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<br /> by ownar'�and opu�tor�of almllu proputia and u Ban�iiciuy may r�qulr�for It�pratactlon. 7ruttor wU!comply -� .
<br /> wlth auch othu r�quirwnanu u B�nsilcluy may iram tim� to tlm� r�quut fo�th� protectlon by insunncr of th� __
<br /> intW�it ot th�rut�+:tiv�pa►tMi. All iruurancY pn!!c!u malntalnsd punuant to thla Deed of Trust�hsll name Truator
<br /> �nd �n�tic+arY �truur�, w th�Ir rsap�ctiv� intsrtst m���pp��r N►yd pPa�ldp ih�t th�ra it�!!ba no cancell�don or -
<br /> modificsttan without fiftswi 115)dyY�P��wsitta»rustltteattan to Tru�ts��nd Ban�fic{ary. IN tha evant any poUcY _-v
<br /> h�rwnder ls not r�wwsd o�ar bsfat�ftftwn(15)d���prlor to itt�xpir�t{o�dat�,7ruet�a ar Berwffciuy m�y proeu�� -_
<br /> suc�+ In�ui��ca ir. iccacds."sce rviih the �trovisbns of P�r�graph 7. Truator ahall doliv�r to Benatictwti► tha ort�inal _
<br /> puUc:u of Insu�acrc�u�d nnaw�ts thueot or coplu of such paUclss �r�d �en�wWs thsreof. Fallun ta iurnish such -
<br /> iniur�ncs by Trustoh or nnaw�ls ae r�qu'uad huwi'�d�r, ah�l�. at tha aptlon of BeneficJeuy, constituts p d�fwtt. All ___
<br /> u�wrnsd premtums u�h�raby assipn�d to Tru�tN as sddltto�tacu�{ty, u�a ut�and conv�y�ncs ot th�PropertY
<br /> by Uw Truates�haU operats to convey to th�purcha=e►the Truitw's lntere�i tn u►d to all policies of inturuic�upon
<br /> tM Trust Praperty.
<br /> 5. T�x�s �d Ass�ssm�nU. Trustor shall pay all taxa and special si�essmo�U levlsd or wsess�d a9ainst, or
<br /> dus upan,th�Property bsfors dellnqwncy and wiU d�tivar ta 8enstici�ry capies of��celptc ahowinp paymont of�uch
<br /> taxes u�d spsctal ucessm�ts.
<br /> 6. Additio�al UMS• Trustor shell mske ail p�Ymanta of Interezt snd princlpal,and payme�tc of any othe►charges,
<br /> isas, �nd expsnses contracted to bs paud to any axittin� Uen holdars or priur baneficisries under a�y prior Daed of _
<br /> Trust,Mortpags or other security aqre�mont� �efo�e the dete ttwy are deUnquent and to pay any othe�claim which 1
<br /> jeopardlzes ths cecurlty�rentod hrtsin.
<br /> y, pro��o} �tary�� S�qrity. Should Trustar fsil to maks any paVmant, f�il to da any�ct �s hsrei�
<br /> provided or it�ny�ction or procsedln�ts commMCed which msterisUy aNecta BMafici�ry's Interest tn the Proporty,
<br /> Inoludinp. but no Umitsd to, omin�nt domatn. Insolve�cy, uran�err�nU w procasdlnas InvolvinQ � bankrupt a
<br /> cNcad�nt�tM�►B�eficiuy or Trustes,but without obU�atlon to do so,�nd without notice to or demand Ww�Trusta,
<br /> and without rebasing Trustor from eny obUaa�tlon h�eundsr, may maks w dn the seme, and maY P+�Y. P���• —
<br /> contest or compromise endy ancumbr�. chug� or lien. whlch i�the Jud�ert►ent of either appsus to �Hect sdd
<br /> Property:in exercisinq any such powsrs,tha B�nsficiuy o►Truatse may Incur a Ilahillty and�xpsnd whatsver amountt.
<br /> includt�disbursements of r�scrcwWs sttorn�y's fees, whlch in thsir�bsolute dlscredon may bs nscessary. In the
<br /> sv�nt that Trusto►ahati fail is�=xocw� inwrance, fal to paY taxer end spacial satessments or fail to maks a�y
<br /> payments to sxistinp a prlor lien hotd�s ar bensficiuies,the Benaficiary may procur�such inswa�ca and msk�sucRn
<br /> psym�nts. All cum�incurred or exp6.�9 by 8sneficluy or T�usteQ in acc�rdance with th�p►ovisions of the DNd cr�
<br /> Trust an secured Mreby�naa�wtihout ciemand,shaU be immediate�`y due and R����bl!Yrustor a�d shall bsar intereut
<br /> et tl�s rat�p�ovided for�dva�s under ti�e Lwn Asraarn�nt;provided,however,ttsat at ths option of ttx�8ensii�iary
<br /> a Trwte�,such sums may�be adcud to tt�c p�lndpa�bstsnc�ot any indabUdnas s�red her�by and�'isU bsu tha
<br /> sam�intsrest as such�ndebtednesa and shall bs payable retably over ths remaining term thsreof.
<br /> 8, A*si�aa�att oi R�nt�. Bsr�eficiaoyl shatl have the ripht,pow�snd authoritl►dwi�g ths continuuu�of this Qret!
<br />_ . .. af i.l,,.e�.�r��w.-r fhe�.nt�.iscc,�and osofits of tha Proparty�nd of�ny personal props�tl►located thereon with ot
<br /> wittwut taicirq possesslu
<br /> rr���ha Fra�stty affeded hrxet�y.er�Tiustot her�by�bso�utefy�t1d unC0�t0itianaiN��ipns -
<br /> all such rents,is:uss and wQ��s to�����Y• �r���'� �wever,hereby consenta tn tha T�ustor's coll�ction and
<br /> retention of such rents.is�ues�d protits as thsy accrue and become psyable so bnQ st Trustor is not,at such tkr�e,
<br />� in dafault witi� �spect to payment of any indebtedness sectued hersby w in tP�o porformence of any apre�n�r�t
<br />' hereunder. Upc;r►ar�y sueh defauSt, Beneficiary may at any time, e�thsr in pnrson, by apent or by a receiver i��r
<br /> s�intsd by a court,wi4haai.4 notics and withaut regard to the adequecy of any security tor ths indabtadness hareby
<br /> �ured: (a) sntar upon wH9 teke possassion of the Property o� a�y part thorwf and in its own name sue fw or
<br /> otiwrwis�colf�ct wch rents. iuuss and profiu.indudinp those psst due end unpai�, an aPP1Y ths same, less o�a�
<br /> snd�xpsns�s of operation and collsction.including reasonabl�sctArney fess. upors�nY�btednsss sscur�d iwu�jr
<br /> and in wc�ord�r�s B�n�fidary may determins: (b}perfo�m wd�s scts of npai�ar�xotsctfon ss may bs nscsssary•o o►
<br /> propK ta conssrv�the value of th�Property:(c)lease the ssms or eny psr!hureot for such rsMN term and upot�such
<br /> co�ditlons as ita jud�mtnt may dictats. Unless Trustor and B�nsficiary ag�atharwiss in writing,anY apPpcatjo�of
<br /> rantf,issues or profits to any indebtednass secursd hereby shsl!not extend av�rostpons ths due d�ts of tM i�atdlment
<br /> p�ymsnts as P�ovidsd in th� Loan Asy.aement, snd th� appqcation thereof as �iwe�cs�d.shali not wa�vs or cura anY
<br /> dsfauix ar �otk:e of dsfault iureurxsee oa invaiidste er�y act dona Pu�auant tm such nc�. Trustw also sssig+ns tio
<br /> Br�fixiary,ms further sscuritk tar t[ze performanc�+cf ihe obUpstions�acur�¢c[tx�eby.sU prepdd rsnts and sil morac�s
<br /> +�in�ch msy have been or cna�y hsreaka' be d�pa�:eed'with ssid Trustor by�y lesaes of the Propat�r.to secuce i�o
<br /> paymant of�ny rent,and upon defaciit i�rt ths pe►formancs of any af the provisions hs�eof,Trusiw sproea to dd���er
<br /> wch ro�ts and depoaits to ths Bane�aaa�vy. Delivery of w�itten rsotice of Beneficiary's exetcias of the rFght�flrsnted
<br /> �ein to any t�n�nt occupyinp aaid premises shsll be sufficient w rsqulrs said tenant to pay ss�d rent to the
<br /> B+�ae�ficisrV untii furttwr notice.
<br /> �, Cw�dNrmaBw�. if ti8e to eny part of the Property shall be taken iro condemnadon procsadn�g,s, by ri�ht of
<br /> �anin�nt domain or surWsr actlon.or shsll bs sold under thr�at of condemnstion, dt swrds, damsaes and procesds
<br />- ere hx��an.d and chail be p�i�ra+l3snaficixy wtw cEss�a�plY suctti eward.dartsa�,�sad�r�caeds w ths anxna
<br />= Mcursd by tf�a O�ed of Trust,wlth th�wccsss, if ar►Y. Paid ta tf�Trustor. �
<br /> 1p, Fuqu� Advancw. The Losn A�reams�t provides for sdvances from time to tims to Truswr by Beneficisry
<br /> �s�providsd thereln. In additio�,upan reqwst o�Trusta�,Be�eficiary, at Bensficiary's option,prior to reconveyance
<br /> of the Pirope�ty to the T�ustor, maY make sdditiona! futu�a advances to the Trustor. Such futur� �dvances, with
<br /> intsrast tharson,s�hall bs secured by this Dsed of i'rust wn�eui�er�co;by�rar.�isscry notes siatin�that s�id notas _
<br /> ue rscursd hereby; provided that at no wn� shall the ascund principsl and future advanees, not including sum�
<br /> od�snood to protect the tecu►ity. exceed one hundred percont 110096) of the ori�inal principal amounts secured
<br /> hereby.
<br /> �1, RMn�diw CumulsSv�. All�emedies providea in this Deed of Trust are distinct and c�inulative,jo`,a,ny other
<br /> - :�;,�►: :.: :a�r.�+y �s!�±e• *-h�� �^-!"f of Trt�x*_ w afford�d by law or eauiN, and may bo �ico�dS�urrontiy. _
<br /> incleps�eiently or successively.
<br /> 92. Acc�ation: R+nMdi�s:Sal�• A defeuft shall ezist in the avent of:
<br /> - (A) Any fraud or m+uePras�tation by the Trusta in connsction with th� Une of cradit which this Ooed of Trust
<br /> � � sectues: .
<br />_� , .
<br />-- , y�g4 408-2
<br />