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<br /> . � ut rnle�wnd Ihe hwk.lnctudlnQ Ihe pwyment u�the 7Yustee R tecv ActuAlly incurred.not to exceed 2�8 `�^'�
<br /> ����'•=E"-5°`�""�.,;"�� the princfpal amounl of Ihe ode at the drne ol lhe decipration of defoull�And re�.cnnable ottwneyx•feaw a9 permitted _�,�
<br /> -- by Iwwt Ibl lo all wmr�cured by thls Yecurity Inrl►umepti Aud Icl wny exceso tu tbe perxon or per�ous k1t+d1'entitkd
<br /> ;�--.=�}�---� to U.
<br /> �,���y �,,�;,;:,,.;. 22. Reconveypnce. Upun pvymcnt uf ull �ums�ecured by ihis Security Intilrumcnt. L.endcr zhull rcNucst 'Ih�ti�ce to
<br /> �� , recanvcy the Prupeny and shull r,uRen�kr thiv S��urity Inxtniment und ull no�es evidencing JrM.recurcd by Ihi�S�:curity
<br /> :%',i��'1'y,6+��'��[•�!�%��k�. Insuumcn� lu'Ih��t�. 'ftuKlce shall ncamcy Ihe Propeny wUhaut wArrnnly wNl wi�hout ch�rgc la 1hc perxon or p�:rsonx
<br /> ` Ir�ally enti�led to it. Such pcn►ai or prr.on,xhall pay uny recordution cos�s. i
<br /> _ -;Z`T`-,',�;M„�.;'- - 2J. tiubstilute'llruslee. Lrndcr,u1 il�up�i�a�.wuy from iime�u iim�rem�wc 71-utitcc and appuint a succcssor trustcc to �---------- .
<br /> ��".�+�'�x*. uny 7tuwee app►�inled hercunder by un imirurnent mcarded in thc coumy in which thiy Securny Ingtrument is recorded. _
<br /> ' "'- `' � • Wi�hcw�convey�acc uf the Property. Ihe succes�or wstee shall xucce�K1 lu ull �he ti�lc, p��wer und dutirx cunferred upan
<br /> ,;dt_�;,p;�w, ,� c: �� 7Yustec hcrrin und by upplicublc IAw.
<br /> ^����.• 24. Request Por Nodcea. Burcowcr rcyuexls tha�cc�pic�of�he naliccx��f dei'ault und sale bc,ent�o Burrower's uddrexs
<br /> ,�;,�,C4 which ix Ihe Properly Address.
<br /> �'�-•� • • •� ' 25. Riden9 ta lhls Securlty Inst�ument. 11'onc or moro ridrn are eaccutcd by Barrowcr und recorded ioge�hcr with
<br /> � this Securiry Inatrument, the cavcnants and u�recmcn�� of cuch such rider shull ix inruqwrukJ intu anJ shAll rmc�d und
<br /> ' � ,, �upplemenl lhe covenuntx und ugrecments oilhis Securily Instn�ment as if Ihe ridcrl�l were u purt oi this Securily Instrument.
<br /> .,,,_.�
<br /> ,���.;�;,� � (Check upplicuble boz(es)�
<br /> ;::.�E .�a:�:�� ..'::: --
<br /> ""— r•.;t.a�.;!.�,','..h•,� �Adjustablc Rate Ridcr U Condominium Rider � I-4 Fumily Rider �
<br /> �_, �,'.
<br /> � _ _ _ �Ciraduated Payment Rider �Planned Unil Development Rider �Biw��ekly Pnyment Rider !� ,
<br /> ��`
<br /> � �Etulloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Horr�e Rider � _�_ -� .
<br /> _ . , „c:
<br /> ,;� . '1 �Othcr(s:�specifYl �- _
<br /> ,:. :, n,c.:;: ; .;
<br /> _`•,. •:'!�t:". �
<br /> �4
<br /> � '�`'�`��' BY SlGNING BEI.OW,Burrower uccepts und agrees to ihe terms nnd cavenunl,contai�ed in this Securiry lastrument �"�` ``��"�-�
<br /> �;,.: t�,;,y:;�, „
<br /> ;,�.••. , ..
<br /> , ..} �'^ And in nn riderla)executed b Borrowcr and recorded wilh it.
<br /> .,,a..;�:;o,:�l. Y y ————
<br /> ' ,'��;;l:R::o-, - - --
<br /> ,. •�{,�i�' � Wilnesses:
<br /> - ., • f v.� /�"; � ISeul) �;,:; -__
<br /> ''_ • �f _:.
<br /> .. ,, >__ .
<br /> . .� ; � ;' �1C�'18@Z a� dT8 Sr•rmarr
<br /> �.�. $OCIA�$CCUI'jt ii1tlC
<br /> ,� • �' (SCaI) �•-`"'"_' .
<br /> , ° . dith A. My@PS -li�Hmw•er �a�'",•`".•`
<br />: Saciul 5�wurity Numbcr 507 70 1454 ----
<br /> ' STA'fE OF NEBRASKA. Hell County x�: �_
<br /> „ ^ . • On this 5th day ot' May� 1992 .tklim mc,the unik�,igned.v No[tuy PubIIC '�'.' •'•` '•�• y
<br /> " duly commi.rsinnrd und yualiticd f'or�uiJ ruunty.�xrumully rumr Michsel J. Myers and Judith A. Myers, �
<br /> _� . ,.
<br /> . . . e�Ch i�n�is �sd her own �i�ht �,c� ��� Rf ���A��� ,to mc knownta t,c�hc I
<br /> i enucu rsons s whosc numrl+ u wbsc � d��t��Qor ��i g i + acknowl��dged the caecudon �henof to k ,.'-»`
<br /> . • ' � thB1I' volumary ucl and dccd. ; _ -
<br /> Witness my hunJ und nuturiul scul at 6rand Islend, Nebreske in xaid counry.the _,�,�' ,'�
<br /> • dute aiorcsaid. ���p1AA�•Sta�ot �e���s:-� � � ��y �.^r� � .-�=
<br />- My Commission expirc.r• DAVIDF pOMMEPI � �� } ���" � ?' '
<br /> . . � �Y COfllm Exp.Aug 4.1y97 � IVwary wblic --� _ — :''�
<br /> �rfs;.__
<br /> - � QR RECI)NVEYANCE �-4
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