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<br /> (61 Any fsilur�nn th� pa�t c�f e�►� Truator ca maot tha �op3ymant t�rntit!n�e►spant ta tha Loan Aarae+ne�it�n�i a�V
<br /> oth�r sdv�nc�s unda thls Qsed of Trust huraby :ecur�d; �nd,
<br /> (C) Any�tion b�►tha 7ruatar prohibited by tho torm� of th�Lc�n Aprsement ar tl�lo Dr►ad ai Truot er My bl�ura uf
<br /> t»�?rurtar to Act �r�qukad by titia Loan�raomar�t cr ttsls Flaad of T�uct.t+nal�af wi�icN Truoeor h�►�by �qnws
<br /> heve an !{IVNN �N�ct on th1 B�nr�ticlary'� oecurity fur ths Iino af cxa�lit aAtubllahsd and the rlpt�t� ai tlta
<br /> Bai►�fictaty in suoh�curity.
<br /> snd upon th�hsppenlnq of any�uai�avent of dafsult, E3eneficlary m�y dacfara all sums secured hugby ir�inwdlAt�ty�
<br /> dua and payabla by dalluar to Truateo of written decieratfon ot d�twlt. Tfw Y�uataa tl�aU Itave th�powsr of saie of
<br /> tha Property,snd if B�n�fiulury duairea the P�openy to ba sosd,it shall dywtit wJtli T►utta�thla Dssd of Trwt and�!1
<br /> p�omissary notss and documpntt evidenciRp sxpa�dJtures sscurai tNreby and�hAll dollver to Trust�a a writun na:icu
<br /> oi dshWt�nd N�ctlon to cauoe tho Propeny to be sold. and tha T�ustss lo turn�1�ail prepere a notics in the form
<br /> requirsti by law, which shall bo duty filud for record by Trustee.
<br /> (A) After tho tt�ps�ot suati timo aa may ba requlred by I�w tollowinp tl►o rocatdation oi sa�d notice of deteult, and
<br /> �otics at d�iwk�nd nottae of eala having been fliven aa�aquired by Ipw. Truotae, without dsmand on Trustot,
<br /> shW seM th0 Woperty on ttw dnie and at the t(me and placs d�siynatad In Aaid natica of safe,ot puWic action to
<br /> the highast bir�dsr�t1w purcht+ae price peyable in lawtul money o!ths Unitud Statec ot tha tims of s�l�. i'he
<br /> parson conductinp tho�alo mey.fur e�y caus�h�de�ms�xpediant, poctpana tha�Na from tlme to tims untU it
<br /> shsll be compistod and, ln every�uch csse, �otic�of postpon�ment shs11 ba�ivnn by publlc dsclsniion thsrsof
<br /> by such psrson�i the ttmo and place leat�ppointed for tM s�te,providod,i(tha sals ia postponsd fo�IonqW than
<br /> onellf day beyend tho day deslgnated in tha aoLics of sde, nattce theraof Ah�il be piven in ths sama manner a�
<br /> the ori�insl aoi�ce o4 sala. Tr�stoe shell exacute arx!d�Gver to ths purch�sor Its Deed conveyin�ths Property se
<br /> sold,but withaut�dy cavenant or warra�ty, express or impitad. Tha raoit�fo In the deed of utY matters or acts
<br /> shall be concluaiu+�proof of the truthfulnass thereof. Any pers�on,including F3enaficiuy,may purchsss at tha sale.
<br /> (B1 When Tvuttee�a:7�putaua�t to the powars hsrein,ti�s T�ustsa shai!apply tho proceedi of ths ssle to payme�t
<br /> of tho aopte aod expsnaea of exerclaing the power of sa�te and of ths aala,includtnp the payment of the Trustee's
<br /> fess�atualiy incu�red, whlch Truateo's fees ahall not in the appregate excoed the followinp amount bac�d upon
<br /> ths amount seaured hsreby and remelninp v,npald;S percentum on the first 91,004 thereof, 1 peresntum on tho
<br /> balance thsnof a�d then to tha Itsmt in saa�srsgrsph(C)in ths ordsr thnre stsisd.
<br /> (C�Aft�r payinp the itsma specifted in subpu�rsph(8)if the sale k by T�uatee,or the proper court and ott�oasts
<br /> of forsd�surs�nci sala if the ssle�s pursuant to judicisl fv��ure,the proceadi af aais shsli b�applied I�tt�order
<br /> ststsd to t�e p�ymant of:
<br /> 1�} Cott of any evider�of t;tta p,00cured in c�.c»ctir�n with such sala rr�d of a►V�w�nus stan��as;
<br /> �N1 Atf�wms the secu�ed herab�: .
<br /> �l1q The r�mainder,if sny, to th�per•son lepslly�ntitled tt.aceta.
<br /> 13. D�tttios and Obli�a�ions ot TrustMS. �s1 Ths dutias and oWigatiorw of tru�te�shdl be dat�mit�d cokly by
<br /> - ---�x ex���roi�lalana of thl�Deed of Tnist:+�d TrustM st�ip not M pabfe�xospi for tms P��+��vi su�ir duae:- .: _
<br /> : att�d obliqlations ss are spnciHcally set fath hersin� and no impllsd oove�anto or abUgaHons sh�ll b� impoad upo�
<br /> � 'Trustss; ib� No qrovialans of thia Deed of Trurt shatl r�quk�Trustss to exp�►nd or�lsk ita own funds,o►otherwist+
<br /> � incur any tir�naial aWlgatifln in the perfwmsrsco of any of its dutias herwndaf,or in ths exerds�o�sny of it�r'�ht�
<br /> or pow�r,if it:haU hava qrounda fa bellevin�thst the r�payment of such furxls or adsquats ind�mnity�p�inst such
<br /> r�sic or Gability is not rensonably assurad to it;1c) TrustM may consult with oauncal af its own choosinp and tf�sdvlca
<br /> of wch countal�haU ba full snd comptet�suthorization and prot�ction in tF►a rszpoct�of any�ction tetcsn os�auffsrsd
<br /> by it hsreunda in poad faith and reUanco thenon;(d) Trustes shsR not bs Uabia for ea�y action taksn by lt in�ood f�ith .
<br /> � and r�awnably ball�vod by it to be auttwrizsd or within ths dtsc�etion or ri�htv end powers aaaisrnd upon It by thiµ..
<br /> . DNd af Trust.
<br /> 14. Addtlaaal S�urtt1l Instrcinwnb. Trwtar,st its�xpa►s�, wul sxscut�tuui dauvW to tM T�usies,prompUy
<br /> upon d4m�nd.such security in�trument�a�may be rsquirsd by i'reastM,in tam an�wbstanc�sstlsfsciory W Trustse�,
<br /> cowrinja my of tt�a Proporty convaysd by tl�a D�sd of Tnut.which seauit�►ir►ttrumsnts ahall b�addidfln�l s�CUtiEy
<br /> for Trustor's taithfu!�parformanaa of dl of U� tsrms, cov�na�ts and conditio� of tfiia Os�d of Trust,th� Loan
<br /> Aqr�tit,any promiswrY nataa sacurad NanSy and any other s�cur�h►instruments�xscutsd in connection with thia
<br /> tranractlon. Sucfi insuumtinnUs shsN bs recorde�or fitsd,s,nd�e-rsoorded and reti{sd,at Trustor's expenae.
<br /> 15. Mba��rNOt�a.
<br /> iA) (n the avent any on� or more of tt� provisiana containsd ir�the Deed of T�ust, or the Loan Agreement or any
<br /> pr�ory rqts, or.iu►y ott�er�ecurity�ratsumant piven in conr�ection with this uanasction,sl�ail tor �ny rss�a� ,
<br /> to t�h�W to be inveUB,.iilepal a unertfx�ce�Wa in any rospect.sach inva�d3ty. illspality or un�nforosabiGty sh�il,
<br /> �t th�option of gwwticiary, �ot sff�cc s�r�ott�prctitsion of this Dsrd o!T�ur�t.thst tt�ic Deed of Trust shsli�
<br /> c�onnuu�d as if wch iovaUd.iliepal or ura�r,rcaab�provision had nsver ba�an contdned t�ein tx tt�eapin.
<br /> (W This Ds�d of Trust rhail�be con�ued a�to�laws of ths Stat�of Mebrsska. .
<br /> tC1 tiw Daed of Tnsst sha�1 irwu�r w�u!bi�d t�ae 1tie+rs,le�ataes,dev�sasa,sttmSnittrato�s,exec�,�tors,successors enri.
<br /> sssipns of th�partl�s herata.
<br /> (0) Tnistor shaU pay all taxen teveed upon thia Daed of T�ust or ths dsbt secured hereby.to�sil�with any other taxes
<br /> or sss�ssn�ents which may t�tavled egainst the Trustee or Bsnsticiary a tha te�a1 hoWer of ths Loan Agreemeni
<br /> on�coount of the ind�btednesa avidence tf�eby.
<br /> {E) �:►:srr.a;rsr es29r!herc:n,tha«ingular nsunlsar sha!!tr.r.lu�s tha�::i::l,tter p!uref,tM sin9ule�,the use of any�ander
<br /> shall bs appticabie ta W�8ndar�, a�d the torm 'Be�sficjary'shafl inclsxie any psyee of ths indebtedness h�reb�r
<br /> s�cured or a�y uansfer thare�of, whether by opastion of law or othsiwise.
<br /> 16. Sucassor TnistN. Benefiata�y may from time to time subsdtute a saaxassor or sucosssors to any i'rust�
<br /> nsrrwd hsr�in or actinp hsreundar to wcecute this Trust Dssd. Upon such aarpaintment and without conveyancs to
<br /> ;,ti���tnn�eonr T���ef�,.�,..�.n�,. �hwy t+�vaot�d with afl titN. ooww's srd d��t'bs conferr�d uaon�nv Trustse tw�r�
<br /> nun�d or actinp h�rwnd�. Each such aapointment or substitutwr►shalt b�mads by wi�tten insuumsnt by&neficis�y,
<br /> cantairrn{�refersncs to this�►cd of Trunt and ity pl�ca of record,w�ich wt�en recordsd in ths offics of the Fi�p�ster
<br /> ef Destlt of th�cou�ty or courititto in which said p►operty is sitwUd. shall b��tiv�proof o! opK�w ntment
<br /> of tM succe�aar Trussr. 'fhs�r►ra�cing pnwK of wb�tiWtion�nd ths procadarie tt�ereio,re�r�r6s ek'dnsivs of
<br /> 9ts4 �'3
<br />