<br />(P) "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (1? U.S.(:. Scetic�ri ?601 et seq.) and its implementing
<br />regulation, Regulation X(24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as tliey r7ii�ht be amcnded from tiinc to time, or any additional or successor
<br />legislation or regulation that governs ihe same subject mattcr. As uscd in tl�is Scctuily lnstrument, "RESPA" refcrs to all
<br />requirements and restrictions that are irr►posed in reg�rd to a"1'edert�lly rclai�cl ;nor�tg��gc loan" cven if the Loan does not
<br />qualify as a"federally related mortgage loan" m�der aESYA.
<br />(� "Successor in Interest of Borrower" means any �arry that has t�.tkcu titic io tl�c Property, whether ar not that party has
<br />asswned Borrower's obligations under the Notc �ind/�r this Securiiy Inslrumcr��.
<br />This Sccurity InsUument secures to Lcndcr: (i) the rcpaymcnt af Uic l,a�iri, �inci ail rcnc�vals, cxtcnsions and modi�caUons of
<br />the Note; and (ii) tha perfom�ance of Borrowcr's eovenants and agreements �.ir�dcr tl�is Security InsWment and the Note. For
<br />this purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and convcys to 'I'rustc:c:, i�i tri.ist, �� ith powcr �f sale, the following describcd
<br />properry located in the County of Hall :
<br />CTYPe vf Recurding, Jurisdictinnl (Nmne nf Recording 7urisdiction]
<br />Unit Six (6)in Ravenoaks Condominium, in thc City of Gr��nd Island, Hall Co�int� .\���br;�sk�i as shown on the plat and plan for
<br />Ravenoaks Condominium and the DeclaraUon ihcrcof, and ��ny �mendnicnts thcrcto. and subjcct to the Dcclatation, grants,
<br />covenants, easements, cnnditians and restrictioz�s cstablishiri�; a pl�.in for co�adornini�irr n�-�ncrs�iip of Ravenoaks
<br />Condominium, as set forth ttzerein and of rccord as Instrt�ncnt#2000U261 L�iiaci �inv ;;r��cndrncnts thcreto, all as contazned in
<br />the records of the Register of Deeds of I�Iall Co��nty�, Ncbrask�i.
<br />Parcel ID Number: 400398818
<br />3114 W 14TH ST [JNIT 2
<br />which cuirently has the address of
<br />[sveet]
<br />GrandIslBnd I�'�b'I .Nebraska G8803 [Zip Code]
<br />("Property Address"):
<br />TOGETH�R WITH all the improvemcnts now or hereafter erected cn� t}ic pro�>cr�� .��nd all casements, appurtenances, and
<br />fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All rcplacc�ner�ts ��nd ��c�di(ions 51uj11 also be covered by ilvs Security
<br />Instrument. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Scct.irity lnstr�uneru �:is ti�c "1'rnperty."
<br />BORROW�R CUVENANTS thxt Rorrower is lawfidly seised of ti�c csi��tc licrcb� conveyed and has the right to grant and
<br />cvnvey the Property and that the Property is uncncwnbcred, cxcept for enci.iirit>r�iricc5 of record. Borrnwer warrants and will
<br />defend generally the title to the Praperty against all cl�ims and dernaric�s. surject �o �u�y cncarnbrances of record.
<br />THiS SECURITY TN'STRUMENT combincs uniforrn covenanis for n,�tion;i� u5c anc] non�uniform covenants with limited
<br />variations by jurisdicUon to constitute a unifonn sec;urity instrument co� cring rc;i1 property.
<br />LTNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer and l.ender coveriu'it and ��;rce as 1'ollc���s:
<br />1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, PrepHyment Char�;es, :u�d Late Chargea. Borrower shall pay when due
<br />the principal of, and interest oq the debt evidenced by tlie Note alld aiiy ��rep��yrr�erit ct�rgcs and late charges due under the
<br />Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for �scr�w ltems pursuant io Scction 3. 1'a� uiunts due under the Note and this Security
<br />InsUument shall be made in U.S. currency. I lowever, if �ury cticck or oilicr iri;tr�,irnciil reccived by Lender as payment under
<br />the Note or this Security Instrument is returned 10 I,ender �uipaid, l,eilder n�,;r r���uirc that �uiy or all subsequent payments
<br />due under the Note and this Security Instrumenl bc iiu�dc in onc or rno:u c?I' t':ic follo�vinE; forms, as selected by Lender: (a)
<br />cash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, ba�1k check, tre�isurcr's clicck ox� c;�,,l��cr's clicck, �7rovided any such check is drawn
<br />upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a icdcral agcncy, ii�su or entity; or (d) Electronic Funds
<br />Transfer.
<br />NEeRI►8Kp - Single Family • Fannie MaslFrsddie Mao UNIFORM INSTRUMENT �
<br />��NE) los��� i�aqe aoria �,:;,,�: Form 3028 1101
<br />DDS-NE9
<br />�DO�NE866A06Fi
<br />