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<br /> --- ---- . applicable low may �pecify Par relnst�temenq beforc�nle of the Prnpeny pursnant w any powcr af FuM conmined in �his
<br /> � Sccurity Instrument:or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Thosc condi�ions ar+e that Barr+awer: (a)
<br /> �i p�ya Lender nll sums which �hen would be due undcr this Securfly Inatrument aid �he Nae us If nc� acceleration hud
<br /> --= accurred;(b)cures ony default of any Wher covenants or Agrcemcnts;(c)paya uU ex penses incurred in enfarcing�hia Secu�ity
<br /> -- —= - Insuument,fncluding,but no1 limited to. reasanabk attomeys'fees; nnd(d) takes such uctian as Lender may rc�sunab�Y
<br /> .�y --- rcqui�to assurc th�t the lien of thfa Sccurity lnstrument,Lenderk rights in the Propeny and Borrower'a obligution to pay thc
<br /> — --===,�'� Rums secured by thiR Security Inswment shall conlinuc unchanged. Upon reinalwtement by Barcower, Ihix Security
<br /> ' —� .:�-m Instrument and Ihe obligations�ecured hereby ahall rcmain Pully effective as if no acceleration had accurred. Howover.this
<br /> _�• ' riIIht to rcin9tale Rhall not apply in Ihe case of acceleration under parugraph 17. �
<br /> t 19. 3nle ot Note=ChAa�e ot L�oan 3erv�er. Thc Note or a partiul interest in ttie Note(together with�hia Sei:urity
<br /> - �• lnstrument)may be sold one ar more times without pdor notice to Borrower. A sule may result in a chnnge in the entity
<br /> �����,pwT�., (known nR the"Loan Servicer")that collectx monthly payments due under the Note und thi�Security Insuument. There ulsa
<br /> �.��� � may be one or more chonges of the Loan Servjcer unrelated to u sale of the Note. If ihere is u change of the Laan Servicer,
<br /> � '' '��'�' ` Bartower wili be rven wrltten no�ice of the chon e in uccordance with pamgraph 14 a6ove and applicuble law. The notice
<br /> z�'f .��' .. . ,
<br /> `.;�.�.�:�.�, , will swte the namesmd address of ihe new LoanS�rvicer and Ihe address to which pnyments should be made. The notice will
<br /> _=•�="��'"'�`' ' also conwin any ather information required by applicablc luw. _
<br /> ` ..
<br /> '�� ' � � 20. Hazardous Substancea Borrower shnll not cause or permit the presence.use,disposal,�toruge,or release o any
<br /> ---- ..:._.s.;,;.,a Hazetdous Substances on or fn the Propeny. Borrawer shall not do,nor allow c�nyone else to da,anything affecting the _
<br /> � �;�;���A�,,;��-� - Property that is in vfolation of any Environmen�al Law. The preceding two sentences shal l not apply�a the prexence,use,or
<br /> �:,:. ,
<br /> -�,.,�=.�.�,.-�--;-�-;,T-. .,. storage on the Property of small quAntities of Huardous Substances tlwl are generally recognized to be approprfare to normal
<br /> •;;;,;•?�• + • residential uses und to malntennncc of the Praperty.
<br /> =-�k- "�' 8orrower shall promptiy give l.ender wriuen notice of any investigation,clairn,demand.lawsuit or other uction by any
<br /> ,���._
<br /> ��:�f,�� govemmental or regulntory agency or private party involving the Property und any Hswrdoua Substance or Envi�onmenta
<br /> - �;;,, :''.; �c:' Law of which Borrower has ucwul futuwiedge. [f Borrower Ieams, or is noti�ed by any govemmenlal or regulatory �
<br /> -�_—°��';.'--�'=�:.`•"':� '. authority,ihat eny removal or ather remediation of eny Huaardous Substance aifecting the Property is necexsary,Borrower =
<br /> ::�r;_`;�:;r;�.;•��:.;�Y;� shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance witti Environmental Law. _
<br /> �,E � �,.
<br />-•-:"�::,:2,', -: - •;.:. . As used in this parugraph 20,"Huzardvus Subsl�nces"are those substunces defined as toxic ar hazurdous substunces by -
<br /> �i�,..,,_ . Enviranmental Luw and the Pollowing gubstances: gasaline,kerosene,other flummable or toxic peualeum productx, toxic
<br /> ;�,,, � , .',��,.'����: pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvems, materials containing asbeslo�or formnidehyde, und radiouctive materials. As —
<br /> s��.' ; , ;.;;i.�, used in this part►groph 20,"Enviranmental LAw"menns federal laws and laws af the jurisdiction where Ihe Propeny is locuted
<br />_:rt�.� Y ' that relate ta health.safery or envira�mental protection.
<br /> n�� .•.;T,���.,;°� :t��'^,�• NON-UNIPORM COVBNANTS. Borrower und Lender further covenunt and ag�ee us fallows:
<br /> � � . .i.;t,..
<br /> r 2l. Accekradon; Remedies. l.ender sball give notice to Borrower prior to Accelerallon following Borrower s
<br /> _.rac! '. i!.,���t'�;�`;��`�',�,{.,;viL:iL�
<br /> _�`;_� :�.,,�„ , , ;.�,�,�,,, , breach oP any covenant or agreement in tbis Security Instrument Ibut not prior to acceleratioa under ppragraph 17
<br /> - 4 - �.. �.-, • unlesg applicable law provides otherwise). '1'�e notice shall speciPy: la)the default;(b►the pcUon reqeired to cure the
<br /> 'sF;w:��';`:��.,t�t�:a�i�;�iw ._:_ dePaulti(c)s+date,not less than 30 dpys from the dpte the notice W given to Borrower.by wbich�he deiwult must be
<br /> i �'���'"'''-""{- cured;and(d)th�t fwilure to cure the dePanM on or before the date apeciiied in iLe noti��c m�y n�sult in�cceies�iloss uf
<br /> �::.;,�,,=•; •�i the sums secured by Ihis Secu�ity Inctrument �nd�le oP the Property. The notice slwll furlher inPorm Barrower ot
<br /> ' the right to reinatAte atter occeMradon vnd Ihe riQhl lo brinR a court aetion to 9c5ert Ihe nun•exl�tence ot u default or
<br /> � d�`'��� Any other dePenFe of Borrawer to ucceleradun ynd�ule. IP the dePaull is�ot cured�m or bePore 1 he dule sp��citied in
<br /> ° �• the notice�l.ender at Its optinn muy reyuire Immediwle payment in ibll o�all Kums`crured by Ihl.r tiecurily Inxlrument .-
<br /> a wUhout turther demand and mey Inw►ke Ihe puwcr of sule �nd uny Mher remedier permUted I�y upplic�Me luw. [
<br /> . • Lrnder sholl be entitled ta cullect �11 ezpenux fncurr�d in puncuinR Ihe remediev pruvided in Ihl� pwr�gruph 21. -
<br /> � Includin�.but not Iimited ta,reu.am�ble�IpKneys'k�x und cu!�t!�uf litle evidence.
<br /> �,V�u, •..... IP Ihe power u�'�wle is Invoked,7Yuxtee tih�ll recard u nuUce oP dePault in euch counly in which uny parl uf the _
<br />. , � � `� n��� -• Property is locnted wnd ehwll muil cupf��of suc6 nutfce in the m�nner pn�cribed by applicoble I�w tu Horrower und lu
<br /> . the other perconc prescribed by�pplic�ble luw. A�ter the time reyuired by upplicuble luw.71�utitee shall pive publk
<br /> " � notice of xele to the person9 wnd in Ihe manne�pre.xribed by applicable luw. 7Yu�tee.withuut demand on 13arower.
<br /> shall sell Ihe Property s�t public auctiun to the highest bidde�at the time and place and under ihe term.v de�ignated in
<br /> �. � the�otice of sale in one or more purcels und in any urder'IYuKtee determinex. 'I�uslee m�y poslpone sale of all or uny
<br /> parcel ot the Property by public unnouncement at the Iime pnd pl�ce uf s�oy previ�wsly scheduled ss�le. Lender or i1.s
<br /> .. � •• designee may purchase the Property at uny s�le. _
<br /> �„ • Upo� receipt oP payment of the price bid.7Yustee shall deliver lo the purcl�aser Trustee's deed conveying the
<br /> �, . Property. The recitAls in the'I�u�lee's deed shall be prima t'acie evidrnce of ibe Iruth of Ihe staternents made therein. ;
<br /> , ,. 71�uslee ahAll apply the proceeds aP the s�le in the Pollowing order: lul lo all costs And expenses of ezercising the power
<br /> '. " , •
<br /> � '.. • PiKm 10l1i v�W �M�qr.Su►n�u¢ral
<br /> r ti • • -
<br /> • . � � . .. — ---- . .. - . . . . .. .._ _ .
<br /> ' � . � ,
<br /> , `
<br /> .
<br /> , 4L �
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