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•�;�►:''_�L`^�� 4�S�Y 8 �i> ... +,If: �r� <F f. �L.F�kth'' •�ti'1��B�;nt�Si�,Y.�e�f".,_ _.__ <br /> W c'• .r. .. F � ` ' :. ' ..�•� • h}�� 5 — <br /> . . .� . i �I � , <br /> ,..� .. � .. <br /> � . � ' <br /> a ' <br /> 8 i' <br /> ��S .., .�..�._,—�__ t:,�-yrY7_.� -, <br /> � • � <br /> . , ' ""'"_�_.___.�.-_.. _ <br /> . <br /> .-�. -n- "." • —_ <br /> � i�N�p�.y � •— <br /> p • _ <br /> : � 'ti�+i .. . . ,._us .� <br /> _ s���.'���iLi�Yi.�f:a.. �`'I�'t" . .- <br /> . i� �-y�.. -__ . <br /> i 1 <br /> � . �-__ _ <br /> �k.�, .�.:.�.��;� g2_ �o���� - <br /> —i =-�f�=� c��ndemn�uian��r uthcr iuking ot uny pun i►i'thc Pm�rty,��r fur cunvcyunrr in Ifru nf condemnu�ion,urc hcmby urri�rwd uud <br /> � -- — -� xhAll i+c paiJ�u Lcndcr. <br /> w__.�..�,�,r,..,�-::� In ihc cvem oY u �otul �uking of �hc Pro�xny. thc pnxccd.r Kn+�u n� up�i+�a to �hc +wnr r.�cur�d by �hi� ticruri�y <br /> - -- • �:�� Im�rumcnt.whriher�►r n�►t �hcn Jur,with any exce.r�wid�o llorraK•cr. In �hr cven���I'�i puniul wkiog ol'Ihe 1'r�ryxrly in <br /> �. <br /> ?�.�-'��:=-� whirh tik fuir morkc�vulur ol'ihc 1'ru�xny immcdfu�cly h►�tim�Ix�uling i�cyual�u ur�trcu�cr thun�hc umaw��uf Ilw tiwnti <br /> •��! � + �rund hy�hiti ticcurity In�uumrnl iinu�cJiuicly hcli+rc U�r tuling. unl�„I�uROwcr und I.cndcr�►IhcrwiK ugn'c i��writin�. <br /> ' �'�''�`��� tlk yum�xcunJ My thiy Sccurfly In�lrumrnl�hull lx nduccd hy thc +nnuuot ul the pnxccd, muUipli�J hy Ihr IbUuwing <br /> .1FnqY+�r-+r�, ,;.ti, <br /> ,'•_ �;:�+:.;..:. .W:-t�.. . fiwlion: lul Ihc luiul umnuat of tl�r�umr rrcurcd immediu�rly bcli►n thc taking.divid�d hy Ihl U��fuir niurkrl vuluc ol��c � . <br /> '�°. -". . l. �'""� Pm�xny immrdiotcly hcforc �hc �uwin�t. Any I�ulan�� .b•rll tx puid tu B„rn,w�•r. In �ix rvcn� uf u purliul wking of thc <br /> :r i� �•'" <br /> • 1'�ro�Ky in which�he fuir market vulue nf the Pn��xAy immrJiuirly ixfi�rc the taking i.Ie+.r�hun thc umnum�►f IIw +um� <br /> *�.',�;� ,::�"' l� „ccured ImmeJia�cly l�cfare the tukinF,unlesn B��rr��wc� unJ Lcndcr rnhcrwi�r ugrec in w�itin� ur unlc.rr upplicaMc law <br /> otherwi.r•e provide�.�he prcxerilx xhaU be opplied ta the xum.r kcurcd by ihis Securny InK�n�mun�whether oe nat ihe xumw ure <br /> -��=" ;�i�;;;;_ then due. <br /> ':�,;�;,.�:, If the Pro{xny is abanduned by Borrower,or il',uftcr notire by l.ender to Bom►wcr thut the cundemnor��ffc�w mukc <br /> � + � � un uward or settle u clnim fur damages,Borrowcr fails ta respond w l.ender wilhin�tl duyti ul'ter Ihe dutr Ihc nutice i�givcn, <br /> ! ,�:�,.,±� ,Y..�:� Lender is authorized to collect and apply thc pnxreJ�,,ut i��upifnn,either to restaration ur repair of ihe Pro��erty or to the e___ <br /> - �'� � � sumq secured by this Securiry Instrumer.�,whether or nat then duc. <br /> "� '••?�;�?`�?•"� ' Unles,Lender and Borrower wherwi�e ugree in wrilin�, uny upplication ai'prcxe�Js ta principul �hull n��� extend or <br /> �'�'"- � '�"`�x�'�• po.ctpane Ihe due dare of th�muml►ly payn�ent,refcrrcd to in paragruph�. l und?or ch�ngr ihc umuunt of tiurh puymentx. �_ _ <br /> `�F' '�'' '`�""•+�'` • Forbeamnce By Lender Not A WAi�•e� Extcntiiun of �he time for payment ur <br /> —�',.:•;•:;.;�;.�:�. !1. Borrawer Not Relc�.�ed; <br /> ��1�itr%_�;"�;,`:•`'�` •'7°• : modification of nmonizutiim af the sum+srcured by this Security In�trument gmnted by Lender tu uny succetisor in intemti� <br /> _ � , , ;� `. <br /> ,.�,-�- <br /> .«-ti, r.,,�. .: 's„ <br /> .. :;., �••��� af Borrower shull not upernte �n releA�ee�he liubiliry of the original Bortuwer or Sorrower:successan m interetit. en r <br /> ..,...:�._�S�Si .•��r: . <br /> "�,:=.-�:•c =�;;:.' � , shull not be required t�commence proceedin�s uguinst uny succe+sor in interest or refuxe to extend time o�puyment or _ <br /> .c;���" '. '° " �`' ' otherwise modify amartizution of the tium�+ecured by this Securiiy Instrumrnt by rcason ai uny Jemw�d mude by the nriginal �.�_. <br /> � � " � Borrower or Borrowerti successon in iMCrest. Any forbeurunce by Lender in cxerci�ing any riphl ur remedy �hall not be u �:_:�R-- <br /> ''�}��'�������� , wniver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy. <br /> •' n;i�;r���,•�•�( <br /> ;r�. f^ '�•�1,;;;�';:;:.�, 12. Successors and A�.signs&►und:Juint and Several Liabllity;Co•siRoers. The cavenarns und a�rcemem�c of�his `F <br />--� 11��`y Security Instrument shull bind and benefit the succesxor�und assignx of Lender und BoRUwer,suhject to�he pr��vision�oi � <br />� :`>'�:,.,i•.� <br /> � �:,�,,,:..;.:,•. <br />',•.� '.'+''• �•"" • ' urU ru h 17. Borrower's covenums nnd ugmemenh shall t+e joint and tieveral. Any BoROwer who ca-signs �hi,Security _ ___ <br /> `•'j �� `'��s`�' � lnstrument but dces not execute the Note: lul i+co-signing thiy Secu�ity Instrumcnt only�o murtguge,grunt und runvcy Ihat — <br />-- ',�;�;��,� ;. ' Borrower�intcrest in the Propeny under�hc terms of this Security[nstrument; (bl ir�wt penonally obliguted�o pay the sum+ -_---- <br /> . ':'�';�° • " seeured by this Security Insln�ment;und Ic)ugrees thut Lender und uny other 8ortowcr muy ugree to ex�rnd.mcxiify,forl�ar _�-�. <br /> '��`'"��"��`� ,.�• ar make un uccommndutions with regnrd �o the terms of'thiti Security lnrtrument or Ihe Note withom �hut Bnrrawerti ____ <br /> •�cT7'' . � ;Z!i'Sr'�a p Pn y eIL?�:�5'�'it`. <br /> ` �ir�°,s �;d�� ' consent. o�, -'- <br /> ���,� � _��* � � 13. Luan Chur�es. If the loun secureJ by this Security Inctrument is +uhject �o u luw whirh �etti muximum lo•rn _ _ <br /> , •;: — charge+,uiid ti�ui{aw is finally it�tcrpreted sn that the int�revr or other loan churs:ex mllecteJ or to be collected in connection <br /> ''.���;'':•'•.•� �� with the loun exceed the pertni�ted limits,then: (al uny+uch loun chargc shull Fie reduced by the u�m�unt nece�xury Io n�duc� <br /> t � �;�•�..'•:;;;� " the churge to the penniued limit;und(b1 uny+um+alrcudy collcctcd fram Borrower which excreded pennitted limia a•ill lx — _ <br /> . • ��• refunded to BoROwer. Lendar muy chcwse ta make this refunJ by reducing the prinripal��wed under the Note ur Uy mal.inE u ___ <br /> � ' , direct payment�o B�►rr��wcr. If u refund rcduceti prinripul,the nduction will lk�muted us a purtiul pRpuyment wiihcwt any ____ <br />_ . V�,.,., prepayment rhurgc undcr thr Note. ___ _ <br /> , 14. Notic�.w. Any noticc to B�irtowrr providcJ fur in Ihi� Sccurity Inxtrument shull bc given by delivering it or by _---� <br /> ' ^ muiling it by f int rlass mail unle,.upplKaMc law rryuirr+u.rc uf unothcr me�hixl.Thc noiicc shull he directed ta thc Property i�� <br /> �:'. <br /> V,�o�•�• Addiesti ur any othcr uddre,s Burruwer dr.i�mdc+hy n��lirc tu Lendcr. Any na�ir�t��LcnJcr.hall Ix givcn by lir.t clus, ��u <br /> muil to Lenderi uJdre+�stuted harcin oruny othrr uddrcsti Lenaler de�ignutr�hy ix��icr�u RoRUwer. Any naticr pr�wiJeJ for F;`_�ti_ <br /> T. . ., , in this Securily In�wmcnt ,hul l Ix� dermcd tu h:rvc tx�en given �o Borrawer m LcnJcr whrn given u, pruvideJ in this ------ <br /> " , pa�agraph. <br /> � 1S. (;uverninR I.uw: tieverabiUly. Thi� Sccurity Imtrumrnt tihall lx g��vrrncd hy federul luw •rnd thc IuN� af Ihc _ __ <br /> ; ' . . • • juri�dic�ian in which the Pmpeny is kxuicd. In the event ih•r�any pruvi,iun�,r cluu.c uf ihiti Security ln�trumcm ur the Nute �{ � <br /> . cun0ictx wi�h applicuble law.�uch conflic��hull n�ri;ii7'ect nther proviniuns uf thi.Scrurity In+tniment��r�he Nole which can �!,.�,,.' <br /> - . � • • be given effect without the conilirting pruvi�ion. Ti��hiti encf Ihe priwi,iun� M�thi�Securiry Ins�nimem und the Nrne urc �:.�., <br /> � � declarcd to be uveraBle. <br />"' .. 16. Borruwer's Copy�. Borcoa�cr�hall hr giv�n unc ront�um�cd cup)�ol'Ihr Notr sind ul�thi+Securiry In.trument. _— - <br /> . 17. 71�ansfer uP the Prnperty or a Kencfirial lntcrext in Borro���er. 11'ull ar uny p+�n uf�hr Prapeny ur any intcre,t in = <br />_ � � • it i,sold ar trunsferred l�,r if u txnetici:d intcrc.t in Bum�wcr i. .uld ar �ramfrrrrd and Bormwcr is ixn a nata�al �noiu ��__ <br /> , without l.cnder's prior wriuen run+cnt.LcnJrr muy.ut itti uptiun, rcyuirc immcdiulc paymrnt in full of all sums securcJ hy ___ <br /> • •.'' this Securily lns�rument. However.ihis��pliai�hull nui hc exerci�eJ hy Lenckr if rxerci,r is prohihiled hy f'cderal law as ui' --"��"_ <br /> - . �1 ..�;;;_:f. � Ihe dutr of this Sccurity Inti�rumcn�. `w`,= <br />.. �:�.' .�, , �'; If Lender exercisez Ihi.i�pliun. LcnJrr,hull give Bom���cr noticr ul'arerlrralion. Thr n��tice+hull pruviJr a�xrioct of ' <br /> ` •=• not Ies,thun i0 duys t'ram ihe duic ihc n�►tice i,drlivc�rd�,r mailyd�vi�hin���hich H��rrt,wer mu,t p��y all�ums.ecurcd by thiti ` , <br /> , �l,'t ,. <br /> ,. Sewrily Imtrumenl. If Bunowcr faik ta pay Ihcu tium� pri��r In thc rrpiration �ii thi. �xriod. LrnJer muy invuke uny �, <br /> ', remedirv�xm�itteJ by Ihiti Sccurit�•In,irumrnt wi�huul t'urther nuticc ur drm�md�,n Hi,nrn��r. <br />. " ' l8. Burrower's RiRht to Rrinslate. It' Borro��cr mcc�+ rert:�in rundition.. R�,rm�tier +hidl h�►vr 1he ri�ht tu huvc <br /> ,S •., <br /> • .. enf�,rcemrnt of 1hi.Securi��• In.trumem di.c„ntinucd:�t am•�imr pri�,r t„the r:irlirr nf': �:i1 S da��,�or.urh uth�rperiixl :►+ �., <br /> ,,. �. 5ingkb:mulp..FhnnkNaa�hYtddiu\facl'\IFIINNI\S'1'RI'�Ih:A'1' Uud��m�('a� ViVp i�ropa•a�yo�a�u�•.� ' <br /> �. . <br /> t' <br /> , , . l <br /> � <br /> .. � <br /> . � <br /> ... . <br /> �' - - -- _�—_ _ <br />