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<br /> ,;��'?,�.�� refcrted to in pu�groph 2, or changc�bc amawit of wch payments. Any ezccss prcx��is uver an atrWwnt requfred W pay all
<br /> ,--�=��.t� out�Iw�dinQ indebtodness under the Note wid this Secu�ity Instrument�hull ba paid ln Uw emity le�ally cmidod thercto.
<br /> � �'^-
<br /> Y.Feen.Lemler m�y collect fe�and chsu�e:�uuthorized by ttie Secretury.
<br /> �� ��.� ' 9.Groulldg 1'or AccdefAtfou of DeM.
<br /> ��
<br /> ,r"�Q. :.. .r• ,r:• � �- --�-
<br /> Y. (�►) Dct�Wt. Lcndcr may. c�cep�as limited by regulation� issucd by thc Scc:retury in the case of payment defaulta,
<br /> "�;._�L�,s°:t--��,:,��r ra�uire immediate payment in full of all sums,ecured by thir;Securiry Instrument if:
<br /> -""• - �.�: ;�• li)Borrower dciaults by failing to pay in full any monthly payment reyuired by this Security Inurument prior to or �
<br /> �`''''''r''�'�' on the due dnte uf thc next mun�hly puym�nt,��r
<br /> ,:a����*sfi'�:`: `�. ,.
<br /> -=*u•;+:...,, • .= lii► Borrower dcfuuUs by failing. ior a periud uf thiny days, to peri'urm any cither obligations contained in thir
<br /> ;�ei�,x:�ai�.:.1.e
<br />� .: ' `. t�,:,,,. , S�xurity Instnament.
<br />�^���.!,�:���,�:r•°• —_-
<br /> ;,�o�,;,. � s (b)Sale Without Credll Approval. Lender shull, if perniittal by applicablc luw and with the prior apprav�) of tltc
<br /> "'°�''�'"' '`� Secrewry,reyuire immediate payment in full�if all sums secured by this Ser.uri�y Inrtrument if:
<br /> ;.,m:,:,.,..--- -- -----
<br />�- - - Ii) All or part uf dic Prupeity, ur a bettcficiul intcrctit in a trust o�vning all or pan of the Pmpeny, i. �Id �r
<br />�� ' " � �;, . atherwise trunsfemcd(othcr than by devise or descentl by the Rormwer,and
<br />� ��:.�. :.,.
<br />�:� (ii) The Propeny is nat accupied by the purchaser or grantee sG+ his or her principul residence, or the —
<br /> • purchuser nr g�antee does so occupy the Property but his or her credit hus not Been appraved in nccordance with the
<br />:� -_:.�-" , ' requiroments of the Secretary. __. �,,.__.
<br /> �' .. . � ��'
<br /> Ic)No Waiver.lf cirrum�ton�es�xcur that wcwld permit l.c:nder w require immediute puyment in full,but l.ender daes
<br /> � �. , nrn require such payments,I.ender does nut waive its rights with respect ta subsequem events.
<br />�", e
<br />�.��_ , (d) RegulAtbns of HUD Secretary. In many circumstmues regulution� issued by the Secretary will limit l.ender's _ _
<br /> • . rights in the ca� of puyrnent defuuUti to rcyuire immcviiute puyment in full and f'urecl��se if not puid. This Security
<br />,'��'.. ° ' In.r•trument Joes nat uuthorize acceleration ur inreclosure if nw pennitted by regulutions nf the Secretury.
<br /> y,,. ,� �+,.--...��
<br />� r=rr.=.r .
<br />�...-_ :y , _� �^ ,, � (e)111ortgw$e Not Insured.&�rrowcr agree,�hat.h��uld this S�.wurity Imtrument and the Note+ecureJ thereby not be -
<br /> , ,y . •�• � • eliRible for in,urance wKfcr�hc Nutional Hnusing Act within 60 duys from ihe Jutc hcre��l', l.ender muy. ;u its uption
<br /> �;.�_,x:.:;" =
<br />�- und notwith5�un3ing unytiiing iu p+,�ug�uNi� 9. r�quirc :mmcdiasc payment in fu!!uf a!! �utlts�ero�rM1 hy thi�c Securiq-
<br /> Ins�rument. A wriuen �is�emcrn ut'uny awhnrind ugcnt ot'the Secretory duteJ subscyucnt to 60 days fr�im the date ����Y�.
<br /> hen��f. JeclininF m in,ure�hiti Security In.irument and 1he Note�cured thereby. �h•rll be deemed ronrlusive prn��t'of F:.�:;. ;��.,�,.
<br /> ., ,uch ineligibiliiy. Notwithstan�iing �he li�reguing.this option nwy not he cxrrci,cil hy l.cnder when the unavailabil�ty �-�"��=�
<br /> ' of insur•rncr iti wlcly due to l.rnder's failure to remi�u m�mgage insurance premium to the Secrewry. ;-___ __
<br /> � ° 10. Reiasfalement. Bnrcow�r hu� a right to fu rcinti�utcd if l.�nJer ha. rc�yuir��i imm�liutc puyment in full bccause ��f --
<br /> •; �, h,. . Borr��wer'+1'ailurc t��pay un umnunt Juc undcr thc N��tc ur Ihi+Sccuriry Instrument Thi. right applies rven•rftcr foreclosure �*�h:
<br /> pnkecYlinF+are instiwteJ. Tu rcintiimr thr Sccu►n�• In+trumcnt. Bnrruwrr +hall tenJer in u lump+um all amount�required to ��^_,;�•.•
<br />' ° ' bring &irrawer'. ucc�iunt current in�luJing. a� �hr extent ihry are �►hligu�iom ��f &urowcr utuler �his Security M,trument,
<br /> 1'or�wla.ure a�tits und r�au�nublc mxl cu�tumary auiirncy.' 1'�c� aixl rrprn,c+ pruperly a�tiixiutcd with the tixerlatiun� evr�:-:--:;.-
<br /> ' prcxeeding. U��n rcin+�atement h}�&�rr�iwer.Ihiti S«u�ily Imlrunknt •rnJ thc ubligatiom thut it xcures�hul1 rcntain in et'fect �� �
<br /> .. � .. u�il'l.endcr huJ not rcyuinvl inunediatc p•rym�nt in 1'ull. Huwr�•rr. l.rnJ�r i,nut rcyuir�Kl tu�rniit rein.tatement it`. (il Lender �r,e:=,:,
<br /> Iwti ucrept�tl rein�talcment •rtter [hc r��omunccnx:nt of liircrlu.urr pr�k�eJing� N•ithin two yc•rr.r immediately prec�ling thc ��-
<br /> ' ' c��mmcnrement ��I' a currcnt ti�redn�ure pr�xerding. �ii1 rcin,ta�rm�m ���ill prcclude ti�reclu�urr un Ji(fercnt gruundr in the �-�._°.
<br />, . future.ur liii►rcin.rt•rtem�m will a�lvenrly�alt�tt the priuriry uf thr lien rreutcd by�hia S�wuriry Instrument. �:- -----
<br /> . � 1 t.BurroKCr Not Rel�sed: Forbcarunre B�• Lendcr 1ot u R'uivrr. F.x�rn+iun uf thr�imr af payment ar mixlification uf �• '�_-
<br /> t� umoni�ution uf�he yum.r ,�turcJ hy thi.S��urity In�trum�nt granleJ by LrnJrr lu any �urcey.��r in interc�t nl'Borcowcr tihall
<br /> ��:�:-=-_
<br />. . not u�x:r�tc tu rcicux thr liuhilily �if�hr ariginal Born�wrr ur Burr��N•rr'••urrr++nr in intere,l. l.rnJcr+hall �wt he rcquircd to ; ' ' .
<br /> . ' '� commencc pr�xcctiling.u�uinst•rny wr�a,ur in intcrc,t or refux tu rrtrnd�imc li�r pa�•mcnt ur othcn�•ix moJiiy umortization �. ,
<br /> .,'�� �' � of thc .um� +ccurcd by thi. S��uril�• liutrumrnt ny rrawn �d' any Jemand mrdc h�• Ihr urigin•rl &�rmv►•cr �tt Borrowcr'.
<br /> . I �urcc�sor+in intcre,t. A�iy�lixhear:mr.• M (.rnJrr in r�er.•�.int :im nght ur remrJ� .h�ll nul Ik a uai�•cr of ur prc�ludC th�
<br /> • exrrritiraf;►ny n�htorremed)'• {.
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