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q� s �t.),.ti!r +� �a' ,•>a'.�,.�..y:�. �� •ya:Qax�ns�+�t.r.::°. <br /> ,. :.. . <br /> ?'. f ''{t+, - —- .�c:: '����� ;�1FhIN..J i.' ::� JX�.. - - - _ <br /> s�G r� u — _ - 'T�__—. <br /> �����=f- - --- , �'_�_ <br /> . '.�1'�:i1i n . . :,. .. .. . -y-..,yy�,�-�r--_. <br /> n. . . ... ��_ . �..i�""':,._ ' . <br /> � -�. • �� _— . �.-� <br /> �- . _ ��_ �0���� G- - - <br /> •�la fa0s'1 .. 1 � '}�� L___--_ <br /> :��.I�' . <br /> ���'�'1�"•' <br /> '=i[''�!��:..�L��:�`;'. <br /> applicable luw may cpecffy iur rclnKlolcmcnt) bcPorc+udc of thc Pn�peny purhuant to uny ��wcr i►f�alc c�mlAincd In �h r <br /> ����`•�'-:��"'"" Sccurity Instrument;or Ibl cntry of�judgmcnt cnk►rcing Ihia�ecurity In�trumcnl. 'llu►xc a►�xlhiun�an Ihul Hortower: lul <br /> �:.�_. <br /> �-- paye Lender All sum� whlch then would l+e due under �hia Se�urily InsiNmem und Ihe NiNC �+► if nu ucceir�ti�m hal <br /> .�-#�S. '�{:�.y � � occurted:Ib)curcg any det'a►dt of any Mher cnvenwn��r ogreementx:lc►payx ull expenre.r itxuRC+l io enforcing Ihiy SecurNy <br /> :��'n <br /> ���'.'�"��:=�. Inetivmenl,incl�ulbg, twl not IimBed lo, reau�nat►Ie altumeya'fee�; und ld1 takex r+uch uclinn u� l.en�kr muy rcuxunphly <br /> ►;i%�. "�" <br /> ;: •�: "� reyuirc ta ax.rurc ttwt thc licn oi thl.r Sccurity Inwtrumcn�, Lcndcr4�ightti in thc Pn��crty nnd liurn�wcr'�uhlfµ++liam w pay Ihc _ <br /> -� '� �`� ` sums accured by Ihic Securiry In+ctrume�t ahall rontinue unchanged. Upm rein��ut�mcnt by Horruwcr. thiti Srrurily <br /> �"�.+ 7 <br /> ��-�ir.:• -, � �� In�+trumcm and the abligutione aiccured hcreby ehAll remain fully cff'eclivc cas if no skccic�ulion huJ.xruned. Huwcvcr,lhix <br /> -.�+� ,;,4::�;�,:::..�,�.'. �ight to refnstatc shall not opply in U�cuM:uf uccckratfan undcr para�rnph 1 Z a . <br /> :,� ���t�'•'•�'': �'����'.�" � I 19. 9s�leo�Notet L�na� ��n Servker. The Note or a partial intcrext in thc Note(t��gclhcr wi�h �hi�Sccurily <br /> K'� _�;`.::: v, . <br /> ..;t,..•�'.., ;�'�2t ., Instrumem) may be 4old ane or more limes withaut prior nadce ta Borrowcr. A cule may rcxuU in a change in Ihe ent ly <br /> ��� •-�`' �• =�•• ' (known a�Ihe"Loan Servicer"1 that collecls manthly payments due under thc Nuw und this Security Inxtn�mem. There ulsc► <br /> WY�.`t.��l•-. . ' <br />��.n'�•' '��• ; � may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sule of'the Note. If therc is a chnnge of Ihe Laun 5ervicer, <br />�° • Bortower wlll be given written naice of the change in accordnnce with parograph 14 ubnve und upplicuble law. The notice <br /> � '�'a.�.< � will state�he neme and nddress of the new Loan Servicer nnd the ncidresc to which paymenls shauld be made. The noti��e wlll <br />� p -°°'' - alsa contafn any other information reyuired by applicnble law. — <br /> ��'.`.''1 '�' ,• 1A. H��dous Substances. Borrower xhall not cause or permit the prcsence,use.dispoxal,srorage.or release of any <br />�' .� <br /> �" ��r Hazardous Subscances on or in the Propeny Bwrower shall not do,nor allow unyone else to do,anyihing uffecting the <br /> �''� ' - `" Nroperty thae is in viul�iiuu�f u��y Gnvironmenta!l.a�v The Prece��ing two sentences shall not apply to the presence,u5e,or _ _ <br /> u� <br /> :<�y��;���.�,4�,'.., '_ storAge on the Property of small qunntities of Hazardaus SubstAnces that ue generully recognized to be approp�iute�o normal <br /> ' •��;°` . • Tesidential uses and ro maintenance of the PropertY• <br /> .,,.r•. . •.�: , ,.::r�•.r; <br />, ` �;,.��`:��t.;, t�d Borrower s h a l l promp t ly gi v e L e n d e r w t i n e n n o t i c e o f a n y i n v e s d g u t i a n,d a i m.d e m a n d,l awsuit or ather uction y un y -- <br /> ;•�?s=-��- -jr'��-�-;r�-� govemmental or regulatory ugency or private purry invulving the Propeny and uny Hazardous Substance or Environmenlol <br />�r'a' ''`'' '�',i!" :�...-Ji�... - 7 <br /> . , ,.,....,�.,. _ _. 1,Aw of which 6arower has ac�ual knowledge. If Borrower Iearns, or is notified by any buvernmental or regulatory ��.��-'_;.. <br />'� i �i:•.��r�. .. ,.. <br /> ,r,� ,� , :, autharity,lha�any removal or ather remediation of ony Hazardous Sub�lur+ce affecting the Property i�necessary,Borrower �, _ <br /> �ti' • • • shall promptly tuke aU necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. � _ <br />�' �' \ ' ` ��'"'•�4�� a As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Substances"Are those substances defiaed as toxic or hazs�rdous tiubsianres by ___ <br />{.f.�, •471`:t17��f�'�'�)�:` '� . <br /> "'' ' � Environmental Law and Ihe follawing substa�ces: gasoline. kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,coxic �Y., <br /> ti:� �,,a�,�`�.� ,-: ; !;; <br /> �`�''�1�V � ' � pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents,materis►Is containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioac�ive ma�ereuls. As �a��J,. <br />;,. . :•r:.:, ..:,;; ,:;: <br /> � � ;;{•r� � - . : � uced in thia paragraph 20,"Environmental"means federul luws and laws af Ihe jurisdiction where thc Property is lacated ��f�,-„ <br />��,�:;�� � �''•:� '•I' Ihat relute to health,snfety or environments►I protection. __ <br /> �7 .,�'•;,'^�,,,�t�,ft'.,;� , <br />" •�• ` >�t� '' ����•��;� •r� � NON-UDIIFORM COVENANTS. Honower and Lcnder funher covenant and agree as Follows: r __M <br /> ;����:"�' ' k''���. � �''�:`.;�i�:�` 21. Accelerallon; Remediea. Lende� shall give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleration Pollowing Borrawer's —.-- <br /> �'� �Y ` �`�f'�� �� '�' � ��' �`� breach oi any covenant ur agreemenl in this Securlty Instrument lbut not prior to acceleration under parAgsaph 17 ��. <br /> �� 1 '•'1- unless applicable law provWes atherwisel. 'fhe nodce ahall apecify: la)Ihe dePault;(b)the action required to cure the ���•�-- <br /> , . ... .�;..� ��':`_;`_ <br /> :-_ „ . defauii;(c3 �daie�nu!les.g than 3!!dsys P�rom 1he date the noNce is given to Borrower,by which the defauU must be �� <br /> • cured;aad (dl that fallure to cure the defaull on or before the date apecliied in the nolice may resul!in acceteraUon of ��__ <br /> � � � Ihe sums secured by this Secu�ily Inst�ument and sale of lhe Property. The noNce shall i'urther inPorm Borrower of <br /> • lhe right t�reinsl�te Af1er ucceleration and the right to bring a court�Mion to assert Ihe non-existence oP a detault or �'?��-: <br /> ' ., � Any other defense oP Borrower to acceleration end sale. If the defauN is nat cured on ar before the date specit7ed in ��. <br /> � Ihe notice�I.ender at il.g option m�y require immediate poymenl in i'ull oiall sums secured by this Securlty Instrument _ <br /> ' ' '° without iurther demand And ms�y invoke Ihe power oP snle s�nd any uther remedies permiued by applkable law. _—_ <br /> .n <br /> � • Lender shall be entitled to coflect ull expenses incurred in pursuinR Ihe remedies pruvided in this paragr�ph 21. <br /> including.bW not limiled to.reasonuble Attorneys'fecw ond cogts uP dt�e evidence. "� . <br /> IP tbe power of sale is invoked,7lrustee sh�ll record a notice oP default in each county in whlch any pArt of the <br /> • �• Property is located and shatl mall copies of such nntice in the ms�nner prescrlbed by upplics�ble iuw to Borruwer und lu h s_�"-` <br /> Ihe other persons prescribed by uppllruble luw. Af�er the Iime required by applicable low.71�ustee shall give publlc ��z- <br /> • • nutice oixs�k to Ihe persons und in the m�oner prescribed by applicuble law, 'lrustee.wifhoul demund un Borrower. ' <br /> ' shAll seN the Property at public aurtlon to 1he hi�hest bidder at Ihe lime and plACe und under the terms desiRnated in <br /> ne or more Arcels und in un��order'IYustee dMermines. 71�ustee may p�istpone sale of aQ or�ny � . <br /> the notice utsale in u p � ..__ <br /> ' parcel of ti�e Property by publlc annnuncement al the time s+nd plACe of uny previou�lv xcheduled s�le. Lender or its �,4:�_, <br /> designee may purchase the Property al any sale. � ,_ <br /> Upon receipt uf p�yment of the pri�e bid. 'Irustee shall deli�•e� 1a the purcha�er'Iruxtee's deed cunveyinR Ihe <br /> , ' . " Pr o p erl y. The recitals in the 71�ustee's deed�hall be primu Pacir evidence of'the Irulh of the statemen�c made therein. • -- <br /> ; 7lrustee shs�W apply tf�e praeeds uf the sule in the fulloNing orde�: lul to ull cnsts und r�cpen,es oP exercising the puwer <br /> u:i� <br /> ��:��`�C.-�.. <br />♦ � �I:s,�i _. <br /> _ ' - .. ;°3-�i_ <br /> 1: . <br /> � � ' . <br /> •'t} � Furm W28 9,'90 ��rier�.,�n�ti�cr.�i �' <br /> . i <br /> � � . , , <br /> :', . <br /> . � . <br /> ' ; ` ',, <br />' t <br />� , � <br />, • <br />� �,. f� <br /> . � <br /> 1 <br /> • r � _. __.. _. . . - ._ <br />