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<br /> � f� �' �� ��. ys'�,rrifr'.'l-itiYiia.. tl�u.' �` 1.`S!,O'".'��aL':�..�,��- i.
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<br /> ---z�+..�,�� 4� h'ire� Flaod And(Mher Hs�znrd Inr�urance. Wmowcr.twll inwrc all iinprovcrornt�un�hc Pn�xny,whethcr n�.w in
<br /> �.��,��,;���;,,�� exibtencc or tiubscyucnUy erctiiai, uguin,t uny ha�urJ�,rr�uulii�r, uiKl cunlin�ecncirti, ukluJing lir�, thr which Ix��Jcr rcyuiR� _
<br /> _____,�� , insurancc. This in�ur�rKC .hull I+c m�int�inal in �I�c unwwn�. unJ lur�hr�xrioJh�I��� lxnJc� rcyuirc�.. Hi�rruwcr .lull ulu�
<br /> _ - _ °�-:-_,r±�1! in�urc all impr�wcmcnt.r on Ihc Pn►pcny.whctikr iw�w in cxi�lrnce��r�ubKyu�mly cr��.i��l. aguin+t lu.� hy I1�MKlti�n thccx�cnt
<br /> � #t��,,+��•°� rcyuiral by IFx S�tirctury. All insurancc�hall t+c.arricd with coiupunic� Lppruval hy IxiKlcr. Thc intiu runr�pcdirlc. an►l uny
<br /> '�;:' ` .��-^' �^. rencwuls.iwll l+e FK;Id by l.cixler•rn�l,Jwll irklude lu..payubl�cluuK,in 1uv�►r of.:urt in a li►nn w��piablc��..l.cidcr.
<br /> ' � In thr cvcnt ��f In�., R��rn►wcr �hull give IAnJcr immoJisuc n�Nirc hy nWil. IAnd�r nw� �iwkc pr�wf��f lu�ti if rNN nwdc
<br /> — . '''+ '"
<br /> •;i°, promp�ly by &►rrowzr. Eu�h in.ur�ncc c��mpany canr�rtwKl i. Ikrcby •ruth�vii�rl vixl Jirr��tcJ tu o�kc paynknt fi�r +u�b lo+�►
<br /> °�:` dircctly to l.c�xicr. iiuteud�►f u�&xrowcr unJ to l.cixlc�juinUy. AU or any �ri uf Uk in+uruikc pr�xra.�lr n�ay hc uppli�K1 by
<br /> ���.�,.• _,�y."' [.c.ndcr, u� it.upti�m. ci�hcr lul w tlx nducuun of�iu inJchl�titik+. wxlcr Ihc Nate :uwl thi.r S�curity In,trutncot.fint tu uny
<br /> ,4. - �'x�a� dclinyucnl umoum+upplial in thc nrJcr in parogruph 3, unJ ih�n �a prcprymcm of priixipul,nr�b1 t�►the rc�tor•rtinn ur rc�ir
<br /> •af�•y.:fei�'�i,�',�,-
<br /> .�s..,r ;:• .,,_, � nf �hc dumuged PrupcAy. Any applicutiun��f thc pnk��eJs lu Ih�pri�kipal �ch�ll Ma extenJ ur �x►,Ip�►�x: the Jur Jate uf ihc
<br /> ---- . •.Tx�..;; �,:,,.;. . mnnthly paymeme which urc referrc�J w in parugr�ph 2,or rhun�e�he amuunt uf wch paym�nls. Any exce.rti i nsurvn�e proccecls
<br /> •- �'"'�'. . ,; over an �unount reyuircJ to p•ry al! outswnJing iruleMedne�s under the Note aml thi�. Securiry Instrunknt yhull be puid tu the
<br />- - ,.,.`;,^'?�-:i:;°�::,^ entity Iegally entitlal therew. _
<br /> `.�`��'��;���,q In the event�uf fi�r��lo.wre uf thix Scrurity In�trumem ur �nher trantitcr of tide to the Propeny that cxtinguishes�he
<br /> - .. • :.,�-. MdebteJness.�JI right.title und intenKt ol'Borrawer in and tu imunu�ce pulicir.r in ti►rce+hall puss to Ihe purchacer.
<br /> . , . -,•..
<br /> ___ --;_. -_ -�..,. ,.- $. pccupsm�y. prrservatMa, MAintcnance And Proteclion oP the Property: Barrower's l.cwn Applkation: -
<br /> �= u:-�-� � '` I.easeholdx. &mower shuU�xcupy,c�tablish, and u,e�he Prupeny ati&►RUwer'+principal r�,idence within sixty days ufter
<br /> ���-... � � ,,r �•
<br /> • ,,._ ••••,"� th�e�erulion of this Security Inairument unJ,hall rnminue to ixcupy the Propeny ur Borrower's principal residence far at lea.t
<br />:___..��: , �• one yerr ufter thr Jat�of.xcupancy,unlesr the Secretury Jetermine� thi. reyuirement will cau,e unclue hardship for Borrower,
<br />-r�: " or unless extenuu�ing circumxtances exist which urc beyonJ Borruwcr'. control. Barrnwer shs�ll notify L.enders of any
<br />_�%•,�� , extenuuting circumstanre�. &��nwer.rhull not commit wa.,tc or de,truy, dnmage ur�uhstuntially change the Pmpeny or ullow
<br />_:r._ .,
<br /> ;�;- �• �,, � thz Property to Jeteriorute. reasonc►ble wrar and teur ex�tipted. I.ender nwy in�pect the Propeny it the Property is vucant or
<br /> . ab:inJon�i nr the loun ix in d�fault. l.enJer muy take reu�onublc action �o pr��te�t aiul pre,erve such vuc;uu or ubwidaned
<br />— '�. • Pnipcny. Borrow•er shull alu�be in Jefault if Bormwer,Juring the liian appliration pr�xeti+.guvc matcrially fula�:ur i��ururate
<br /> '�T"• � ). �:. � ' n�
<br /> . infurmatiun or wtutements to l.encier wr fail��.i to provide I.endrr with any rnatcriul inforniutionl in connection with the loan
<br /> �_�; �''�°' � � �videnccd by the Note, including, but not limited to, representution�roncerning &irrower'ti �kcupanry of the PropeAy uv u
<br /> �t::�',«�..".� .:,_ _
<br />�,;;: - -- - --- = prii�cipni ieaidznc2. it this Security lnxtrtsmestt is t�n a le�.�ehe:ld. &+rrr.wer �hall r�►►nply Witlt 11u� �+n�vi.i��nc�f Ihe le:�re. If
<br /> Borrower ucquires iee�ide to ihe Pruperty.the Iea.+ehulJ und fee tiUe shall noc he mergal unless I.ender agreeK�o the merger in
<br /> . , ' �;'; writing.
<br /> �
<br /> _ »:,;.:
<br /> �_; • 6. Cdarqer to Borrower and PrMection of Lrader'x RiRhls in the Properlv. �►rraN�er�hall p:�y ulI go�•cmnxnt•rl or
<br /> municipul churge.. tine� und irn�x�siti�m, thut arr not i►h:luJ��l in paragraph 2. kk�r�-uN•�r tihall pay the+c ��bligati�x�ti on timc
<br /> � � dirccQy to the entiry whirh i,nweJ the p:ry�nrnt. If failure to pay would aJvcr�ely u(f�ri l.rndcr'.interest in the Pmpeny, upon
<br /> � .. ' l.cndcr'�request&�rmwer tihull pa�mpUy furnixh tn I.r�xier receipts�videncing these puymems. _
<br /> , ' If&�rmwcr failti ti�muke thc�e payment�or thc pa}m�nt+rcyuircd by pu���!raph ?,ar fail�tu p�:rfomi any othcr�ovenants °�
<br /> . • und agrremenls run�uined in thi+�S.�curily Intitrument.ur�hcrr i,a Icgal pr�xc�ding ihat muy+ignifiranUy•rff��t LenJcr',rights
<br /> • . in the Pn�peny Isuch u.ti u pr�xe��ling in hankruptcy. Gir cunJ�mnatiun u���o cnli�r�e law�or regul•rtiunsl, then LenJer may du
<br /> � • " unJ pay whntevcr iti nerr,saq� tn protert the vulue��f thc Pru�tiy anJ landcr'� rigtin in the Pmpetty. including paym�:nt of —
<br />' '. � ' . twces.hsu�nl insureu�re und other item�mrntioncJ in p•rrugrnph 2. —
<br /> , ' " Any ami�untti Ji.bur.�J hy Lrixlcr und�r�hi. puragraph .hull he�ome an aJJili�mal �cht uf B��m�WCr anJ Ix��cur��l by -
<br /> ' ' ^ ' ' this Serurity In�trumrnt. Thc� amounu,hall Ikar inter�st I'rom the J•rtr af di,bur>rment. at ihr Note ru�e,unJ at the uption�f —
<br /> • l.cnder, ,hall hc imm��iiately due unJ pay�ble.
<br /> ti . , 7. Condemnution. Thc pnxc��l, of any awarJ ur rlaim litt Jam.�gc.. Jirc�t .,r«�n,cyuential. i n ronncrtion with any �
<br />- t �' '' rundemnutiun��r othrr taking of any pan��f the Pr���xrt�. ��r tiir�um•eyancc in pl;ar .,i:ondemnati�►n.urc h�rcby a�signrd and °
<br /> ,hall he paid ta Lendcr tu thr rxtent iH'Ihe full amount uf thc ind�btcJnc,ti th�t renwn.unpaid unJ�r the N�rie anJ Ihi.Securiry �
<br /> � In,tronknl. LcnJcr tihull appl�� +uch pnx•.ti�1�to thc r�durtinn ut'1hc inJcht�tiltk,.uuJ�r thc Nute and tt�i+S�YUrity In��n�nknt, k
<br /> ° tir.t ta any dclinyucnt amuunts upplicd m thr ��rJer pruviJ�.l in paru�rapli ►, and ihrn t�� �«��y�.,���� nf prinripal. Any ��
<br /> .. aPPliration ut thr pnxeeJ, u� �hr prmripal .hall �i�n r��enJ or ��,t�mr th< <lu� .tatr �,I thc nx,nthl� pa�mrni+, �ahirh arc
<br />- ��4RINE1 "�.,..�.." �
<br /> " �..
<br /> '
<br /> . . ____i - - _ _ _
<br />