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<br />;�;:�.4 a1:z�doneci Properry. Borro�ver shall also be in defaalt if Borrower, during tne loan appliratinn pm��css. gave
<br />-_ a�;ut�rially fsse or inaccurate information or statements w Lender (or f;iiled to proYide Lender with any mxteria! �;.
<br /> i,Y,`.��m�atian) i� a,nnectian with the loan evidenced by the Note. including, but not limitod to, rcpre�entatiuns -
<br /> sasr�eming Horrower's occupancy of the Property as a prinripal residence. if this 5ecurity 1►utrumeret is o�i a
<br />, ��. L�uehotd.Borrower shall comply with the provisions of the lease. if Borrower acquires fee titte to the Property. the
<br /> -�• i��neho!d and fee title shall not ba merged unless[.ender asrees to'the inerget in writing.
<br /> :;"� 6.Condemnation.The proceeds of any award or ciaim for Jamage�.direct or rn�equential,in c:uruuxtion w'sth �'• -
<br /> arta mndemnntion or other taking of any part of the Propeny. or far conveyance �n ptace of condemnation, are
<br /> b�:��eby assigned and shalt be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amnunt of the indebtedness that ren�ins unpa:d ��., --,
<br /> utuler tIte Note and this Securhy Inswment. Lendsr shall apply such proceeds to the redactian of the iadebtedness ��.,
<br /> usa3er c� Noie and this Security lnswment, fi�st to any delinquena amounts apptied in th� order provided in �;�'
<br /> � ��u�y.�„snd then to prepayment of principal.Any apptiration of the proceeds to the principal sha!!not exte�xl or �
<br /> �t{hr�����.ue date of the monthly paymenu.which am referred to in paragraph 2,or change the amnunt of sucb ---_
<br /> gstycnents. /�ny exceb�acacceds over an amaunt required to pay all out�standing indebtedness undes the�fute:ant tiiis ���
<br /> �.f-:��-:
<br /> S�cvrity Insuument�Ge paid to the entity legally entided thereto. �___
<br /> • ?. CErargcs to �aarro�rer a�d. II'rote�on of Leader's Rtghts En ttie Property. Bnnower shall pay all �•��-•
<br /> �ivemmc-�131 or municipal charges. �nes and im�ositions tS�at are not included in patagrap h 2. Borrowes sh�ll pay �:
<br /> ' t�ese obir��s'sons on time directly to r,Re enaty w[uch is owed the payment. If failute to pay would adversely affect E�..=
<br /> ?�-': G.ender's �cerest in the Pro u n Lender's r est Borrower shall rom d fumish to Lender reoei ts �"'�
<br /> PeRY• Pa �N P 4 Y F ���--:
<br /> �e*ide�s€m�ihese payments. --
<br /> I€13�sr.rower fails to make these paymenu or the payments tequired 6y paragtapb 2.or fails to perform any other �; �
<br /> �¢ne.mv;,rs a�d agr�ements contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a tegal proseeding that may signiftcantly ��"
<br /> , �ffect fsaa�}c�'s rights in the Propercy ts�ucb as a Proce�ding in bankruptcy, for wndemnadon or ro enforce laws or —
<br /> begulatio�r, then,Le�r may da and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lend�i s ._
<br /> rights in the Propectg,ci�luding payment of taxes.huard insutance and oiher ca�s mentioned in paragrap'�'. '�'-
<br /> � � amounu�irststn.-sed b Lender under this 6.shall becocne�a:�ditional debt of Borcca�r�r and be �`�""
<br /> , , �Y Y P��P �;;�'
<br /> �seaired by this 5eauiip��r�asuum�t- These amnunu shall bear interest from�s.date of disbursement, at the Note -;-
<br /> �'.;
<br /> `sute.and at ttie optian��'?►.erder.s%s�l'be immediately d�e and payable. s�,;:
<br /> __ gorrower shalt tieciitmtly discirarge�y lien which has prioriry over this.Secvrity Ir4�nt unless Borrotiv� <��f;_
<br /> :;(u)agrees in writing�r the payment of the obligaaon sec�red by the li�n i�a.manner aa�table to Tue��r: �(�;��• • ;
<br /> �oontests in goad faith the lien by, or defends against enforcement of the li��s.rn, le�al pt�a�ings which in G.?r �,r:��
<br /> i.ender s opinion operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien; or (c) se�s�s from 1re��older of the lien a��► _ _
<br /> � agrexment satisfac�ory to l.ender suborcyinating the iien to this Seeurity Inmument.lf Y.en�r-.u�ii�':eanines that u�y part --Y
<br /> uf the Property is sub,ject to a lien which may attain prioriry over this Security Irum�nt. Lender may give �
<br /> Borrower a rn�tice identifying the tien. Borrower shall satisfy•the lien or take one or more of the actions set fartll -- --
<br /> � above within t0 days of the giving of notice.
<br />:.;t%i;?: S.�'ees.Lender may rnitect fees and charges authorired by the Secnetary.
<br />`�%:;�;,j�` 9.Gronnds for Acceleratioa A�'�ebt. �
<br /> ;:r�''1���: (a)Defanit. Lender may.�.�ept r�s limited by regulations issued by the Secretary.in the case of paymeni ' ----T
<br /> 9� defaults.require immediate paymen4 in full of all sums secur�ed by this Sccurity Instnunent if: �
<br /> . }: �fU,.
<br /> , (i)Borrower defaults by failing to pay in full any monthly payment required by this Security Instcumeni
<br /> �� ��� prior to or on the due date of the next monthly payment.or
<br /> �;;;�'};��, (ii)Borrower defaults 1s_w,l:�iling, for a periad of thirty days,to perform any mher obligations wntaine�
<br /> ` '�• in this Security Instmm�.,�.
<br /> ;i � �ti)S�Ie�Yr�1t«ttt Credit Approval. Lender shall,if permitted by applicable!aw(including Section 341(d) _.
<br /> �� of the Garct,�i: �er�nain Depasitory Institutions Act of 1982. 12 U.S.C. 1?Olj•3(d)) arcd�vith the prior
<br /> � 6j agpravat of tf:•z Secre�ary.require immediaYe payment in full of all sums secirred hy this Security Instniment
<br /> �
<br /> ,; .
<br /> � � ' ' . , �T n.
<br /> �-� .� ' . - . - Page 4 O}8
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