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<br /> ,������-��.��— , periodx that Lender rcyuire�. The insurunce csurier providing the inKUrunee shall be cho.cen by Barrawer subj�ct tu Lende�h
<br /> .--- approvnl which�all nut bc uoreawnably withhcld. IP Barrowcr fuilti w muintuin ruvcragc describcd utwve.Lender tnay,at
<br /> _=-=�sa��;�;�- Lender's optlon,obla{n c�verage to protecl Lenderk�ightw in Ihe Prc�pcny in accordunce with purngruph 7.
<br /> � �� All insurunce policies ond renewalx xholl be acceptablc lo LenJer und Khull include u xtundurd mnhgagc clAURC. Lerrder
<br /> `� . xhall havc thc right ta hold thc pcilicic.r und nncwal,. If'LcnJcr reyuircw.Barmwcr�holl promplly�tivc to l.enJcr ull rccelptx
<br /> '�`"� •�„� ��-�� af pafd premiums and renewal noticex. In�he even!of Inxz.Borcower.hull�ive pn�mpt notice tc►�he inxur�nee currier anJ
<br /> : ` . . ... L,ender. Lender muy muke pmof M'loza if not mude promptly by Borrawer.
<br /> •'R'�-�� ---���• ••• l loles�Lendcr und&xmwr�rnlurwf�c ugr��c in wrilin�t,in�uruncc prcxeedx hhc+ll he applicQ�o re�k�ruti�m nr repuir oi'
<br /> � , . the ProQ�ny damaged. if the oe.rtorutian ar repuir ix economicully feu�ible+u�d LenJerk wcurily is nui leswned. If�he `
<br /> ��."�•.
<br /> '��po,_, •:�rk-t ti"�� rc'��p��iOn ur repuir iti not economicully feavible or Lender�sccurity wauld be IcRticned,�hc inaurunce pmceeds shall bc
<br /> �e
<br /> ���' ` r , ; applied to the sums�ecured by this Secu�Iry Insirumen�, whe�he�or not then due, wilh uny excesw pnid to Burrower. li
<br /> : ,;,��-'"+#,, Bortower ubandons the Property,ur daes not unswer wUhin i0 duyn u nrnice frum l.rnder �hot the insu�nrc ccurier hus
<br /> ��•�� offemd to settle u clnim,then Lender muy wl lect[he insursince praceedx. Lender muy une the pruceedx�u repuir ar nxtore
<br /> �!;.,., -.�,:. �
<br /> ">%•1''��',+�•��- the Property or to pay sumx secured by this Security lnstrument,who�her or nat then due. 7'he 3(1-dny peri��will begin when
<br /> .::'•';"��`•`�'A"��^= - the natice is given.
<br /> �� `•"•�� • Unless Lender and Borrawer o�herwise agree in writing,any upplicution of proceeds�a principul+hull nu�extend ar
<br /> ..:�., z .�;a»�;�.
<br /> �-�.,�s;�_.;„�s;;�,tr.;�y�;;�.. pcis�pone the due dsxe of the monthly payment�referred ta in paru�r�phs I and 2 or chunge the umount af the payments. If
<br /> - '�---� "���-=�•'-'�`" under paragrnph 2l 1hc Property is ucquired by Lender,Bcxrawer's ri�hi [o any insuranee poUcicx und proceeds retiulting �. _
<br /> „� ��`` ��'; ��.
<br /> -°,�;►r�, �����-' from damnge to the Propeny priar to the nequicition shull pass�o Lender tn Ihe ex�ent of the sums hecured by thix Security
<br /> - -' " � ,,^... Ins�wnent immedialely prior to the acqu�sition. � -
<br /> _ '�;,'� �� y, , 6. (kcupancy, Preservution, Meintenaace and Protection oP the Prope�ty: Borruwer's Loan Applieation; _
<br /> -_,��',,.'•;.���w - Lesueholda. Harrower shull occupy,estublixh,nnd u�e Ihe Pmperty a.�Borrower's principul residence wlihin sixty days t►fter -
<br /> _- - `�-',''"�`;�'�� the execution af this Security Invtrume�U+u�d shull continue to accupy the Frnpeny as Borrower's principul residenrc tbr at �-
<br />�t��� ••-' � -� leu�l onr ycur uftrr the du�e of occupunry, unless l.ender athenvixe i�gmes in writing, which runsew shull not be R ti�,,
<br /> :.��t ,,: ;,r•....� ;�. � . �'�_ =
<br />;..�, ,�.;,;•. ;; :< ..,,.,�; unreasonAbly withheld,or unless extenua�inp circumstunces exi.t which ure t�eyond Barmwer�conlrol. Borrower shall nat
<br /> � °j�• ' deslroy,dumage or impair the Property,ullow�he Propeny�o deieriarate,or commit wusle on the Property. Borrower shull _
<br /> • ` ;r���;�;;' �. =:�a
<br /> -•1�' t•,�:,.� , ° be in defuult it uny forfeiturc nction or proceeding, whe�her civil or criminul,is begun thut in Lender'x good fuith judgrn�nt �,;:
<br /> ���� ;.
<br /> , ',r;,;��• •�'��� � could resul�in forfeiture af the Property or otherwixe mAterinlly impuir the lien cmu�ed by �hix Security Instrument or _
<br />- '. � Lenderk security inlerest. Bormwer muy cure such u defuult und reinstate,us provided in purugruph 18,by cuu�ing the uction �-1.
<br /> • �` or pn�ceeding lo t�e ditimis�ed with u ruling thu�, in Lender+good fuith detemiinution,prccludes tiitfeiturc oT Ihe Borrowerti
<br /> �•��'" -� �� interest in U� Pruperty or other muterial impaitment of the lien crcated by this Security Ins�rument ur Lender'x security _
<br /> • . � . interest. Borrower shall ulxo bc in defuult il' Burmwcr, durin�t the laun upplicutiiai pnxcsx, g:rvc muteriully tul+e or ��-�.:;,;Y
<br /> • • , inuccurate informi+tion ur sw�emems ro l.ender I�r fuiled�o prrnide Lender with uny mu�eriul infom�ution)in connectioo with _ _
<br /> � � • �he loan evidenced by �hc Nate, including. 6ut not limited to, rcprexentudans cancerning BoROwer3 occupancy of the -----
<br /> ' -_ ._ ..�����t�:.�. Property as u principal residence. If this Securiry Insirumem is on u Ieasehold,Born►wer shall comply wi�h ull the provisions
<br />. ' �`'�'+° of the leutic. If Borrowcr ucquirex fee tiUa ta tl�Pmperty,the lea�ehold und Ihc fee titie shufl not merge unle4x Lende�a�rcrs °- °
<br />- ''��(Itir��,'j.
<br /> •:'' .. � .,,;�,!,.�,:,� ta the merger in writing.
<br /> �„•t?;,• 7. Protection oP Lender's Ri�hty in Ihe Property. IF Barr��wcr fuils to�xrForm thc cavenuntti and uFreemcm+ �
<br /> � • contuined in this Security lntilrument, or �herc ir u Iegul pr�ceding that muy �ignificunUy uffoc� L.ender: righis in the
<br /> ,;;,;� Prc�crty Isuch n�u pr�xeeding in bunkrup�cy, prabute,f�x«mdemnutian ur ti,rfciwm ur�o enforcr luws or reguluiia��1,then
<br /> • ��"' � l.rnder muy do and puy for whutever iti nerc.tiury to rroteci �ho valuc of tlx�Pri�periy und Lenderk righis in the Prc�perty. _
<br /> ��, r'' Lcnderi uc�iun+muy incluJe paying uny sumx tiecured by u lien which hati priority iwer Ihi+Security Imtrument,uppeuring ___
<br /> . • �° in raun,puying rcusonublc u�tornNyti'fee.und cmerin�:on U�e Propeny to muke repuir.r.Althou�h LenJer mny tukv action
<br /> under thi�paragrapN 7,Lrndcr J�xs no�huvc[odo.�i, �"'°
<br /> Any um�iuntr;dixbur�ed by Lenikr und�r thi� paru�ruph 7 rhull txcume udJi�i�ainl debt ul' Borruwcr secured hy thi� �"`=�
<br /> ' Security In�trument. Unless Borrowcr unJ Lr nJer ugrr�lo ulhrr temin��f paym�nt,th�.c umouni�yhull heiv interetil fr�m Ihc � --
<br /> _ . , � dute of ditibur+emcnt at Ihc Nixc rutc and xh:dl ixr payaMr, wUh inlerest,u�xm notire fn►m l.ender tu Bomowcr reyucslfng -.
<br /> ' paym�nt. _
<br /> � , ` :!'.: S. MoMg�Re Insuranee. If l.cnder reyuiRd moitgugr in.uruncr;�ti a eemJitiun ui�mukin�ihc lonn ,ecured hy ihis f.- ,-
<br /> .. . •:" Security Instrument. Borrowrr.hall pay Ihc pr�miums rcyuircd to m��intuin �hr mi�n�;ugr imurunce in rfiect. If. tiN any ,�•:�=
<br /> ' rea+or., thc mortguge insuraner covrru�e rcyuircd by Lendcr I;ip.r+ ur ceu.r+ io he in rffec�. Borrowrr shull pay the �r
<br /> prcmiums myuired tu oh�uin rnverage ,ubstantially �quivident �o �he mung���.c in.urunce r«����u+iy in cffeci. a� a co.1 E�.-.��_..
<br /> ., � ,ubxiuntiully eyuivalen�to the co,�to B��rcov�er uf�hc uu�nguge in+uruncr prcviou.ly in r(I'crt,frum un:dtemute mong•rge `��'
<br /> .� ° i insurer upproveJ by Lcndcr. If+uhstanti�dly ryuivulcnt mon�agc in�ur.mrc ruv�r:igr i+not avi�ilahle. Borrowcr+hull puy ro �,���-
<br /> . ., Lcndcr euch rnontli a tium cyual to anc-twelft h uf�hr ycarly mortgsigr in.ur,mce prcmium tu in�!puid hy Borrowrr when the
<br /> .. � � intiurimcc ruvera�r IupscJ orcca.ed ai he in rtl'rri. Lrnckr will urrcpt.u.e anJ retain�hr�r paymcnts u.a li�s.r�.crvr in licu
<br /> . ° ot�mortga�e inwrume. Los+rc�crve pa}•menis muy no IunNer Ix r�yuir�J.:u the��ption ol�L�ndrr. if mortgu�¢ inxurunce .._�ti•-
<br /> � roveru�c(in the mm�unt und li�r�he�xricxl�hai Lender nyuirr.►prn�-idcd By un in.urcr;ippruved hy l.cixicr ugain lxcomes _
<br /> uvuiluhle unJ ir obluincd.Borrower tih:►II pay thc prcmium�rcyuirrJ la mninU►in murtgugr imuranre in cffcrt.��r to prc�vidr u
<br /> . lutiti rrxervc,unlil the requiremrnl ti�r mongu�:e in.urunee rnd,in uccord:ince wilh;in��vriurn agrcemrnt Ixtwcen Burmwrr ..
<br /> �� ° und Lrndcr or upplicahlc law.
<br /> • 9. Inspectlun. Lrndcr ur i���i�rnl nt:�y nuil�r rcntinnnMc cmrie, upun and in.�xrtiun,ul'thr Prapem•. Lrndrr.hull
<br /> ..�,,'. �ivc Borrourr notirc at�hc lim�of or prii�r tu an iu�{xrtian.�xrif}�ing m,i,�,n+ihlc cau.r I��r ihr in.�xrii�m. �'�
<br /> '.., l0. Condernnptiun. '1'he��r�irerd.ul':�m� +n��+ud ur rl:iim lirr dnm+��r,.direct�►r�uu.eyurntiul.in cunnerliun�vi�h any �
<br /> , � • Singlc I�:imily••FmmM 11nNM'revldle\lac 1'VIM'llR�I INti 1'RL'�IF.\"I' Iholimn t'ocrn:xu. 4/911 1/hl�f 7 i�J/�/h/S�'�1 4,
<br /> ' - � rrcal I.�tr>Nu•m�,..hun>.la � � .
<br /> • i�.�hdrt�,dl 1�11K:tl19:i21'"I"N4H6if�1�11.�1 4
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