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<br /> APpLM 001-00019251
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<br /> ��iVIG r���r�` ' ��IrLl ��1.l�11Y{j
<br /> 221 South Lca��t St.� P.O. Bax �009
<br /> Qrand tslsnd, i��braskR 88802-1009
<br /> 3Q@-382-4000 �"' '1��
<br /> Tha undarslpned"Trustor`W l�i�ntiti�d i�the follawir�Qe�d of Tru�t,w1u�tlwr�or mora,undarstarx!ti�ae ti�
<br /> �a,rurnant thay� �:��bcut to exscute tY s Dead at Tru�t�n<t not a mort9sga� and th�t th�power of sats providod for
<br /> in ttu�C�ed ot Trwt p�ovidus sub�tantiaUy dif�usnt riqhts and oWtpataiu to ths 6orrowW�than �mortpap� in tF►�
<br /> �+ent of�d�fault�r br�sch�f ablipatwn w�d�r th+De�d of Trust,fndudinp,but not lirr►tt�d to,ths BsMficiary's ripht
<br /> to h�ve tM PropertY f�ntfti�d 1�►th� toliowina Os�d ot Trust soid by the Trw ee withaut any judiclal procasdlnq.
<br /> Trusiu�rsprss�nts and war�ants th�t this Acknowtedpm�nt wu azecutsd by b4fore the execution of ttw Desd
<br /> ot Trwt hK�sttw s�t fortt�.
<br /> Txo�AB H �►vSCx
<br /> �► s
<br /> 'Y'l�IS TRUST OEED msd�thit 17� day of �RIL , 1995 �L��
<br /> 1lKM1L� M l�OSCfI ]Um �f�A�� /�04CN. HORUIID �IID MIIi
<br /> h�rnir�aner call 'Trustar', whos�maillnp address is 2814 bR�rNTW00D HLV�y GRAND ISLA�ID,
<br /> N��ItAS1CA :as'Tru.stN':and Hom�FMd�r�l Sav3�ps ond loan llisocistio�of Gtand Lstand,wiws�
<br /> m�i{wp sddress b 221 South L.ocust, P.O.Box 1009,Gr�nd Islsnd. Plsbrssica 68802,as "BMna��ar1►�.
<br /> Por vaivaW�con�ation, Trustar irr�YOCibiy Qfl�Iti,uansiws. conv�ys us��ssipns to 1'n�s2ss, i�uust,vrith
<br /> powa of saM.tor th�b�rNiit and s�auitl►of 8�ffcisry.undK �nd wbHot to th�t�rms and coraiitions of this DMd
<br /> ot tnast,tha folbwinp dssc,�ib�d pro�ty bcat�d(n G� ISLat�Ta. HAt.t , _
<br /> I�h�bf�ska.to wit: , �
<br /> COUNTY, �1lSRA.
<br /> ta�eRhr with all D�sid&�Qs,tixtuns,imp�ov�n�nU�nd appurt�na�lt�rwnto baof�+!�QinO.n b�inQ�Md d�at aN of
<br /> th�r fc�nQoinp sFiaN br:f�nit�sfter rofared to as th�'Prap�ty". � ,
<br /> FOR THE PURF�SE O�ScCUR�NG patormana of�ach p��n��and oovu�►�nt of Trustaor�iaanin oa�uai�wd and
<br /> ih�p�ynwnt of it�e p�iricipM sum of s�rY mrs s�oo�c �os.�� z�tilcarrs .�
<br /> �� OraYars ti ss.0oo.00 1, ac wid�nwd b'Y a Hom� F�ci�ai Hoat� FquitY La�n Asr��t b�twNn
<br /> Tnistor and B�ficiary(ths`L,oan Ap�n"}.P��t to which B�fidxY wai odvanc»fuads ta Trustor tcom ti�rw
<br /> • ta tkr�at th� interost�rabs snd upo�s ths Utms provid�d the�Mn, t�th� with any sum a sans of motwy witl� .
<br /> iMerest tfwtM�whicit rr►aY here�tte►be Paid w advsnced under tl�tmms of this Deed of Truat,both principal wra
<br /> � � �i i�t�rest tt�aao�b�inp payahit accordin� to the tsrms set forth in ths Lpsn Aynament, refere�cs to whlch is
<br /> Mreby ensd�. at ihN oi�'ice of tft���OnslidarY in Grand Isi�nd. [+Nbr�ska. or at such oihK P��•ss B�+PY �Y
<br /> , � .��_��,.� .. . .
<br /> ' 1. Waennty o�Tid�. Yrustor is IawtuU�r aeiz�d of t[�Prnpwcy:itiss pood�riOM sr�d I�vRlul �+thoritY t�sNl and
<br /> convsY ti� �roprrlY: ihs Prr�perty is iree aad dear c`��li�aso and ers�umlxsiscxs except Nens now of rrcad; �nd
<br /> Trustor wiil warrMtt snd d�f�nd th� titM to th� Propsrty �i[►to tt�TrustN �ncf its succsssors anc assi�a forawar
<br /> apainst th�claims of stl p�nons.
<br /> Z. Paym�nt ot Pri�Kipal and k�st. Tncstor rhai!purxtwAy Pa�►ths PrinciPat of,and intsnst on.aH sdvanas
<br /> undw ths Losn Apr�nw►t and will puncwaliy Perform ati apr�nts.conditions and provisions of sny othsr s�axitY
<br /> ie�svurtw�t pivon in oonMCtion witi�tnis 4r�io�. ,
<br /> 3. PtMwMlon and M�int�e�ancs of Propwty. Trusta wi!!not commit any waste upon th�Property at will, at"
<br /> W timas, maintain ths sartN in pood ordK and co�dition and will m�u, from tlme to �ms, aU �apsirs, ra�wals..
<br /> npiscanents.addidora and improv�nts whkh srs rWSOnabfy requirod w prewnt wseu�impairment or daUrioratian
<br /> of ssid pro�psrty. No buildln�or irt►Prov�nt now or twnaftw�rocted upon ths Propwty shail be att�ted removed
<br />_ or d�mo0islwd without ttu prior wtitf�n conwM of B�sfic�ary. �
<br /> 4. Nwranw. Truttor.at iu expe�u�,wiil msiRtain witt�in�u►KS s�pproved by Bd�aficisrY.insursnc�with resps�t
<br /> to th�improv�nu and p�rso�sl propwty constiWtinO aw PropKty psintt loss by fke,liphtni�p.tomsdo snd other
<br /> pKils rovK�d b�st�ndard sxt�w�dod cov�npe e�dors�rnrnt in an�wurit squal to�t f�sst on�h�ndned csnt of ths
<br />_ tuY nptao�mertt vatus ti�erwf,an�irnwar�w�painst such other huar�s snd i�such amount�f i�r`d�tl�uily r.srried
<br /> �� 4Q3•t
<br />