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. . -�__ . <br /> �� . , .. ,= ,'1 ' - ' . _ ° _- <br /> � ,�., F,�... <br /> �.. .. Y� �-- <br /> -,Y I • �A, +, f' �1���1�-` .:+��►�L- <br /> �� . ' 92— �,o�s� <br /> � �,�. <br /> - :.�...�.�w.:..�;a�:�� <br /> -�-- .--=-�"�'� TO(iETHER WITH all the improvcments now or hereafter eroctaf on the property. and all easements, right�. <br /> -���h���::� <br /> __ _„�,."�.�f t� appurtens�nccs. rents,roydtics, mineral,oil and g��iQhts ami pn►fits, wwcr�ights anJ +tuck w�J ull fixwrcx nuw ur hereafur a <br /> - p�rt uf the propeny. All rcplxements and additioru+�Iwll�Iso be oovered by thi4 Securfty ttw�rument. Ail af the fore�oin�is <br /> = --��� <br /> -----_..;� rcferral tu in th�s Sccurity Inurumaru�s►the"Property.•• <br /> ��. <br /> t�;:.a'.:,.�:;;� �` � BORROWER COVENANTS thal Horn�wer is luwfully sciseci uf the es�atc hcrehy r�nveyed ru�c!has the right to �ru�t and <br /> ���- 'A.,.SGCt•- <br /> --�II��'�'.�' ��►nvey Ihe Pmpeny and ihrrt the Properly is unen�vmbereJ. eac�:pt for encumbra�xes uf recurd. Borrower warrynts and w 1 <br /> �E_,:`:: _'3t,�:�'.s.`�"'�� defetwl generally the title w the PropenY t�+tintt ull clalmu and dertwnds.subject w uny encumbrances of raord. . <br /> �} n+ +.� <br /> _-��;;��.x�r:�iae°_� 1. �ryment of Priacipol. Interat aud l.ate Chw�e.BuROwer slwll�ry wF►en due Ihe principul uf.And intercst on.ihe <br /> ti':�r�,.w�%„,;,, dcbt evidenc�l by 1he Nde and late charQes due under thc Note. <br />�.�:;_:�, . <br /> -�4�.�•:_��_ � � �t+i : 2. MoMbly Paymenta of TAxes, Insurance and OtHer CborRa. Borrow�r chull include in each mnnthiY P�+Ymrnt. <br /> .�.�_�- <br /> •",:''�'T �-� .—' together wi�h the pn►uip�l:uid interest as set forth in the Note utkf any late charge>, un inst�llment of uny lul wxe�u spoc <br /> y ";� .�`�`•�� assessments Icvied or ro be levied agninst the Property. lb>k�ehold paymenls ur graund rents on the Property. e�d(a) <br /> '..�.;.�;�4=-�'�� premiums fur i�nurcu�ce royuirai bY P�B�Ph 4. <br /> ,�Di . . <br /> ' z`�•��`.°'�°�=; � Each monthly installment f�r items lal, Ib),und(c>shal l eqwilunrlwelfth of ehe annuul wnounts,us reasonably estimated <br /> ' '''. ''�' by Lender,plus an amoun� +ufficient to mainwin un addi►ional b�l�nce of na marc than une-sizlh of the estimated amounw.The <br /> ��` �; "' full annual omount for each item shall be srccumulated by L.ender wi�hin a perial cnding one month before an item would <br /> -- - �:_►� ..° . <br /> bccume delinquent. Lender sl�all hold the Amcwntx callected in trust to pay iterns la). (b). and (c) before they brcome <br /> `. delinquent. <br /> • :,,... �,;yp,p 11' ut uny time tfie tatul �ii the paymenls helJ by Len�ler fiir items (a). (b), and Ic), toge�hrr with the future r►anthly <br />�:f,, � paymems tar such ::ems payable t� I.ender priur to�he Jue dales af such items,ex��eeds by more thun one-sixth �he estimated <br /> �'�' ' ' � �"" � w�munt uf payments requireJ to pay such item� when due, :and if payments on thc Note are current, then Lender shall ei�her <br /> 3��'�, ' ° rcfund Ihe eacess over ane-aixth of�he extimated paymentr ar rredit �he eacess over onc-tiiath uf the estimated payments to <br /> i::� ,° <br />��:: � � rubsequent payments by Borrower, a�the aption of Borrowcr.If the towl of the paymen�s made by&nruwer for irem(a),lb), <br />,�:,,�: ,, or (cl is insufficient to puy thc item when Jue, then Borrower �hull pay to l.ender uny �nwwx n�ti'rssury to �1ce up the <br /> ;,,':' " • deficie�y on or before the dete Ihe item 6ecomes due. <br />�-��°' <br />�-'�� '.:�`'• • �• :�s us�d in thi. S�vrity Inurument. '•Secre�ary" mrans�he Scrretury of Houaing suKl Urban Development or his or her <br />,-r,<; . . <br /> '' _ ° designee. In uny year in which the lxnder must pay a mortguge intiuronce premium to��r� Sc�retsrv. each monihly pxyment <br /> �� shall al�a include either:li)un intitullment of the unnuul mortgage insurance premiurn to tt paid by Lrnder tu the Secmt:uy,or <br />�P -`, � ,;... lii) u monthly charge insteud nf a mortgage insurance prernium if this Security Intitrumeni is held by the Secretary. Each <br /> -; - - �;,e monthly in5�allment of the mongage insurance premium shall be inun�unount rutlicient lo accumulate the fbll unnu•rl mongage _ <br /> insun+nce premium w•ith l.ender n�c month prior[o the dAte the full unnuul m��rtFage insumnce premium i.due w the Secrrtary, <br /> -• ' ' or if thi� Security In,tmment is held by the Secrelary, euch monthly�ha�e shall be in an sunount equal to one-tweltth of <br /> ' ' une•half percern of the oa�+tunciing principal buluni:e Jue un the Note. <br />� � � ��'°' IP&�rrower tenden ta Lei�icr Ihe full payment uf ull�ums ucuml by this S��urity Instrument. Bc�rrower's acc�wnt shull � <br /> Ix crediteJ with the bulance remuining fur ull imtullmen�s 1'nr item�1u1. Ib). und ic1 aixf vny murtg:ts;e insur:uke prcmium - <br /> • imwllment�hat L�:n�lcr ha.ti nut hecome abligated to pay to the Serretary. and Lcixler�hall prompUy refund am•cxrr�s funJs tu : <br /> " " � &mower. Immediately priar u�a for�Ylu.ure salc of the Pri�rty ur its :xyuiritiun by LcnJer, Borrower's accaunt sh�ll be <br /> • ., Credited wilh uny M•rlan��c rcmaining For all installments for ieemc 1a1. Ibl, und lcl. <br /> 3.Application of Puymen4c. All puyments undcr paru�truph�I and 3.hall Me applied hy Lender n,fi�llow.r-: _ <br /> ? ., '�;.,;;., Firyt,lo thc murtga�c imumncc prcmiwn to he paid by I.cnJer w thc 5�retun•or�o the momhly rharge by thc Se�rewry <br />� instend of thc mon�hly nr�rtguge inwrancc premium: _ <br /> i� u a ' Semnd, u�any taaec, cpecial ;usc»ments, leutiehold paymeats or ground rentx.�nJ fi�e.Ilax1 ntKi other hemni itisuc�tce <br /> ° c �� premiums,�myuircd: <br /> ��' ... intcrest Juc undcr the Notr: _ <br />, . ''' . ` anx�rtizatic�n of th�prin�ip:d of the Note: <br /> ,,. <br /> � late rhurFe. duc unai►r thr Nute. <br /> , u �-4AINE) "'�'I°'6 <br /> 1 <br /> ( <br /> E <br /> ' � �-- -- - -- - <br />