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<br />[ I "" _"_____—_—_------"` o��.��
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<br /> �,�:�� 92- 103377
<br /> otsak,aad tbe�wte,iocludina thM psyment ot Ibe 7Y�uMte's tees octudly Incum�d,nM lo exceed 2.0 4b ot
<br /> the princlpal unonnt of the aute N Ihe lime ot Ihe declorallon o�defoult,and reasanoble pltorney�'feea wa permitled
<br /> by i�w�lbl to dl wna�o�wred by tbb Becurity lnd�a�f i�ud Icl aNy ezcesr tu tbe perxon or perooa�It�Ny e�ti�Md
<br /> au,
<br /> 22. Recooveyance. Upon paymrnt of All xuma xecu►cd by this Secudty In,��tumcnt,L,ender xholl reyuest'Itustee�o
<br /> ___ rcconvey ihe Property and shull sumender Ihis Seeu�lly I�sirument and ull nWex evidencing debt secured by Ihix Secu�ity
<br /> lnstrumeM to'Ituatet. 7tustee shwll rccunvey �he Prop�ny withaut wum�my and wi�hout churae �o the person or perozaw
<br /> � Iegally entitled W it Such person ar persona shall pny any rccaNatfon casts.
<br /> ��"°"- 13. Substltute'I�ustee. Lender.at its aptjon,may from Ume to timc rcmovc 7tustce and appnint a surccssar trustee to
<br /> --= - --_--� __�
<br /> �� eny 7lustx appointed iureunder by an Instrument recaMed in �he county in which this Security Inctrument is recorded.
<br /> -�� Wizhout conveyance of the Ptopeny. �he succea�or t�u�tee ahall rucceed to all �he �iUe, power and duties confeRed upon
<br /> -__— 7Fuata heteln end by�pplicuble luw.
<br /> �-'- 24. Request tor Nottoe9. Borrowcr reques�n tiwt copies of the aotkea of defuult wid salc be scnt to Barrower a�addr+ess
<br /> -- _="-=;�j which is Ihe Property Address.
<br /> _ 25. Ridere to thi�Security lastrumea� If one or more riders tue caecuted by 8orrower and recorded tagcther with
<br /> -= 4-___ Ihis Secudty Instrument,the covenants and egreemenis of cuch such �ider shall bc incarporated into und shull umend and
<br /> __ -w- aupplement the covenants und�ments of�his Security loatrument as iF the ridens)wera a part of t6is Security InsuumenG
<br /> --- - _--=_'�:�`';� [Chcck apQlic�blebox(es)1
<br /> ��:=s.a�:�;�
<br /> ��=_L.� �Adjustable Rate Kides �Condominium Rider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> -°°���':�'<;` �Orad�wted PaymeM Rider �Plonned Unit Development Rider �$iweekly Payment Rider
<br /> ______..w::.�.n.�:..•%
<br /> _��:�:.:�.: -�.
<br /> �'`�.,�.��.;. �� � � �Balloon Rider �Rnte Improvement Rider �Second Home Ridar
<br /> ";����:f� ;
<br /> �!r�:� 3,v.n.. �,
<br /> +h..
<br /> ��r��!'`�� 1�� .
<br /> _a1.i::.� �,ti,,,4`i� �Oiher(s)ISI��fY�
<br /> :�A.Ci.'�f�4 :.
<br /> ..+11Y?Oe'l�i't3.1�,:�, ;, .
<br /> �`'�t�'�S`��'�'r'� "� `�`, � BY SI�N1Na BELOW.Bonower accepls and agrees to the terms and covenants comained in this Security Instrument
<br /> ,��� �� �.�). �
<br /> "[i1wt4:F�'��i)}:fi1't%�i.r
<br /> h ,,,,;��..:,..... .,�r ' and in any rlcka{s)executed by Borrower and recorded with iG
<br /> . ��x�����• �
<br /> ..u�r, ,, • Wid�tr.ei:
<br /> 'a,-F e+ . ;• .};�.. •
<br /> �..s us!dx��.r� � �QM'� �` " � ($�.'A�)
<br /> -_' --_�'�� Qavid L. Gascho -a��er
<br /> "'`'.'���"r� Social Security Numbcr S08 70 8504
<br /> .:�?a��.�'�� �ct v/� � i� I➢.9 i'� (ScAl)
<br /> •• � Ruth A. Gescho -a��W« -
<br /> -' • '�� ` . Social Security Number 288 58 1316
<br /> ,. 5
<br /> • �"""""� STATE OF NEBRASKA, He 11 County ss:
<br /> .• r.�.- � ..:� .
<br /> On Ihis 4th duy of Mey, 1992 .before me,the undersigned,u Notary Public
<br /> :�:+ --�� •.- � duly cornmissfoned and qualified for suid coun[y.penonully c,une D a v i d L. G a s e h o e n d R u t h A. G e s e h o�
<br /> ,_•.� �-••-• . each in his end her own right, and as spouse of each othez�omeknown�obe�hc
<br /> � �, ' idendcal persons(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the foregoing instrumen► unJ acknowledged ttie execution thereof lo
<br /> •�°� � be the ir voluntnry act und dced.
<br /> '�� , � W itness my hond und naerinl seal ac G r a n d I s 1 a n d, N e b r a s k a in sald cowuy.�1ie
<br /> � date afon�said. �-�3 :�2/� ., � C��.�t,c
<br /> - ��°,.�.. .. My Corn /• �lc__L-
<br /> �., 6EMfAAI IOfAA1'•St�te�MebntM� rawry run�k _
<br /> ,';��ra:i•�t:-�..c. TO TRU �Can�n.Exp Nor.9,1993
<br /> � ,, �• R' ' The un rsigne s te or notes secured by this Deed of'IFust. Said note or nates,together wi�h all
<br /> 1, other indebtedness secured by this Deed of 7�ust,huvc bren paid in full. You ure hereby dirccted to cuncel suid note or notes
<br /> ' •- nnd this Deed of 7iust,which une delivered hereby,und w rccomey, without warrunty,ull thc cswte now hcld by you under
<br /> ' ' � this Deedof 7tust to the penon or persons Iegally entiticJ Ihcreto.
<br /> - s ., � dYte:
<br /> . . ' Form 3828 9/9B rpuxe n��ln�rRes�
<br /> _; ., _
<br /> --
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