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<br /> (i)Ap or psrt oF th..Property,or u benvfczial inter��in a tru.SY owning aii or Part uf the Property. is sold =
<br /> • or�thenvise tmnsfern�(other than by devise or descentl,and _
<br /> . tii) The Prape►ty is not oQxupiai by the pur+cha5er or grantce a�his c�r her priacipa! residence, or the -
<br /> purchaser or grantoe daes so accupy the Property bvt his or her cr�it has not bcen approved in _
<br /> �. accorderece�tiith the requimments af the Sxretary.
<br /> - (c)�4c�YYsSc�.If riscumst,.�ces accur that would{tesmit Lender to require immcdiate payment in full.but
<br /> - t.ecutas doxa a�i requira sach paymenu,Lend$r daes not�vaive its righu wit6 nespect to subsequem events.
<br /> (di Re�lnitons oY�4gJ1D �2ecetutiy. In many cia-cumstattces regulations issued by ttee Secretary will limit
<br /> I,ent;er's ri�ES, in the case of pay�nent defautU�. to reqnire immediate payment in fuil and fareclose if not
<br /> paid. 'Tftis Security Instroment�3oes not authuri�e acceleration or foreciosure if not�ermitted by reg�lutians _
<br /> of th�Seceetr.ry. _
<br /> (e�Nlar tF�P Not In�tared.Borrower a�thui if this Security instm�nent arcd the Note aze uot deiermined -
<br /> to U�eligible for insurnnce under the Natianal Housing Act within 60 days from the datr hereaf. I.ender
<br /> , may. at its optian. require immediase paymra►t in�fuU of all sums secured by this 5ecurity [nstsumeut. � -
<br /> vr�Itt�t statan:ni af siny authorized agent of thc Sz�cretary dated subsequent to 60 days from the dnz�ties�f
<br /> dt��ihing to inswe this Security Irrstrument artd the Note, shal! be deemed rnnclusire �rnof af na�;; -
<br /> in�li�ibil[ty. 1�Iotwithstanding ihe faregoirts, titis option may rtot be ezercised by Le�,rr�:r �r•!����;�
<br />... unavailabi{Ity of insurance is solely due to L:r�te�'s fuilure to remit a niortgage insurance�neminm cu a�:
<br /> Secretatiy.
<br /> � !0. Rwristaterne►�i. Borrowee has a right to ba raiustated if Lender has required immediate payment ia�i:'t�
<br /> beca�e of�$osnnv:�e's faiture to pay an atriount due under the Note or this Security Inst�vment. 7'h.is dght ap�rli�s � .
<br /> � . even aY1c�forecfosure pmceedings are institut�. To nini;sate the Security Instrument. Borrowec�ll tender in u
<br /> ���: [ump sum ull a�tinis required to bring Boerower s aea►unt current inctuding,to the exteui they�abtigasions af ..' _
<br /> BornotiLS un�zs this Security Inswment.foreclosurs cosTS and reasonable and customary attorrteys'fces and e�:tixs. _
<br /> . .'.j gre�p;sl3+ascaeiated with the farectosure praceeding. llµaa,seimstaiement by Borrawer. this Secarity Lutium..-�atr�i -.
<br /> th� obfigations that it setures shatl re�i� in effect as iF L.ender had rtot required imm�dia� �yss�En1 in•��. -
<br /> " However, Lxrsr3�;: is nat required to Fe��saix reinstatemunt if: (i) Lertder has accepted cein�.�t•after�the =
<br /> comm:memeat af farcclosurc procee�ings urlthin two yenrs immediately prece�ing the connnEr�sr.of a c�.'.t_^�►t ' �
<br /> n � �! fore�.-ias�tte praceeding. tii) minstatement �vill prrlude:far+zclosure on different graunds i� tlra t��uture: 4'.^.� ��;
<br /> . reinstas�ntnt tivill'udvessrrly affex she prioriry of the tiea cr�ted by this Securiry ins�nt. ' �
<br />' il.Batro��eP noi �e2ea�; Forbemrnnce Sq UEtn�2r Noi a Waiver. Extec�sion of the time of payrTrent or
<br /> modification•of amortization of the sums secured by chiti Security Insuucnent granted by Lender to any suceessor in ::'
<br /> ..,,:;.
<br /> in:�est of•Bnse+�er shall not operute ta��se the li�6ility of tite oci�fnal Borrotiver or Borrotver's saoce.�sor ia
<br /> _` interast.Lea'c�.PS shail nat be reguine�f to cbmr�eace pn.�aeedings against any succe�or in inserest or refu:e to extetul � _
<br /> ,� tim.fnrp�yment or atherwise modify amortization o�r,��=�sums sewred by this Securiry Inswment by mason of any �
<br /> dern�n.i tn:d.�by ihe original Burrower or Borro�ver's sucoessors in interest.Any�o�arance by Leoder in exercising .
<br /> any riglit or.ra�}shail not be a waiver of�ar preclude:t�e ca�ercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ' 13:Sut���and Asstgas Bound;�TrrInt am��ves�!l.iaGiUty;Co-Slgnets.The wvertants na►��greements
<br /> • of•this Security Inshumem shall bind aIId isenefit tho suac�ssors and assibms of Lender and Borrower.subjett to the
<br /> `� pmvis:ona.of p�rt►graph 9(b). Borrower's covennnt�and agreemenu shafl be jaint and several. My Bonower who
<br /> co-signs�this�Secutiry Instcument 6ut does aat eacecuta:ehe�Iote: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to -
<br /> mortg�ge,�r.u�s und convey that Borrower's inter�s¢in,►he Property under the terms of this Security Imstrument;(6) . `
<br /> •��%�' � is not persnnaJi�obligated to pay the sum�Rrcur�d ibl this Securiry In;si�+sment: and(cj agrees that Lertder u�d any
<br /> • o;lizv Botrowe�_�r agree to extertd.mod�i�j, fon5enr or•maks any acccirsnodations 4uith regard[o the temis of this ��.:�,,: r
<br /> _ , . �"t�ity Instrum.nt or the Note�vithout thai Borrowr�c s.cpnseni. `':`' ��
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