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<br /> � j�-:r:'' "'�<�� 'i'O(JETH�R WITH all the impruvcracros naw or horcafier erccicd un the property,und ull cau�meniw,uppurtcnunrex,
<br /> � ��:�„����r ' and fixlurea now or hercuflcr u pan of�he praperty. All repl�rementa und udditlans shull alxo he cavered by thix Secudty �=�
<br /> `•^`� ' U i Ins�uumenl. All of�he faregoing ix rcferred to in Ihi�Security In�ln�men�ux the"Property."
<br /> �•s�,�`';�`' ° %� BORROWER COVENANTS �hot Dorrawcr i.r• luwfully seised of ihc exiutc hcreby amvcycd and hax thc righl to grunt
<br /> � �t' � ` '. � 'A" ` and canvey the Property and Ihul�he Property i,uncncumlxrcd,except for encumbrunccs of rccord. Bormwer warranls und ___
<br /> - _�Ly�i� �� .�.• a will deiend generully the tille to Ihe Propeny aguinal ull cluimx und demundr,subject�o uny encumbrances uf rewrd. --
<br /> ':r�``��� • THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combiix:� uniforni covcnuntti for nodonul usc and n�n-unil'am caven�+ntr wi�h
<br /> . . ,
<br /> ... ..° -:; y,�;,,�. limited variutiunh by juritieii<<iun ta cunsUwtc u unifurni nccurity in�trument wverinq reAl prapeny. � -----
<br /> � _
<br /> � � p� '�� _` � . UNIFORM COVENAIJTS. Barower cu�d l.ender covenunt and ugnee as fbllowx: —
<br /> ;,. .n, o _
<br /> � • � 1. Payment of P�fnclpal und Intereslt PrepAyment And LAte ChArqes. Borrowcr shnll prampUy puy when due the _
<br /> - �.����� pr�ncipal of and interest on�he debt evidenced by the Note and any prepuyment und lute charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2 Fuads Por'lbxea and IncurAnce. Subject to upplicuble Inw or to u wrinen wniver by l.ender,BoROwer shAll pay to
<br /> ' ' Lender on the duy monthly payments urc due under thc Nutc, until thc Notc is puid in full,u sum 1"Funds") for:(a►yearly
<br />_ , - - tazes nnd assessments wbich may atwin priority over this Security Inslrument as u lien on the Property;(b)yeurly leaschold
<br /> �... . Qayments or gmund rents an the Prapeny, if any: (c) ycnrly huzurd ar prapeny insurunce premiums; (d) yearly Iload =-a°
<br /> ',`�� " msurance remiums, if nn : lc) esul man A e insurunce remiumg, if un ; and (f)un sums able b Borrower to —
<br /> � P Y Y Y B � p Y Y PAY Y
<br />, ' d � , Lender, in accordance with�he provicinnr;�f purugruph R,in lieu of�he paymem of mongage insuruncc premiumc. These _ � __
<br /> u
<br /> _ �W items are called"Escraw Items:' Lender may,at any�ime,collec�And hold Fundw in un umount not to exceed the maximum
<br />. ';,'� ' amount A lender for n federally rela�ed marlguge laun may require for Barrower's escrow account under Ihe federul Real
<br /> �5' ' ., • ' Eslate Senlement Procedures Acl af 1974 us amsnded from limc to timc, 12 U.S.C.�2601 et sey.l"R�SPA"),unlesx unother
<br /> . " '• law that applies to the Funds xe�s a lesser amount. If w,Lender may,at any tima,collect und hold Funds in an Amaunt not to
<br /> -.. '-�`-'-� - exceed the lesser amc�unt. Lender may eti�ima�e the amaunt af FUnds due on �he hasis of cuRent datu and m.asonable —____,,,_,__
<br /> "�����'� ' estimates of expenditures of futune Escrow Items or otherwise in accordunce with upplicable law.
<br /> •.;�:;,�,.;;t. . —
<br /> �' �, The Funds shell be held in an institution whose de e�tti Arc insured b a federnl u enc instrumemali a�entit s'-�=°°° �- --
<br /> ''.�:,y,�,�r., Pa � Y !� Y� ty. Y
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender i.�uch un insti[ution)or in�ny Federal Home l.oun Bnnk. Lcnder shull apply the Funds to pay
<br /> , � '� � ihe Escrow hems. Lender muy na charge Boaower for holding and applying the Funds, annually unalyzing the escrow =- �°_
<br />' " uccaun�, or verifying the Escrow Items, unkss Lender pays Borrower interest an the Funds und Applicable law permits
<br /> ._ ,,.;;,.. Lender to make such a charge. However. Lender mny require Borrower to puy a une-time charge for an Indepcndont reul -----
<br /> " �'' �., estute tax reporting xervice used by Lende�in connection with this loun,unless�pplicuble luw provides otherwige. Unless an
<br /> ugreement is madc or upplicablc law rcquires intcrest to be paid.Lcnder shull not be reyuircd to pny Borrowcr Any interest or
<br /> „ . ' curnings on the Fundti. Borrower and Lender may ugrer in writing,however,�ha�intcrest shull be puid on the Funds. Lender .�;�
<br /> • , xhull give to Borrower,wilhoul churge,un annual acrounting of thc Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> � �� purpose for which eurh debit to the Funds was mude. 7'he Funds are pledged a.s additionul security for ull sums secured by
<br /> � this Security Instrument. .,�.�P.�
<br /> ..
<br /> - --= - If ihe f�nds held by L�n�izr �a�c�d il� u�iwu�it, p�iilliii2d ta be held by applicablc law, Lender shalt accouni io
<br /> , , Borrower fot the excess Funds in Accordunce wiih Ihe requirementa nf applirable luw. If'the umaunt of the Funds held by ��y°'
<br /> Lender aI nny time i� not sufticient lo puy the Escrow Items when due.Lender muy so notify Borrower in writing,and,in �;°'�=='-
<br /> „ such case Bom�wer shall puy to Lender Ihe amount nececsury to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up tha
<br /> deficiency in no more ihan twclve manthly paymentx,ut Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> . Upon puyment in full of ull sumx sccurcd by this Sccurity Instnimenl,Lcndcr shull prcxnptly refund�o Borrower:+ny k•.:•�::r,,:;
<br />: ' � Funds held by Lender. If,under parngruph 21. Lender�hull acyuire�ir scll Ihe Praperty.Lender,prior�o thc ucquisitiim��r ti---
<br /> •+- ' salc uf thc Property, sholl npply uny FunJs hcld by Lender at �hc �ime uf ucyuisition ur salc us A crcdit ngains� the sums ���r� `.
<br /> _ secured by this Security Instrumcnt. �i.:•,�c:, ,
<br /> • . 3. Applkatbn of Peymenls. Unle,� upplicablc law pravidc�othcrwisc, all payment� rcceived by Lcndcr undcr �
<br /> ;:�, . purvgrophs 1 and 2�hall hc•rpplicd:tirxl,10 uny prcpaymem churgc.Juc unJcr thc Notc:sccunJ,Io nmounl�:p•ryable undcr �••------
<br /> paragrnph 2;third,to interest duc;f�urth,to principul Jur::ind la��,tu tmy late churges due under the Note. �,,,;,�
<br /> #�z:'-_'.
<br /> � 4. Ctwrgeg; Liens. Borruwcr �hull pay all wxrs, utisessm�nls, rhurgc+, finc. and impositionx unributable to thc �t,��_;;��'
<br /> Propeny which may uttain priarity ovcr thi+Sccurily In+trumcnt,und Ica.r•�hold puyments c�r gruund rents,if uny. Bottowcr , ::�:�-
<br />. , , shull pay these obligation�in the munner pruvided in paragruph�,or if nol puid in thut munner,Borrower�hall puy them on �.;�.��,,�,,..�,�r-w-
<br /> time direclly to the person owed paymcn�. Borrowe�shall promptly fumish io Lendcr ull iwtices of amounts to Bc paid under ,.,rk,�....,�.�
<br /> ' this ara ru h lf 8onowcr mukcs thcse u mrnt�direcU Borrowcr.hall rom tl fumish to Lendcr recci ta evidencin '`" •
<br /> , ',�,' p' S p • P Y Y� D P Y P ' F k -
<br /> the payments. ��
<br /> ' " Borrowcr shall promp0y discharge uny lien which ha+prioriry uvrr this Srcurity Insirumcnt unlcss Borruwer.(a)agrces ;��•.�;:�,;��;L:'
<br /> • in writing to�he paymem of Ihe obligution srcurcd by the lien in a munner acccptable Io Lender:(b►cantexts in good fuith the '�'t•,,;;.,;,df _
<br /> , lien by,or defends uFuinst cnforcemcnt uf thc 1 icn in.Iegal pnkcedinFs which in�he Lendcr's npinion operatc to prevcnt thc . � • -'
<br />' • � enforcement of thc licn;or(r)secum+frum Ihc holder of�hc lien un agmement zatisf•rctory to Lender subordinuiing the lien
<br /> r . �• ' to thi.r•Security Insin�ment lf LenJer�termines thut uny purt uf�hr Prup�ny is.ubj�ct to u licn which may utluin priorily I '.:,.'
<br /> � •+:;. . over this Security Instrument,Lendcr may Five Borrowcr�notirr idrntifying thc licn. Borcower whall�a�isfy the licn or takc t '
<br /> �S.,;� one or morc oF�hr acti��ns,et Pnrth ub�we within 1(1 day�of�hc giving of nolicr.
<br />, ., 5. Harard or Property Insurs�nce. Borrower.hall kccp thc improvcm�m.nuw cxi.iing ur hereufter crccted on the � ' ,
<br /> !�� . Propeny intiured aguinsl li�ss by fire,h�iurds inrludeJ within thr tenn "rxtcnJed coveragc" :md any uther huzards, including
<br /> floods or flaoding.for which Lender reyuire+ insurnnce. Thi. imuronre xhall Fxr main�uinrJ in thr amountx und for the
<br /> ' �
<br /> �:.� . Fi�rm J0211 9l9B �pu.e�•2,q n��u,�cci �
<br /> u..,,
<br /> 11
<br /> i
<br /> ' ' .�1 ._ . _-- - . . _. _.
<br />