc in writing. In the event of such <br />waiver, Borrower shall pay directly, whCi� and where payable, the arno�mts cluc i'or �uiy Tscrow Ttems for which payment of <br />Funds has been waived by Lender and, if I,ender requires, shall fiuliisll to Lcridcr rcccipts evidencing such payment wiflun <br />such time period as Lender may require. Borro�n�er's obligation to rnakc suc}i p���inci�ts and to provide receipts shall for all <br />purposes be deemed to be a cavenant and agreement comaii�ed in this Scc�;ri�v instri.uricnt, as the phrase "covenant and <br />agreement" is used in Section 9. If Borrowcr is obli�ated to pay l.;scro��� Iterri; c;iircctl� . p�.u lo a waiver, and Borrower fails <br />to pay the amount due for an Escrnw ItciY1, Lcndcr ri7ay exercise its ri�;l�is i�nda; Scciinn 9 and pay such amount and Borrower <br />shall then be obligated under Section 9 tn rcpay to L�nder any sucli arrio�uu �.cnder rnay revokc the waiver as to any or all <br />Escrow ltems at any time by a notice given in accord�incc wit17 Scc:tion 15 ,�nd, uE:�on siich revocation, Borrower shall pay to <br />Lender all Funds, and in such amounts, that are then required uridc;r tYiis Sectiori �. <br />Lender may, at any tirne, collect and hold Fiuids in nn amouiit (a) s�ifficrent to permii Lcndcr to apply the Funds at the time <br />specified under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed ltic m�iximurri arnpunt u Iuiidcr c�i�i rucluire under RESPA, Lsnder shall estimate <br />the amount of Funds due on the bas'rs of cturcnt data and reasonable esiiia�ates of �xpcnditures of Future Escrow Items or <br />otherwise in accordance with Applicable I,aw�. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - F'annie MadFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�1 .,g�N� (OB11) F'.3n�: n��+�� Form 3028 1/01 <br />DDS-NE9 <br />I IIIB �INI NIN I�II IINII INI MII IIN IIII IINI �IN IIIII illll IIII IIII <br />oaaoN�sssanss <br />