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<br /> N�� ccx�demnulion nr�Hher�Wkin�{ui'uny pwr!uf�Prop�ny.cx fcK cunveyunce in licu uT eunJcmnutii�n,un lureby u�xi�ned und
<br /> —""ffi — "'' ,:Fwll I+c puiJ tu Lcixler.
<br /> ' °"-"'� �-_� In lhn event uf u tutol �ukin� of �hu Propetty, the praxcedti.holl he upp8ed tn thr tiums.cruRJ by thi� 5ecurity
<br /> _.r.N,. In.trument.whethcr cx nut �hen dus,wi�h any exca�z paid ta Barn►wer. In thc evem of u purtiul tc�king uf ihc Properly in
<br /> —_--_�-�"-"— which tha fuir murkel vnluc nf lhe Pruperty immedintely bcforc ihc tuking is eyuul tu or g�cutcr Ihan thc umount of�he suma
<br /> `--��'—���'°"�'� r,ecured by Ihix Security Inxlrument immediutely before the taking,unless Bonti�wer und Lender olherwise agree in wriiing.
<br /> :�.°d?���.� '�
<br /> �-�;,�R••=•���wH;� i the sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument shull t+e recWced by�he am��unt of�he pmceedr mul�iplied by the following
<br /> = :�
<br /> ,�� � frnction: (a) the tatul amounl of the sums securcd immediately before�he taking.divlded by Ib)the tuir murket value of tbc
<br /> •' � � � `' � Propeny immedialely before Ihe tuking. Any bulancc xhall bc paid to Botrawer. In �he event af u paniul tuking af the
<br /> �;�_--- �.�
<br /> ,�y Property in whi�:h the fair murket vulue of�he Propeny immcdiately 6ei'ore the takin� is Ie+Y ihun ihr umount uf�hc rum. -�-°
<br /> � - - ���*' secured immedia�ely befare �he ioking, unless Borrower und Lendcr othcrwfse ugree in wri�ing ar unless applicable luw
<br /> -`=--F��'^�'t� ` otherwixe provides,tha proceeds shull t+e applied to tht yums secur+ed by thib Srcurity In�lrument whether ar na►the sums ure
<br /> ��•��r.y- � thCq dU6.
<br /> �.,��'„. tf�ho Propeny� is abunduned by I3orrower,or if,uGe�na�tice by Lendcr to Borrower thut�he condemnar offer�to mnlce
<br /> ��.�.�- � •' �n award cx scute a claim for damagca.Borraw•er iuils to respond ta Lend�r within 3U duyti uftcr the da�e�he n�tice is given,
<br /> � �;,.�
<br /> ��-.,.,_�.�'�:_:.:��'.. Lendar is uuthuriud to callect�nd apply thc proce�ds,at ity option,either to rexwrntian or repair af the Praperty ur to�he
<br /> �•���. •�,;y,��.���� sum»secumd by this Security Instniment,whether or not tlien due. �
<br /> �-�,�,��. Unlehs Lender and Borrower rnhenvisc ugree in wriiin�,any applicution of pmcecds to prinripul shull nut extend or
<br /> +������4��= po.vtpqne the due dute of the manthly paymcnts referred u� in parugruph+I uuJ 2 u�ch;u�ge itr amouni ot such puymemx. _ ____
<br /> �_. ,.,.�..,
<br /> ' } ''' ` 11. Burrower Not Released; Forbea�nce By I.ender Not a Wpiver. Extension of thc lime or payment ar
<br /> ,:s:!�71+i�,�`t%�.F;t��,;.;
<br /> ::_��;�y:F�. � modi6cAtion of:un�►rtizution of the xums secured by this Securlty Instrument granted by L.endcr to any successor�n interest
<br /> y„��=r�F _�:�.��°.7 oi Borrower shull not uperute to rcleuze the liAbiliry of thc original Barower or Bim-owerc tiuccessors in intcrest. Lender
<br /> ;�,�:;,;.���'�Y';_: shu�l nat be re9ui�d lo commence pra:eedingx ug�in�t pny succexsor in interest or refuse to rx�end lime for payment or
<br /> •_�-• u:--„,�. u�herwisc madify amonizution of the sums secured by thiti Security Imtn�ment by maa►n of Any demund m�de by the originul __ _
<br /> "'_'• •~�' � Borrower or Borrower.�uccessorx in imerest. Any forbcarance hy Lender in exenisin@ uny right c�r remedy shall not be u
<br /> "-`�'� a`'�`'''"'•;`�::�`'r w�iver of or preclude thc exercise of uny right or remcdy.
<br />-__;��' �, ' =
<br /> �';?a�;� •• � l2. Successa�and Assigna Bound:Joint and Several LiabHity;Co-si�ners. The co���nants nnd ugreements of Ihis
<br /> �a�'-_'���• �" `•^< �' Security Instrument shull bind und benefit the succesxan and axsigns af Lendcr:uid Borrower, wbjecl to Ihe provisians of
<br /> —�— ;�"�:i,•`� •�`r purugr�ph 17.Borrower4 covenunts and ugreementx xhnll t�joinl und xeveral. Any Borrawer who co-+igns this Security
<br /> ';�'-'��� • ' ""'� " Instrument but doex nat execute the Note: (u)i�casigning this Security Imtrument only ta mortgugr.grunt und convey thul _____
<br /> .V.:.�.�:)A.�L1L -__
<br /> ���. "�1��:;�.+:_;}�:�`" HoROwer's interes�in the Prapeny under thc�erms of this Security Inrtrument: IN)is not personully obliguted�o pay Ihe sums
<br /> `'<r'�3`?A.:ti.: � secured by this Securiry ingtnimenr,und Ic)ugrees thut Lendrr and uny other Borrower muy oFme la extend,moJify,forbeur ��`
<br /> '" �''`� . � or muke uny accammaiatians with regurd tu �he terms of �hi. Securi�y Instnimrnt ot the Nae without thut Borrower� .F�--
<br /> ~:;t;' .s.,�- . ' � I*`'°°-
<br />-"_ .��il�ti"�K�.:` ;`' canaent. _ -
<br />-�''��'�'�� � • "��•�� - � � I�, l.oan Charges. If the loan tiecured by this Security Ins�rument i. rubject to u luw a•hirh �ets muximum Insn
<br /> Y „�,���,ti'� , charges.und thut law ix finally inte�pre�ed so that�hc intere�t ar uther loun chu�eti rollec�ed or to l+e coUecred in cannection
<br /> •`.��"` � . .. '" • with Ihe loun excced the penmued iimits,ihen: (ui cu�y+udi ioai�cLu��ec.Luii i�r�duced hy thc amc3un;ncrex�:ary to reduce
<br />" � .^ ' `� � the charge lo tha permilted limit:und(6)any tiums ulreuJy cciUccled from Burruwer which exceedeJ pem�it�ed limit�will lx —__
<br /> rcfunded to Borrower. Lender may rhuosr lo make thix rcfund Ny reJucin��hc primipul nweJ under Ihc Notr or by muking a
<br /> , "" • 'a � direct puymenl w Born�wrr. If u►efurxl reducex prirkipal,the reduc�i�m will lx�muled as u punial prepuyment withoul uny
<br /> ' prepuyment churgc unJcr thc No�r.
<br /> . n ., ° 14. Notke�. Any no�irc �i� Borrawer providcd li�r in ihi. Scrurity bt+lrumrnt ,hull Ix givcn hy delivering i� or by
<br /> mailing it hy fint clus.muil unlr+.upplirablr law rcyuirr.u.c nf ww�hrr nu�h�xl.The ni�ticr+hnll bc Jircctcd to Ihc Pro�ny
<br /> -' � • ' AJdn+ti�x uny ulhrr+K1Jrr+. Burruwrr dc.i�natcs hy n�►�icc iu l.cndrr. Any m�tirr tu Lemkr �hall hc givrn hy lini rlu..
<br /> :. . ' muil k►Lcn�lcr�c uJdrr+,.tu�eJ hrrrin ur uny uthrr acldre+.Lendrr de�i�n�ur,hy nuti�e�u Borrower. Any nulire providrJ fiir
<br /> _ � in thir 5rcurily Im�rumrnt ,hidl fr.• �remrd to liave I+crn givrn lo H��m�wer �►r Lcndcr whcn�iven ux pr��vidrd in�hi+ --
<br /> . . , puruKruph. —-
<br /> -,� - , IS. GoveruinR LAw: tievers�bililS�. Thi+ tic�urity In.lrument .h�ll ix �uvrrneJ by I'edrral law unJ th� luw of th�t ��y>.
<br /> '"�_, . , jurisJicliun in whKh thc!'ro�xny i.l�xuteJ. In�he�vent thut any pruvi+iem ur clautie�,f ihi+Securiry In+irument ur thc Nutc - --
<br /> conflicts with upplirublr luw.�uch cunllirl.hull nat alicc���thcr�iruv�,ion,ot'thi.Srcuriry In.�rument or Ihc No��which�un f;:=
<br /> � ° be given eft'ec� wiihuut thc contlic�ing pr�wixian. 'li►ihi.ri�l the pro�•ini�an�►t'ihi. S�ruri�y Insirument unJ �he Note Lm ��_
<br /> -• � ' - ' declured lo Lx.cverublc. _;,.
<br /> ^ . 16. Borrower's Copy. 8orruwrr,hull Ix gi�rn un�runti�rnud cupy uf 1hc Nuu and of�hi,Srrurity Instrumcnt. �.,.,,..
<br /> . 17. 71ra�fer oP the Prupertv or A Benefiriul Inle�est in Burro�ver. 11'all ur any par�of thc Propeny ur any int�rc�l in• n�
<br /> ,. �,t;';�'_:
<br />"Y_�:� •� i1 i..oIJ or trunsierred Inr if ti tx�nefirial interetil in Burn��cr i,.�dd ur trun,f�rrrd:�nJ Bnrr��wer i.nut u natural Exnunl� =:-,��,
<br /> . . withuut Lcn�kr;(N'iur wriucn contient.Lcndcr muy.al it,option.rcyuim immcdiatr puyment in I'ull uf idl�um+srcureJ bq ` ^�
<br /> • , , , this 5crurily Imtrument. Howrvrr,Ihix op1ion tihull nd tx cxcrci�cJ hy Lrndrr if rxcrri.r i+prnh�bited by feJcral Inw us ol' ',�.;:`'
<br /> -� � ' � the Jote uf Ihis Securily In.trumrnt. '''�
<br /> �,� . * . If Lcnder cxcrci.c�thi,option.Lendcr+hull give BcKrowcr n�Nirr ot'ucrrkrati�m. Thc nutice.hall pr�rvide a periud oF �'- .
<br /> • � not Icss thun 111 Juy�from thr dutc Ihr nohcr i.JclivrnJ or muilrJ�vithiii which Borri���cr mu�t pay ull�um�ucureJ N��thi+
<br /> : .. ... Sccuriry Im�rumcnt. If Bom�wcr fail,�u pap Nic�r w�nti priur tu thr rrpir�ui�m ul �hi� �xri�xl. l.rnJer muy imukc uny -
<br /> : rcmcdir.r p�rmittcd by thi,5rcuriry Intiirumrnt�vithuut fu nhrr notirc ur drmand un l;urru��rr. `"�.
<br /> , Itt. Horrower's Ri�hl tn Reinsfute. If' Rnrrow�r mrc�. cenuin runditi�m., Bam�a-er •hall have Ihr ri�ht lo havc
<br /> '. S�• ritv Im�nimrnt di.r�mtinu�d a� an�• umr mur tu Ihr r;irlirr��I` (u15 Ja}�. ��,r.urh��Ihcr�x ri�Kt a+ �..�.'
<br /> ; cntimement of�hi . .�u . . I �
<br /> , Sm�k 1•aiu�l� --F�pnlc�fur�Frcddk �Irc t\IF'IIR�t 1\ti'1'Rl'�f F.\f.. 1 mt.xm c'u�.nam. 9r911 i�r.��,�.1,��n�a��,•.i �
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